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In Case of India-China War, Outcome Will be Decided Within Hours: Pravin Sawhney

China is a great country. In the event of Japan China war, out come of war was decided before the war begun as all the Chinese high rank military officers flee before war begun. Subsequently, the infamous "Rape of Nanaking" happened when Japanese army ruthlessly butchered protection less Chinese citizens. Chinese army is very famous for its valor and it has a great history of war starting from Japanese attacks centuries ago, to Nanking incident, Vietnam war, Nathula and Chola conflict to Galwan. History is testimony of great baddas Chinese valor.

Of course Indians love the word "Rape".

Those who hides the causality figures and can not declare their causality figure for one year has all the right to bluff this. Their crying 4 ft 9 inch soldiers certainly has all the might to teach Indian and any other soldier any lesson.

That's funny because the very first released public statement from the Indian of Ministry of Defence was claiming only 3 Indian soldiers died. Your government was trying to hide more deaths.

We all know Indian soldiers are superpower 2020.

lol no one in India listen to him.We all know China is a power but to pick up a fight with us is going to throw them away a decade back if not two. They can try their luck..If it would have been that easy they would have taken Arunachal Pradesh away from us.
Dude when was the last time PLAAF shot down any aircraft? (In real life of course).
An air ace PLAAF Wang Wei pilot in 2001 showcased supreme maneuvering by going kamikaze on an American spy plane

Hainan Island incident

This made PLAAF a joke among airforces world wide on what level of training PLAAF must be getting to have pilots who cannot even manuvere around a large bulking slow flying aricraft like EP-3

no airforce was willing risk even having a friendly exercises with PLAAF for a long time

Lot of civilian airlines also started avoid PRC airspace on fears their planes might get Wang Weied by PLAAF aces
let me put some prospective on certain points on both the author and what he said. Would request all members to respond with logic and reason, and no trolling or abuse -

1. Pravin Sawhney was a mid rank Indian army officer with 13 years of service history before he was court marshaled in 1991 for disciplinary issues. since then he has been trying to become someone including a journalist. Question is - do anyone of you believe that he would have any access to any relevant source in Indian defense establishment given that he was blacklisted 3 decades ago ?
Pravin Sawhney like many Indian youtubers and Bollywood stars likes to profit by preying on insecurities of Pakistanis. Cruel thing to do by him but in the end the tax revenues are going into GOI's pocket
IA with her pilot captured, beaten black and blue in front of the whole world, shoot down her own rescue heli in panic against an opponent 1/5 of it's size, yet, they are still bragging IAF's heroic culture.

Within this decade, a fully C4ISR (almost if not already done) combined armed forces with thousand J20, two types of stealth bomber...awaits them.

So,@Vapnope let's just sit back and relax while watching the gap widening every day, they can hitting that keyboard harder, eventually, it's not us that needs to be worried. :-)
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Almost all of them are, just have a look before commenting.

Dude when was the last time PLAAF shot down any aircraft? (In real life of course).
What's your logic? If something hasn't happened in the past, it won't happen in the future.
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