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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

They just asked people en masse to revert back to Hinduism.

Not relevant to the topic though is it?

Fact is, Hindus or Hindu organizations just don't give a toss about who a random xyz Hindu gets married to, be it a girl or a guy. Forced, and in some cases underage marriages, yes, that can create some tension.

I am married to a Muslim girl, I don't see a random pandit from a random temple coming up to me and asking me to get my wife converted to Hinduism. But if a Hindu girl was married to a Muslim guy, you d see random mullahs from random Mosques lining up to get the Hindu girl accept Islam and read the Kalma.

When Hindus go to Muslim dargahs to offer chaddar, you won't find Hindus/ organizations complaining about it. But if a Salman Khan decides to do a Ganesh puja, he is declared an apostate, a kafir, at the drop of a hat. "Dr" ZAkir Naiks openly ask Muslims to not wish their Hindu and Christian friends and colleagues on Hindu/Christian festivals, but you won't find any Dr Right Wing Hindu, asking Hindus to not wish their Muslim, friends, colleagues, neighbors.

Hinduism is a much tolerant religion than Islam is, thats a fact.
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In this case we are a total failure,we should acknwoledge it.If this incident was in reverse the liberals would shout with freedom for marriage .And we always complain about Love Jihad.
In this case boy is a hindu ,so noone there to protect him.
If he was a muslim and girl was a hindu she might become a muslim already.But now so called minorities with so called right is now threaten him.
Why blaming Muslims and Liberals??..
This was happened in kasargod,Stronghold of RSS,VHP and Hindu ultra right groups..Where are they??..What are they doing??..Looks like most of them are in front of computers and crying...
The best strategy would be a slice attack.

Disarm the state police dismiss the state govt.

Equip RSS cadres to fight until army reaches.

Cut off the jihadis in the north located at Kannur Kozhikode Manjeshwar from the jihadis in Ponnani-Kozhikode-Mallapuram.

Land a infantry division in Thalaserry

Then proceed for missile strikes on all IUML,NDF,SIMI locations.

Use Navy for coastal bombardment of Kozhikode. RBU-6000 and Brahmos should do the trick.

Use LCT for landing an armour brigade at Kozhikode. Ma$$acre.

Use LCT for landing an armour battalion at Kasaragod and Manjeshwar. Ma$$acre

Use amphibious craft for Ponnani. Heavy casualties possible as its a pure Al-Qaeda zone.

Let ground troops enter from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Paratroop necessary amounts to secure Thiruvant. govt. buildings.

Let troops from TN rally at Thrissur then proceed with necessary armour to Mallapuram.

Same as Hyderabad 1948.
But aren't Sikh's regularly known to prefer Hindu-Sikh marriages? I believe the blue turban also has some significance in this matter although I could be wrong.

The question lies here on whether the Kerala government will get a spine and crack down on those harassing the couple.
Hindu-sikh marriages are very common, as they say "beti-roti" ka rishta. My maami is a sikh, initially there was some opposition in the families but everything worked out fine in the end. Hindu-muslim marriages on the other hand...people start going crazy and all, on both sides.
Not relevant to the topic though is it?

Fact is, Hindus or Hindu organizations just don't give a toss about who a random xyz Hindu gets married to, be it a girl or a guy. Forced, and in some cases underage marriages, yes, that can create some tension.

I am married to a Muslim girl, I don't see a random pandit from a random temple coming up to me and asking me to get my wife converted to Hinduism. But if a Hindu girl was married to a Muslim guy, you d see random mullahs from random Mosques lining up to get the Hindu girl accept Islam and read the Kalma.

When Hindus go to Muslim dargahs to offer chaddar, you won't find Hindus/ organizations complaining about it. But if a Salman Khan decides to do a Ganesh puja, he is declared an apostate, a kafir, at the drop of a hat. "Dr" ZAkir Naiks openly ask Muslims to not wish their Hindu and Christian friends and colleagues on Hindu/Christian festivals, but you won't find any Dr Right Wing Hindu, asking Hindus to not wish their Muslim, friends, colleagues, neighbors.

