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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

Then its time to declare emergency in Kerala. The brand of Islam around is the same that leads to organizations like IS. Unless serious measures are undertaken, issues like interfaith marriage will be the least of issues. Immediate supervsion of what is being taught in religious schools, along with the scrutiny of Imams is the call of the hour. Strict internet censorship of anything that pertains to IS or Jihad as well.

It is actually a Miracle how kerala functions.

You also have Communists and RSS people killing each other over political disputes and this.

The double edged sword is this. 20% of Kerala's economy is from remittances. Why? well the Communists were good for literacy and other physical quality of life, they drove businesses away.

So you have a massive Keralite Muslim migrant worker population in Middle East (there are also Hindus) And a massive number of Christian Keralites in the U.S. of A along with Hindus :P

The Muslims bring in a lot of dough, they also bring with them this.

And you have the RSS in response to this, and then you have the communists and the RSS feuding with each other for two decades.
But aren't Sikh's regularly known to prefer Hindu-Sikh marriages? I believe the blue turban also has some significance in this matter although I could be wrong.

The question lies here on whether the Kerala government will get a spine and crack down on those harassing the couple.

Dark Blue and Kesari are religious colour of Sikhism ......it doesnot have to do anything with inter-faith marriages.
funny thing .....both radical hindu and sikh organisations in punjab , keep quiet on Hindu-sikh marriages ...............even when they are out for blood for each other............reason might be that every other family has some one maaried in diffrent faith...........even parents dont object , if the bride or bride groom is from good family and educated ...........religion is kept aside in those cases.
No, but I would dismiss a military operation that has little need or significance for when the issue can be resolved through strict social intervention. Keralite Muslims can be taught to ignore such extremist ideals via dialogue and controlled preaching.

You dont need to bomb the hell out of them and start a civil war throughout India just because you have a beef to grind with a Keralite.

strict social intervention

via dialogue and controlled preaching.

Are you serious?

This is Kerala. The nerve centre of terrorism in India. Muslims from Kerala form a large number of combatants in J&K.

If a headcount of Daesh/IS is possible you will find thousands of Malyali speaking muslims in the ranks. No prizes for guessing where they were given weapons training.

Mosques and Seminaries in Kerala will give HS a run for his money.
Don't know what hanafi means. But I have been born and brought up in Malappurram, the muslim majority district and lived in kozhikode later.

I can attest that the increasing money through remittances from the Middle East has also brought in more militant attitudes. Especially towards the late 90's and 2000's was the major start to it. Then you have the reactionaries on the Hindu side or sometimes the Christian side of it.

Seiko did bring up this story before. And the facebook comments are hilarious and terrifying. Both the Hindu and Muslim extremists have somehow joined together in vitriol.

Now, I might be wrong on this one, but the attitude that I got from both the sides spewing hatred is that they viewed women as having no agency to themselves.
No Hindu right winger opposes women getting married to non Hindus. Only if ANY woman marries someone of ANY faith and THEN comes to know that he FAKED it, does the question of fraud or as the media terms it 'Love Jihad' arise. Then also provided the women themselves lodge a complaint in the police station...as happened in a few cases.

Secondly the hate itself varies from one community to another. Hell, it varies with time and space :D

@Oscar - I have been to Kerala 3 times. I had seen schools everywhere. And I mean good Government sanctioned schools, not religious seminaries etc. I have seen kids, coolies and even rag pickers are literate(Kerala is now for all practical purposes entirely ie 100% literate). Even then Kerala stands at the forefront of ISIS wannabes.
There is a silver lining - not sure if you would say the same, but a couple of kids went to Syria and then decided to come back, apparently disillusioned. Keralites can recollect it better than me, I stopped following it. :(

@Ravi Nair - Also let's be honest. Money does not come alone. It comes with strings attached. Always. The mind of the person should be strong enough to filter things. :)
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Why will the Kerala govt crack down on themselves?

Who slaps themselves in the face in front of everyone?

Who shots themselves in the face in front of everyone?

Only people who have lost hope in life. These jihadis who control the Kerala state govt. are quite the opposite.

The Caliphate must be stopped to prevent the balkanisation of South India
Are you serious?

This is Kerala. The nerve centre of terrorism in India. Muslims from Kerala form a large number of combatants in J&K.

If a headcount of Daesh/IS is possible you will find thousands of Malyali speaking muslims in the ranks. No prizes for guessing where they were given weapons training.

Mosques and Seminaries in Kerala will give HS a run for his money.
But according to everyother indian here .. They are Pakistanis??????:what:
Why will the Kerala govt crack down on themselves?

Who slaps themselves in the face in front of everyone?

Who shots themselves in the face in front of everyone?

Only people who have lost hope in life. These jihadis who control the Kerala state govt. are quite the opposite.

The Caliphate must be stopped to prevent the balkanisation of South India

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
But according to everyother indian here .. They are Pakistanis??????:what:

have you considered that this poster is quite out of his mind?

You know, there have been 20 or so Indian Muslims who have joined IS. A number of them where from Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra etc.

But, the cause for concern is Muslim vigilantes who attacked the Hindu guy and Muslim girl for getting married, the intolerance and whether Kerala government has the spine to deal with these law breakers. That is the issue at hand.
I wouldn't go that far. If girl was hindu and guy was muslim, people like black widow would be swearing up and down that it was love jihad. The problem is, we look at our sisters and daughters as property or at best, an extension of ourselves. That's why we are so sensitive when they marry someone from outside our religion. When my brother married a Christian girl, nobody freaked out but when my cousin married a muslim boy, my grandma refused to set foot in her or my uncle's house.
My my my. Are you aware of the statistics? Go and ask any marriage registrar and you will know that interfaith marriage is rare but happens. And in a vast majority of the cases nothing happens. Every relation is based on faith in each other(not religion), mutual trust and respect. The problem arises ONLY if a person marries pretending to be someone else. Your attempt to give it a religious color was entirely unnecessary.

Trust me, if for every interfaith marriage we start shouting Love Jihad, there would be no more marriages. There are 10million RSS in India alone. So no, I must bust your bubble here.

Secondly, many Muslim girls are unable to marry the man of their choice because they belong to the most disadvantaged part of the society. Whether you accept it or not is immaterial. The Govt reports claim the same.

Finally, don't impose your Grandma's attitude on ALL of us. Please don't. Thank you.
have you considered that this poster is quite out of his mind?

You know, there have been 20 or so Indian Muslims who have joined IS. A number of them where from Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra etc.

But, the cause for concern is Muslim vigilantes who attacked the Hindu guy and Muslim girl for getting married, the intolerance and whether Kerala government has the spine to deal with these law breakers. That is the issue at hand.
If a muslim marries a hindu woman .. He gets worst treatment and the free tag of being a love jihadi .. With hindu radical groups even distributing "love jihad" awareness pamphlets.. Short movies.. The media highlighting and using it with third class labels .. And indians on PDF going cuckooooo over it and now this..:lol:
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