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In Case of India-China War, Outcome Will be Decided Within Hours: Pravin Sawhney

the outcome surely doesn't mean the end of the war, but the tilt of the battle, which will be decided base on the cyber, EW, structure, logistics, training, quantity, quality of both armies...etc.
Exactly. Pravin has been consistently pointing towards Chinese speed to deploy soldiers and assets where needed vis a vis India. His article actually presents the same argument that if a war ensues between China and India, both sides will try to hit most painful areas of their adversary so that it can be brought to negotiation table without triggering a nuclear war. He presents a theory based on his knowledge, everyone else can agree, amend or reject his theory based on their knowledge.
I can only say that this world has far exceeded your imagination.
Frankly, the level of fighting in the Conflict between India and Pakistan did not match that of the War between the Soviet Union and Germany in WW2. Of course, weapons today are far more advanced than they were during World War II. But the level of training of the army, the level of education of the commanders, and the organizational and logistical ability of the army as a whole are far inferior.

Chinese military enthusiasts have done military simulations with the US. Just two army brigades fighting each other, without any air support, long-range fire, tactical missiles. Within 2 hours, both sides suffered more than 40% casualties and were incapacitated. Nearly half of the armored vehicles were destroyed, and 70% of the artillery was destroyed.

A modern level of war doesn't take much time. Imagine how quickly the entire war would move if you added air force, long-range artillery, and missile units to the fray.
you are the putting the cart before the horse trying to portray Chinese Power . nobody would disagree that Chinese Military is superior to Indian Military both in terms of quality and quantity, but for you to assume that it will roll over the Indian military easily is just hilarious ..

when was the last time that China fought areal war? if technology was the only thing than tabilan or Hezbollah or Hamas should not have existed in this world. These entities are so inferior to their foes that, on any simulation, these forces should be eliminated in seconds ..

Here you are talking about an enemy with significant firepower and every mean to hit you hard at your heartland..

if simulation could indicate the outcome, than Taliban or Hezbollah should never bother to fight ..

we will all witness Chinese Galactic power when you mount invasion of Taiwan or try to get back Arunachal Pradesh...

all the other hypothesis and simulations don't worth more than the 1980's snake games ..
I did not say India or China will win, but outcome within hours of war is his yet another idiotic musing. There will never be war with china apart from small scale skirmishes.
First, don't underestimate the stupidity of politicians. A lot of politicians are total gamblers and you know how scary these people are.

Second, I think he was talking about the decisive moment, not the end of the whole war. Just as there is garbage time in games, there is garbage time in wars.

I have watched many videos of him. He is a patriot of India. Much of his advice was right. Indians really should move on from Nehru's mistakes. Now India is dancing on the edge of a cliff.
you are the putting the cart before the horse trying to portray Chinese Power . nobody would disagree that Chinese Military is superior to Indian Military both in terms of quality and quantity, but for you to assume that it will roll over the Indian military easily is just hilarious ..

when was the last time that China fought areal war? if technology was the only thing than tabilan or Hezbollah or Hamas should not have existed in this world. These entities are so inferior to their foes that, on any simulation, these forces should be eliminated in seconds ..

Here you are talking about an enemy with significant firepower and every mean to hit you hard at your heartland..

if simulation could indicate the outcome, than Taliban or Hezbollah should never bother to fight ..

we will all witness Chinese Galactic power when you mount invasion of Taiwan or try to get back Arunachal Pradesh...

all the other hypothesis and simulations don't worth more than the 1980's snake games ..
If Indian army give up military status and become terrorists, you are right, it will be difficult for China to clear them. If the Indian army abandons the Indians and hides in the mountains, you are also right. But I don't think it is the role of the Indian army.

If you expect the PLA to take over India and rule indians. Don't worry, we don't. Leading 1.4 billion Chinese people to wealth is already difficult. We don't want to make it doubly difficult.

We just need to undermine the prestige of The Indian army and force Indian politicians to give up using military friction for political gain. Like destroying 50% of IAF assets in 24 hours .
If Indian army give up military status and become terrorists, you are right, it will be difficult for China to clear them. If the Indian army abandons the Indians and hides in the mountains, you are also right. But I don't think it is the role of the Indian army.

If you expect the PLA to take over India and rule indians. Don't worry, we don't. Leading 1.4 billion Chinese people to wealth is already difficult. We don't want to make it doubly difficult.

We just need to undermine the prestige of The Indian army and force Indian politicians to give up using military friction for political gain. Like destroying 50% of IAF assets in 24 hours .
If the PLA is the Galactic Empire Army from the Star wars, then yes, Indian Army will capitulate in 12 hours.. for anything else, I will advice PLA to keep winning simulation games and keep the bots happy..
Whatever Pravin Sawhney is doing, goes in the dustbin in India. He gets some money for his work, which he uses to buy colorful shirts, travel Thailand and SPAs in India. Let him have a good time. Old man is very colorful.

China is an authoritarian regime unlike India. If it could do something, it would have done. But it cannot do shit more than what it has already done. Using Pakistan is now passe and now we are face to face with them. In time , China will get the wisdom ultimately...it will put a country under the bus and will have peace with India. The country that will go under the bus ...let it be the best cheerleader bitch in the interim.
Exactly. Pravin has been consistently pointing towards Chinese speed to deploy soldiers and assets where needed vis a vis India. His article actually presents the same argument that if a war ensues between China and India, both sides will try to hit most painful areas of their adversary so that it can be brought to negotiation table without triggering a nuclear war. He presents a theory based on his knowledge, everyone else can agree, amend or reject his theory based on their knowledge.
The likelihood of a war between pla and ia is very minimal tbh,at least not from ourside, unless they are looking for one.

the reason is pretty obvious as we don't see them as our life and death threat, we knew, they knew, Yankees knew, let's see how much and how far India is willing to risk for Yankees.
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It is like saying India claims all of Kashmir but whenever Indian jets enter AJK they get shot down. India has claim on Aksai Chin but doesn't dare to send planes there either.

There is a difference though. India does not warn planes flying in those areas. No empty threats ...which is so funny.
Because India knows who controls what and wouldn't be able to enter herself... This is where it gets even funnier.

And China does not know that they are only farting when they call out ...Go Away Go Away it is Chinese territory...and still no body goes.

Tomorrow if India does it for planes flying in areas controlled by Pakistan and China...you will laugh away to glory....but when New Abbu does something, you guys get massive crush.

Vapnope, you are a cool and sensible guy. Your post is very measured in response. I love the banter with you guys and so please do not mind too much on what I type here. In real life, if you drink, and if we meet , drink will be on me.
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