Hinduism is a much tolerant religion than Islam is, thats a fact.

The first fact is false in terms of organizations.. the second face is debatable with reference to history.
But then, that is not the topic and thank you closing what you dragged in.
The best strategy would be a slice attack.

Disarm the state police dismiss the state govt.

Equip RSS cadres to fight until army reaches.

Cut off the jihadis in the north located at Kannur Kozhikode Manjeshwar from the jihadis in Ponnani-Kozhikode-Mallapuram.

Land a infantry division in Thalaserry

Then proceed for missile strikes on all IUML,NDF,SIMI locations.

Use Navy for coastal bombardment of Kozhikode. RBU-6000 and Brahmos should do the trick.

Use LCT for landing an armour brigade at Kozhikode. Ma$$acre.

Use LCT for landing an armour battalion at Kasaragod and Manjeshwar. Ma$$acre

Use amphibious craft for Ponnani. Heavy casualties possible as its a pure Al-Qaeda zone.

Let ground troops enter from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Paratroop necessary amounts to secure Thiruvant. govt. buildings.

Let troops from TN rally at Thrissur then proceed with necessary armour to Mallapuram.

Same as Hyderabad 1948.

But why? all things considered Kerala is much more uniform in its "Keralaness".. or so i thought.
States where migration was high would have raised greater eyebrows in my view.

First of all, Keralites, whether you are Hindu, Muslim,or Christians speak Malayalam the uniformity sort of stops there.

The Muslims in Kerala are getting more conservative. I witnessed this change before my family left Kerala.

Before this, a Christian professor had his hand chopped of by Islamists for including a reference to prophet Muhammad in an exam paper.

This keralaness especially among conservative Muslims is getting replaced by a strand of Islam more akin to the Middle East. As millions of Muslim Men go to the Middle East for jobs, a number of them return thinking the Islam they saw in Saudi Arabia is the right Islam.

And to be blunt, The Hindus and Christians are a bit more liberal than their Muslim counterparts in kerala. You also have to keep in mind Kerala is a conservative society overall.

The Kerala Christians are an example. They are educated, they are entrepreneurial and well integrated into Kerala society. A marriage between a Hindu and Muslim will not produce as polarising reactions I suspect.

To be blunt, The Congress government, which relies on a large number of Christian (19% of kerala) and Muslim (24%of Kerala) vote to get into power.

The other party Communists, mainly targets the poor and the lower caste Hindus.

@Oscar I have been out of the loop for eight years. I was a teenager when I noticed a change but reident keralites like @seiko @nair will help.

@acetophenol would also be in the know.
The best strategy would be a slice attack.

Disarm the state police dismiss the state govt.

Equip RSS cadres to fight until army reaches.

Cut off the jihadis in the north located at Kannur Kozhikode Manjeshwar from the jihadis in Ponnani-Kozhikode-Mallapuram.

Land a infantry division in Thalaserry

Then proceed for missile strikes on all IUML,NDF,SIMI locations.

Use Navy for coastal bombardment of Kozhikode. RBU-6000 and Brahmos should do the trick.

Use LCT for landing an armour brigade at Kozhikode. Ma$$acre.

Use LCT for landing an armour battalion at Kasaragod and Manjeshwar. Ma$$acre

Use amphibious craft for Ponnani. Heavy casualties possible as its a pure Al-Qaeda zone.

Let ground troops enter from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Paratroop necessary amounts to secure Thiruvant. govt. buildings.

Let troops from TN rally at Thrissur then proceed with necessary armour to Mallapuram.

Same as Hyderabad 1948.
First of all, Keralites, whether you are Hindu, Muslim,or Chrisitians speak malayalam the uniformity stops there.

The Muslims in Kerala are getting more conservative. I witnessed this change before my family left kerala.

Before this, a Christian professor had his hand chopped of by Islamists for including a reference to prophet Muhammad in an exam paper.

