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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

yep. There were instances of Muslim women getting harassed and beaten up because they did not dress conservatively. This happened in kasargod and Malappurram.

The issue of love jihad was brought up. There were many writers from the liberal intelligentsia and from Muslim community who defended the secular fabric of society.

What Joeblow said is right. If the genders were reversed, the Islamist would have no problem provided she converted. Hindu hardliners would have no problem if she converted to Hinduism.

What is clear is regardless of whether you are a Hindu or Muslim the maount of choice you get as a woman in terms of choosing your life partner.

For the Islamists, and the Hindutvawaadis, the womenfolk have become an extension of their egos.

btw, I am not a feminist, and Joe articulated it nicely.

That I think is pure BS. "Hindu extremists", if there is such a thing, couldn't care less about whether she converts or not. Give me one example, where a Hindu right wing organization has forced/coerced the non Hindu spouse to convert to Hinduism.
yep. There were instances of Muslim women getting harassed and beaten up because they did not dress conservatively. This happened in kasargod and Malappurram.

The issue of love jihad was brought up. There were many writers from the liberal intelligentsia and from Muslim community who defended the secular fabric of society.

What Joeblow said is right. If the genders were reversed, the Islamist would have no problem provided she converted. Hindu hardliners would have no problem if she converted to Hinduism.

What is clear is regardless of whether you are a Hindu or Muslim the maount of choice you get as a woman in terms of choosing your life partner.

For the Islamists, and the Hindutvawaadis, the womenfolk have become an extension of their egos.

btw, I am not a feminist, and Joe articulated it nicely.
may be it happens in Kerala but generalizing that to entire India is wrong.
That I cannot disagree with. There are individuals both within and out of government in the Middle East who activlty promote extremism and their vision of Pan-Islamism all throughout the world. However, their interpretation has little to do with the Hanafi interpretation as the poster so spuriously comments on. If anything, most of the middle eastern terror groups identify themselves as Hanbali.. The IS for e.g. identifies itself with the Hanbali interpretation. That being said the interpretations or school of thoughts have little to do with the terrorist ideologies. Just that certain interpretations have had more radicals taking ideas which gives that impression that one school of thought is more "militant" than the other.

On the topic, there are two points to remember.

1. From a strict Sharia interpretation, the woman is NOT an apostate until or unless the Husband continues to remain a non-Muslim. Till then she is FREE to marry the man provided he too is brought to Islam..i.e. he agrees to convert and become a Muslim man. The why's of it are not up for discussion but as it is a clear cut edict, that is the case.
Marriage is NOT a human issue but a spiritual matter in Islam and that is how it is. Attempts to critique the religion will be met with harsh punishment from me.. attempts to critique the actions of Muslims will not.

2. The above being stated, that matter has NOTHING to do with her being judged by her peers and that too in the absence of a Islamic state. Till that is so, she is BOUND to follow the law of the current state she lives in and those around her are BOUND to do the same. By open historical examples in early Muslim history, the judgement in this case lies strictly with the Indian government and to whatever laws it sees fit. Moreover, if the couple is prosecuted there is no religious support for the prosecutors as they are essentially overruling the greater compulsion of living under the laws of the state they reside in. If the Muslims of the area are not happy with it, they may leave India.. but they have no right to pass judgement unless the state government authorizes them to do so.

Your clarity is much appreciated.
And this is the same reason for the growth of radical Hindu organistation in our state.If they show anaggressive attittude
no one can blame them.

punjab have faie share of radical organisations...............but no one cares about inter-faith marriages..............hindu - sikh marriages are very common.............even my cousin sister is married in a Pandit family .........she is happy thats all is needed..............it doesnot matter in punjab...........families actually arrange it ....spouse should be good ....who the hell cares about how he worship the god
That I think is pure BS. "Hindu extremists", if there is such a thing, couldn't care less about whether she converts or not. Give me one example, where a Hindu right wing organization has forced/coerced the non Hindu spouse to convert to Hinduism.

