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In Islamabad: “You can’t eat here because you are Pakistani”

renting houses in Islamabad were for foreigners and multinational companies only. Swedish villas in Lahore are only rented to foreigners. They refuse Pakistani people. The International club in Lahore and Sindh Club in Karachi do not accept Pakistani people, even as a guest. If I go to the Diplomatic Enclave, all I’ll have to do is show my passport. Whereas you will have to get a ticket, pay the fees and go by bus. The guest house right close to mine is reserved for Chinese people.

If this is true.. it's nothing but apartheid all over again. Ofcourse I'm not surprised that these kinda news doesn't make any headlines in Pakistan. Afterall this doesn't effect a common Pakistani.. 'cause he can't afford these kinda luxury. & it won't effect elites, 'cause they have access to anything & everything in Pakistan. & the real victims are affluent urban middles class. btw.. who cares about them? they are not a major chunk when it comes to vote bank politics.
Its the other way around in India. You insult a religion .. at the most we'll take you to court where you'll pay a small lil fine .... maybe ..
You insult Indians in India with poster like that and we are going to burn your fucking house down and crucify you.

They should say that they serve non-Halal food to Pakistanis.
Don't just kick them out...
Actually they have been allowed to ban Pakistanis even if they are Christians Pakistanis by our goverment. This shit will not fly in any civilized country, i mean western country.

They should say that they serve non-Halal food to Pakistanis.
Don't just kick them out...

The one who wrote article is Christian and they are allowed to eat pork. A part from pork everything in halal anyway, i doubt they dont offer anything else there.
They should say that they serve non-Halal food to Pakistanis.
Don't just kick them out...

They chap who got rejected was a Christian, last i recall they don't have a problem with Pork meat or wine. This is already causing a stink in Islamabad political circles, watch this space.
Well to be honest - Indians are also retarded..the latest protest by Indians against US is a proof of that..(ignoring the retarded protests that Indians and their government stage against Pakistan now and then..)
It's totally wrong but if you see the mentality of our people, first they will go there and than they will start protests on non-halal foods and start demanding govt. to close the restaurant. So, i am not sure they are 100% on fault. :undecided:
Even I was pi$sed off reading the blog. But the owner justified himself well in the Der Spiegel translation. There are enough people who will charge the owner of conspiring to deIslamize Pakistan and 'spoil' young Pakistanis.
They chap who got rejected was a Christian, last i recall they don't have a problem with Pork meat or wine. This is already causing a stink in Islamabad political circles, watch this space.
I believe Pakistani passport mentions religion on it? So the best solution for the owner is to allow access to non-Pakistanis + Pakistani non-Muslims. Right?
I believe Pakistani passport mentions religion on it? So the best solution for the owner is to allow access to non-Pakistanis + Pakistani non-Muslims. Right?

Or close the restaurant altogether. Sorry but i don't really agree with this type of establishment, either make it open to public or close it down or relocate it to Diplomatic Enclave. Pakistanis not allowed on Pakistani soil, WTF moment right now!
Yeah we should learn from Indians, there is shop at corner of every street selling Sri, Paay and Kbabas of cow's meet in India.
Actually mate, beef is sold in India in Muslim neighborhoods. Even pork is sold in India, I once had wild boar it was being sold by villagers.
Or close the restaurant altogether. Sorry but i don't really agree with this type of establishment, either make it open to public or close it down or relocate it to Diplomatic Enclave. Pakistanis not allowed on Pakistani soil, WTF moment right now!
Is it only because they used to serve non-halal food? And by that, was it a reference to Pork? Is pork offered in any Restaurant in Pakistan?
You guys dont get it do you? What if I opened a restaurant in say India and said Indians without dual nationalities cant dine sorry coz I am selling beef? Make sense?
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