This keralaness especially among conservative muslims is getting replaced by a strand of Islam more akin to the Middle East. As millions of Muslim Men go to the Middle East for jobs, a number of them return thinking the Islam they saw in Saudi Arabia is the right Islam.

And to be blunt, The Hindus and Christians are a bit more liberal than their Muslim counterparts in kerala.

The Kerala Chrisitians are an example. They are educated, they are entrepenurial and well integrated into kerala society. A marriage between a Hindu and Muslim will not produce as polarising reactions I suspect.

To be blunt, The Congress government, which relies on a large number of Christian (19% of kerala) and Muslim (24%of Kerala) vote to get into power.

The other party Communists, mainly targets the poor and the lower caste Hindus.

@Oscar I have been out of the loop for eight years. I was a teenager when I noticed a change but reident keralites like @seiko @nair will help.

Then its time to declare emergency in Kerala. The brand of Islam around is the same that leads to organizations like IS. Unless serious measures are undertaken, issues like interfaith marriage will be the least of issues. Immediate supervsion of what is being taught in religious schools, along with the scrutiny of Imams is the call of the hour. Strict internet censorship of anything that pertains to IS or Jihad as well.
Not relevant to the topic though is it?

Fact is, Hindus or Hindu organizations just don't give a toss about who a random xyz Hindu gets married to, be it a girl or a guy. Forced, and in some cases underage marriages, yes, that can create some tension.

I am married to a Muslim girl, I don't see a random pandit from a random temple coming up to me and asking me to get my wife converted to Hinduism. But if a Hindu girl was married to a Muslim guy, you d see random mullahs from random Mosques lining up to get the Hindu girl accept Islam and read the Kalma.

When Hindus go to Muslim dargahs to offer chaddar, you won't find Hindus/ organizations complaining about it. But if a Salman Khan decides to do a Ganesh puja, he is declared an apostate, a kafir, at the drop of a hat. "Dr" ZAkir Naiks openly ask Muslims to not wish their Hindu and Christian friends and colleagues on Hindu/Christian festivals, but you won't find any Dr Right Wing Hindu, asking Hindus to not wish their Muslim, friends, colleagues, neighbors.

Hinduism is a much tolerant religion than Islam is, thats a fact.


Forgive me, for I did not know you were such a boss :(
Not relevant to the topic though is it?

Fact is, Hindus or Hindu organizations just don't give a toss about who a random xyz Hindu gets married to, be it a girl or a guy. Forced, and in some cases underage marriages, yes, that can create some tension.

I am married to a Muslim girl, I don't see a random pandit from a random temple coming up to me and asking me to get my wife converted to Hinduism. But if a Hindu girl was married to a Muslim guy, you d see random mullahs from random Mosques lining up to get the Hindu girl accept Islam and read the Kalma.

When Hindus go to Muslim dargahs to offer chaddar, you won't find Hindus/ organizations complaining about it. But if a Salman Khan decides to do a Ganesh puja, he is declared an apostate, a kafir, at the drop of a hat. "Dr" ZAkir Naiks openly ask Muslims to not wish their Hindu and Christian friends and colleagues on Hindu/Christian festivals, but you won't find any Dr Right Wing Hindu, asking Hindus to not wish their Muslim, friends, colleagues, neighbors.

Hinduism is a much tolerant religion than Islam is, thats a fact.

Off Topic: You have to be tolerant bcoz we ruled you for 1000 Years :D

On Topic:
Ajitha, an activist, who is married to a man from a different religion, said the atmosphere in Kerala is "becoming vicious, polarized and the space for secular and democratic values is decreasing by the day".
the above line sums up the current state of kerela
Little difference between Iraq and the mentioned parts of Kerala.

Will you dismiss the threat of an ISIS 10x bigger than the Iraq ISIS?

No, but I would dismiss a military operation that has little need or significance for when the issue can be resolved through strict social intervention. Keralite Muslims can be taught to ignore such extremist ideals via dialogue and controlled preaching.

You dont need to bomb the hell out of them and start a civil war throughout India just because you have a beef to grind with a Keralite.
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