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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

In Kerala there are no riots. The people are too lazy to go on a rampage. Hindus and Christians are the laziest. :D Muslims were also the same, only now (very recently) some are becoming an exception. :P
U mean Kerala Hindus/Christian are fast becoming another ''KASHMIRI PANDITS''..???Speaking from own experience??hehehe..
Kerala is a secular state...I still want to believe so.
To my utter consternation today, I see the youth of Kerala getting influenced by religious fanatics.Its a well known fact that terrorists get recruited from Kerala and 're then trained and sent back to fight against our soldiers...which is unfortunate. I read about it in Frederick Forsyth's (ex CIA agent) book even before such news started to appear in the print media.
The issue is that though we have the highest literacy rate in India still we're extremely religious to the point that we 're superstitious and belligerent when it comes to religion.
though I'm still sanguine that a vast majority of keralites 're still secular. And may be the members on PDF (from kerala) prove me right.


Well Like every society We also have Bad Apples in our society...... But as a society we are relatively secular.....There are others

Keralites were mentioned in few incidents related to Terror...... The most important one was few of them getting killed in kashmir....... and you know what???? Mother of a terrorist refused to accept his body just because he fought against this nation..... Yes the munnar camp was one such camp which is still under investigation and few are yet to be caught..... Like any other state we have our own problems..... Now Karnataka is a state which has several years of BJP rule..... But then you cant change the fact that Batkal is a small town in coastal karnataka...... and that town has created two of the worst terrorist ever known in india......

When it comes to kerala the chances of extremism is high (i agree that) to make things worse You have a huge immigrants in middle east, of which none of the agencies have any control...... I have heard lot of stories on fund raising for terror activities in ME....But most of the population here are peace loving and most of them mind their own business....

Now we depend on the media for info regarding violence and extremism....... But we should know that there are several incidents which get unnoticed or pushed under the carpet by agencies...... I have come across serious incidents thru sources, but none of them were given to media......
Jinnah was a proponent of inter-faith marriages. He married a parsi woman.

I believe inter faith marriages can stop the tide of fundamentalism and create harmony and understanding between religions. Inter marriage between people from different faiths creates understanding and there is no reason why one cannot practice their religion under inter faith marriages. The Indians call this love jihad though which is very sad.

Ratanbai became a Muslim and Quaid's reaction to his daughter marrying a Parsi is well recorded in history.

On Topic : As the Koran so eloquently puts it - 'there is no compulsion in religion' so if a Muslim marries a Hindu or a member of another faith; its between him/her and God. Period.

On the other hand whereas I would strongly object to anyone telling another who they should or should not marry (unless so asked) let us not kid ourselves and reinvent things just to fit our world-view; the marriage between a Muslim and a Hindu is against our culture, our traditions and our faith.
But when did I sully religions??
I was talking about men who use religious texts (misinterpretated texts) and holy man's words as god's word's to suppress women folk.

Religion, Culture, Ethnicity, Traditions all have been used to justify whatever that needs to be justified.

I remember reading in the newspaper how a parliamentarian from Baluchistan (a Tribal Chieftain at that) justified Honor Killing by saying that it was a part of their Culture.
On Topic : As the Koran so eloquently puts it - 'there is no compulsion in religion' so if a Muslim marries a Hindu or a member of another faith; its between him/her and God. Period.

That is your interpretation (you might right though) but these fanatics have a different interpretation..... Just go thru this thread you will find some of them suggesting stoning to death.......
That is your interpretation (you might right though) but these fanatics have a different interpretation..... Just go thru this thread you will find some of them suggesting stoning to death.......

Thats only natural people interpret different things....differently. People who have a violent streak in them will use whatever is at their disposal to justify whatever they do the same thing happens in India !
Oye.... Kisi ka beewi ke bare mein aisa bath karna thuje sobha detha hein kya?
The mother of one of the persons in my street was sick.. I went and said, she is not just your mother but she is a mother of entire street - And he felt happy.
Now when this guy is in trouble, I am just saying his wife is not just his wife but wife for entire community.. he will feel happy, no?
Thats only natural people interpret different things....differently. People who have a violent streak in them will use whatever is at their disposal to justify whatever they do the same thing happens in India !

Well the problem is who will decide the right interpretation........
would you ban this piece of @#$%…
@Horus … he is attacking our religion because his fellow indians can't accept this marriage…

hey piece of @#$%… you are the kind of person in ur religion i am talking abt in the thread not everyone
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