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In Case of India-China War, Outcome Will be Decided Within Hours: Pravin Sawhney

let me put some prospective on certain points on both the author and what he said. Would request all members to respond with logic and reason, and no trolling or abuse -

1. Pravin Sawhney was a mid rank Indian army officer with 13 years of service history before he was court marshaled in 1991 for disciplinary issues. since then he has been trying to become someone including a journalist. Question is - do anyone of you believe that he would have any access to any relevant source in Indian defense establishment given that he was blacklisted 3 decades ago ?

2. "outcome will be decided in 12 hours" - for god's sake just be real. we have just seen the world superpower US wrapping up their war against a rug tug insurgent like Taliban which they could not finish off after 20 years of efforts .. but this gentleman believes that world's 2nd /3rd strongest military can impose an outcome on world's 4th strongest power (as per Jan's) in 12 hours? this statement is beyond hilarious

3. forget about 12 hours, even if China could have achieved that in 12 days or 120 days or 12 months, they would have been hosting red flag in Arunachal Pradesh (south Tibet as per them) or in Taipei by now. By that logic US should have defeated Taliban in 12 minutes but it took them 20 years and failed after that..

4. There is a gold standard among Pakistani PDF members not to believe in any Indian sources - be it experts or news channels. But when it comes to Parvin Sawney or Ashok Sawin, these same members will take every word by their heart, even if its coming form their backside ?? decide on to believe in Indian or not to believe.. you should also by that logic also believe Major Gaurav Arya, ex Indian Army and someone who has far better network with military establishment than the dinosaur Pravin Sawney..

5. How many members here accept statements by Husain Haqqani and Tarek Fateh ? Pravin Sawney or Ashok Sawin are Indian versions of Hussain Haqqani or Take Fateh. Either you accept all or reject all..

2. What i have understood from his view and i believe is true is that it would be swift and rapid and the one who gets the air dominance will succeed in getting its objectives. China will try to eliminate iaf in the ladakh and NE india and disrupt comm lines (electronically) of the disputed territories with the rest of india.

Going by an example of 26 27 feb clashes and resources of plaaf, this is doable .
We accept Mr. Pravin Sawhney's master China is very powerful compared to India but not as powerful as to crush India in just 12 hours.... not only military strength but terrain too between 2 countries wont allow it....

This stupid claim made by him itself is enough to analyze how much seriously that idiot should be really taken....
the outcome of the war will be obvious in few hours if one the two militaries able to mount an surprise terminal attack on the other to capitulate the other. But both these countries are huge and military infrastructure is very widespread for anyone of achieve that practically. In addition, there is no visible evidence to indicate that PLA has some of these capabilities roll over the Indian military. If there is something Pravin Sawney knows about the PLA, that Indian Army is not aware of even after spending $72 billion on defense, than i guess Indian Military deserves to lose against PLA..
I can only say that this world has far exceeded your imagination.
Frankly, the level of fighting in the Conflict between India and Pakistan did not match that of the War between the Soviet Union and Germany in WW2. Of course, weapons today are far more advanced than they were during World War II. But the level of training of the army, the level of education of the commanders, and the organizational and logistical ability of the army as a whole are far inferior.

Chinese military enthusiasts have done military simulations with the US. Just two army brigades fighting each other, without any air support, long-range fire, tactical missiles. Within 2 hours, both sides suffered more than 40% casualties and were incapacitated. Nearly half of the armored vehicles were destroyed, and 70% of the artillery was destroyed.

A modern level of war doesn't take much time. Imagine how quickly the entire war would move if you added air force, long-range artillery, and missile units to the fray.
Macho Chinese soldiers will end the war within hours.


China has a great history of winning against nations one thenth of its size like japan, vietnam etc. History is testimony of that.
4. There is a gold standard among Pakistani PDF members not to believe in any Indian sources - be it experts or news channels. But when it comes to Parvin Sawney or Ashok Sawin, these same members will take every word by their heart, even if its coming form their backside ?? decide on to believe in Indian or not to believe.. you should also by that logic also believe Major Gaurav Arya, ex Indian Army and someone who has far better network with military establishment than the dinosaur Pravin Sawney..
It is a matter of convenience. Accept and laud whatever meets your narrative and rest all becomes propaganda. That’s what is the policy with Indian sources on PDF.

I do wonder about this Chinese strength when Taiwan comes in picture?

An all-out war is unlikely between India and China and if it does happen it might take a nuclear turn. Are there likely to be any winners in a nuclear conflict?

China does have a strong military and a conventional conflict is likely to weigh in its favour. But outright win in 12 hours? This guy is nuts.
Kid, that is the picture of first day of the new soldiers, they are crying for next 2 years away from family.
It is typical Chinese emotional behavior.
I am pretty sure those Chinese soldiers in 1962 also cried.

Ya, they become more emotional after hearing that they are sent to Ladakh to face Indian soldiers. Afterall, Chinese are very emotional people.

Is that what Indians do best is make up heroic stories when they get humilated?

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