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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

I wouldn't go that far. If girl was hindu and guy was muslim, people like black widow would be swearing up and down that it was love jihad. The problem is, we look at our sisters and daughters as property or at best, an extension of ourselves. That's why we are so sensitive when they marry someone from outside our religion. When my brother married a Christian girl, nobody freaked out but when my cousin married a muslim boy, my grandma refused to set foot in her or my uncle's house.

oh thank lord there is someone remotely sane here.
Still they are so danger??? The couple is unable to move out of their house.

Provide CRPF protection to the couple

When the jihadists attack and CRPF jawan is injured/killed impose AFSPA in Kerala, dismiss the Muslim League govt and send the tanks rolling in. Reduce Mallapuram Kasargod Ponnani Kozhikode muslim areas to ashes
I'm pretty sure that neither of them will be beheaded or stoned to death, which is what sharia mandates.

Thank god for small mercies. As long as she doe not step out of her house she is safe. If she attends college in a Muslim majority area then no one can vouch for her safety. Hence her not attending school.
And exactly how did you determine that those that are not Hanafi are better than those that are?

Don't know what hanafi means. But I have been born and brought up in Malappurram, the muslim majority district and lived in kozhikode later.

I can attest that the increasing money through remittances from the Middle East has also brought in more militant attitudes. Especially towards the late 90's and 2000's was the major start to it. Then you have the reactionaries on the Hindu side or sometimes the Christian side of it.

Seiko did bring up this story before. And the facebook comments are hilarious and terrifying. Both the Hindu and Muslim extremists have somehow joined together in vitriol.

Now, I might be wrong on this one, but the attitude that I got from both the sides spewing hatred is that they viewed women as having no agency to themselves.
We know the condition in our state is not that good.But dont brag too much about NI in here.Till now noone beat him up because this intercaste marriage.
Should I want to count the number of riots happened in NI because of petty issues?

LOL. Then why are they given police protection ?

Why are they begging the CM for protection ? Why is she not attending college ? :lol:

Should I remind you that statistics show Kerala has the largest number of riots ? its been debated here before.
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I am afraid there are no such quotes :lol:

As for Buddha's quote .... they are not Buddhist, they are Muslims. They go by Muhammed's quotes. And he says Stone em to death.
Dunno about Buddhism. Islamic edict is clear.
2 reasons. First, she's no longer with us. Second, she visited me here a couple of times. First one was when I was living in sin with my girl friend and seemed perfectly fine with it.:-)

btw congrats on being sane in this issue btw. I haven't seen you around, but you have earned a friend today.
Dunno about Buddhism. Islamic edict is clear.

Yes. Are you self-aware at all. I mean, i see you here commenting on Hindu intolerance and correct me if I am wrong, you just said it is O.K. to kill two Human Beings because of it.

I hope you know what this means.
I can attest that the increasing money through remittances from the Middle East has also brought in more militant attitudes.
Remove me from that list.

But yeah its true that muslims of kerala became more conservative as more and more ppl started to hunt jobs in ME.
Kerala as a state only recognises Islam. Christianity on paper and Hinduism/other dharmic religions as illegal.

Has a puppet christian chief minister who is remote controlled by the ISIS jihadis who rule from Mallapuram which is Kerala's actual capital and a prime target for our armed forces in the future.
There is no such thing as secularism and different religions can never co exist in harmony especially when the faiths in question have completely conflicting ideals.
Don't know what hanafi means. But I have been born and brought up in Malappurram, the muslim majority district and lived in kozhikode later.

I can attest that the increasing money through remittances from the Middle East has also brought in more militant attitudes. Especially towards the late 90's and 2000's was the major start to it. Then you have the reactionaries on the Hindu side or sometimes the Christian side of it.

Seiko did bring up this story before. And the facebook comments are hilarious and terrifying. Both the Hindu and Muslim extremists have somehow joined together in vitriol.

Now, I might be wrong on this one, but the attitude that I got from both the sides spewing hatred is that they viewed women as having no agency to themselves.

That I cannot disagree with. There are individuals both within and out of government in the Middle East who activlty promote extremism and their vision of Pan-Islamism all throughout the world. However, their interpretation has little to do with the Hanafi interpretation as the poster so spuriously comments on. If anything, most of the middle eastern terror groups identify themselves as Hanbali.. The IS for e.g. identifies itself with the Hanbali interpretation. That being said the interpretations or school of thoughts have little to do with the terrorist ideologies. Just that certain interpretations have had more radicals taking ideas which gives that impression that one school of thought is more "militant" than the other.

On the topic, there are two points to remember.

1. From a strict Sharia interpretation, the woman is NOT an apostate until or unless the Husband continues to remain a non-Muslim. Till then she is FREE to marry the man provided he too is brought to Islam..i.e. he agrees to convert and become a Muslim man. The why's of it are not up for discussion but as it is a clear cut edict, that is the case.
Marriage is NOT a human issue but a spiritual matter in Islam and that is how it is. Attempts to critique the religion will be met with harsh punishment from me.. attempts to critique the actions of Muslims will not.

2. The above being stated, that matter has NOTHING to do with her being judged by her peers and that too in the absence of a Islamic state. Till that is so, she is BOUND to follow the law of the current state she lives in and those around her are BOUND to do the same. By open historical examples in early Muslim history, the judgement in this case lies strictly with the Indian government and to whatever laws it sees fit. Moreover, if the couple is prosecuted there is no religious support for the prosecutors as they are essentially overruling the greater compulsion of living under the laws of the state they reside in. If the Muslims of the area are not happy with it, they may leave India.. but they have no right to pass judgement unless the state government authorizes them to do so.
Remove me from that list.

But yeah its true that muslims of kerala became more conservative as more and more ppl started to hunt jobs in ME.

yep. There were instances of Muslim women getting harassed and beaten up because they did not dress conservatively. This happened in kasargod and Malappurram.

The issue of love jihad was brought up. There were many writers from the liberal intelligentsia and from Muslim community who defended the secular fabric of society.

What Joeblow said is right. If the genders were reversed, the Islamist would have no problem provided she converted. Hindu hardliners would have no problem if she converted to Hinduism.

What is clear is regardless of whether you are a Hindu or Muslim the maount of choice you get as a woman in terms of choosing your life partner.

For the Islamists, and the Hindutvawaadis, the womenfolk have become an extension of their egos.

btw, I am not a feminist, and Joe articulated it nicely.
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