They just asked people en masse to revert back to Hinduism.
What Joeblow said is right. If the genders were reversed, the Islamist would have no problem provided she converted. Hindu hardliners would have no problem if she converted to Hinduism.

Why would Hindu's have a problem if she converted to Hinduism ? That does not even make any sense. LOL.

However Islamist will most certainly have a problem and she would continue to get death threats since the sharia is pretty clear about what to do with people who leave islam .. nothing pleasant. :coffee:
may be it happens in Kerala but generalizing that to entire India is wrong.

so what happened with the whole love jihad saga in Uttar Pradesh. There were allegations of some local groups paying off the father to state his daughter has been entrapped.

And another where a Woman alleged she was gang raped in a Madrassa and forced to convert to Islam.

Or Praveen Togadia agitating a crowd to kick out a Muslim who bought a house and encouraged his followers to harass them to the point of leaving.
Why would Hindu's have a problem if she converted to Hinduism ? That does not even make any sense. LOL.

However Islamist will most certainly have a problem and she would continue to get death threats since the sharia is pretty clear about what to do with people who leave islam .. nothing pleasant. :coffee:

Hindus would have had a problem if this girl was Hindu and the boy Muslim.
Then you would have "love Jihad" cries.
Why would Hindu's have a problem if she converted to Hinduism ? That does not even make any sense. LOL.

However Islamist will most certainly have a problem and she would continue to get death threats since the sharia is pretty clear about what to do with people who leave islam .. nothing pleasant. :coffee:

Look, I am not supporting this. The people harassing her has broken the law anyway. Now, if the CM of Kerala has any spine, whch I doubt, he would investigate and take actions according to the relevant criminal law.
punjab have faie share of radical organisations...............but no one cares about inter-faith marriages..............hindu - sikh marriages are very common.............even my cousin sister is married in a Pandit family .........she is happy thats all is needed..............it doesnot matter in punjab...........families actually arrange it ....spouse should be good ....who the hell cares about how he worship the god

But aren't Sikh's regularly known to prefer Hindu-Sikh marriages? I believe the blue turban also has some significance in this matter although I could be wrong.

The question lies here on whether the Kerala government will get a spine and crack down on those harassing the couple.
Hindus would have had a problem if this girl was Hindu and the boy Muslim.
Then you would have "love Jihad" cries.

what are you talking about mate. Only happens in Kerala. Other Indian states are beacons of tolerance.

Did you say lynchings of Dalits and gangrape of Dalit women? Kerala is the absolute worst of the worst.
what are you talking about mate. Only happens in Kerala. Other Indian states are beacons of tolerance.

Did you say lynchings of Dalits and gangrape of Dalit women? Kerala is the absolute worst of the worst.

But why? all things considered Kerala is much more uniform in its "Keralaness".. or so i thought.
States where migration was high would have raised greater eyebrows in my view.
what are you talking about mate. Only happens in Kerala. Other Indian states are beacons of tolerance.

Did you say lynchings of Dalits and gangrape of Dalit women? Kerala is the absolute worst of the worst.

You mean to tell me those women were Raped becuase they were Dalits ? :coffee:

How quaint .............. clearly you are "secular".
But aren't Sikh's regularly known to prefer Hindu-Sikh marriages? I believe the blue turban also has some significance in this matter although I could be wrong.

The question lies here on whether the Kerala government will get a spine and crack down on those harassing the couple.

The congress government. Which rules Kerala at the moment, is allied with the Muslim League, which draws a majority of it's support from Malappurram and Kozhikode districts.

Won't see any movement there I think.
so what happened with the whole love jihad saga in Uttar Pradesh. There were allegations of some local groups paying off the father to state his daughter has been entrapped.And another where a Woman alleged she was gang raped in a Madrassa and forced to convert to Islam.
They were against inter-religious marriage, it's rare in these areas, woman or man it really doesn't matter.

Or Praveen Togadia agitating a crowd to kick out a Muslim who bought a house and encouraged his followers to harass them to the point of leaving.
you are selectively focusing on a person who is mostly irrelevant. There are many jihadi organizations running in India who wants to make India a part of Islamic Ummah.
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