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In a stunning insult to India, US ‘Hyphenates’ India & Pakistan.

So where is the Canadian support for Pakistan's narratives?

Sorry what narrative and what kind of support you can expect from Canada? Trudeau is excellent with Pakistani community and our lobbying work with Canada is limited to increasing visas and investment from Canada. Unfortunately this is all Canada is good for. Until recently Trudeau had very cold and dysfunctional relationship with Trump administration so not much we could expect from Canada.
I personally supported few selective candidates in hope of convincing them to bring more stringent money laundering laws and stop mostly patwaris and jayalas from obtaining immigration through investment.

I can tell you it is a loosing battle. Everyone loves "investment" here and look the other way about the sources of funding. Complete and utter bull shit policies and rules. In fact several legislations requiring more strict funding checks never made it even for parliamentary debate.

So the country like Pakistan where the funds are stolen from is on gray list but yet all the rich countries using those funds are untouchables.....wierd logic.
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Sorry what narrative and what kind of support you can expect from Canada? Trudeau is excellent with Pakistani community and our lobbying work with Canada is limited to increasing visas and investment from Canada. Unfortunately this is all Canada is good for. Until recently Trudeau had very cold and dysfunctional relationship with Trump administration so not much we could expect from Canada.
I personally supported few selective candidates in hope of convincing them to bring more stringent money laundering laws and stop mostly patwaris and jayalas from obtaining immigration through investment.

I can tell you it is a loosing battle. Everyone loves "investment" here and look the other way about the sources of funding. Complete and utter bull shit policies and rules. In fact several legislations requiring more strict funding checks never made it even for parliamentary debate.

So the country like Pakistan where the funds are stolen from is on gray list but yet all the rich countries using those funds are untouchables.....wierd logic.

Money makes the Mayor go!!!...Have money, get respect. I don't understand why we cry on something that is universal.....

Tell me our elites give us moral lectures day in and out... If a common man does wrong, he gets prosecuted but elites , despite sucking up millions in corruption are untouchables.....So Pakistan is a common man...rich countries are Elites......Only thing you can do is to get rich and powerful.......and then have that privilege (of being untouchable)
Looks like FMS are opening very soon and new era Pakistan US relations about to begin post Afghanistan
Why are Pakistans so happy that India is being equated with Pakistan? Racists and violent India.
What more Indians need to realize their true value? Modi has brought their foreign policy and their strategic role to a dead end street. Dream on about the nuclear propulsion technology.....Americans have secretly discarded India and have moved on with Australia to counter China.

Gone are the days of Pak-Afghan US foreign policy.....now its PaK-India US policy.

Time to cry and curse Modi.....

It's only an insult if they make it an insult.
What more Indians need to realize their true value? Modi has brought their foreign policy and their strategic role to a dead end street. Dream on about the nuclear propulsion technology.....Americans have secretly discarded India and have moved on with Australia to counter China.

Gone are the days of Pak-Afghan US foreign policy.....now its PaK-India US policy.

Time to cry and curse Modi.....

So many kids here on PDF opening tread based on their dreams.
There is no realization where their own country is heading but they are dreaming so called "destruction and Insult" of India. Lol
**** india and **** usa, Pakistan will continue to strengthen its ties with China and Russia
It is a disgrace that Muslim Pakistanis are being equated to Hindu Indians.

Muslims are superior to the Hindus.

Pakistan should give an ultimatum - Either the US dumps India or else Pakistan will dump the US.
Not to argue, but a member of Congress once told me directly that it is hard to advocate for aid for schools and hospitals when Pakistan's own money is spent on nuclear weapons. And it was a pretty long and honest conversation.

but that does not apply in case of Israel
This is all media propaganda by the US to gain lost ground in Pakistan. Ground realities are very different.
I'm surprised that the Mods don't find this thread title as an insult for Pakistan :what:
I'm surprised that the Mods don't find this thread title as an insult for Pakistan :what:

I agree it is an insult to equate with our former subjects.. we did rule them for a 1000 years
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