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In a first in India, 40,000 troops launch mammoth anti-Naxal operation

Do u even know the schools and hospitals are built as barracks for police.

And regarding a one off incidence of terrorism, which even the tribals condemned, most cases are in forests.

Also, our police force end up killing innocent people in name of naxalittes and term it as collateral damage. So convinient rite?

You need to understand, Police are corrupt and involve in wrongdoings against the trials coz they answer the politicians, politicians answer their ministers and ministers earn their bucks from corporations.

Now you temme why do u wanna support your corrupt politicians?

If you dont want to support corrupt politicians, vote them out. Not with guns. Besides, are they only targetting corrupt politicians? You think they are waging an insurgency against corruption?

These are the standard excuses anybody trots out to support terrorism. Oh, the Indian army has killed innocent people, how cruel, so lets support the mujahideen. Oh, politicians are corrupt, so lets support the terrorists, who are as white as snow.

Yes, there may have been wrongdoings by the police, but the answer is not to support terrorists. It is to punish the erring policemen. Just like any other counter insurgency campaign. How about kashmir, because there have been human rights violations by CRPF and Indian army, should we sympathize with lashkars and mujahideens? Or should we try our best to bring the errant policemen and armymmen to justice?
I only say, Naxals want their rights. Nothing else. What you smoking bro? :D

No you said two things bro..

you said, "Naxals just want their rights"

you also said, "Naxals as an organization wants to overthrow the govt."

Overthrowing the govt. is not naxals right.
1.DilipTrivedi has timed the ops to use the dry season to advantage. Among the array of troops ITBP and SSB are reliable for COIN. Others are a lethargic undisciplined lot whose activities will add fuel to further insurgencies.

2. Lower and mid-level local bodies in affected areas are thoroughly infiltrated by Maoists who enjoy a level of support among locals. From their activities observed so far, I doubt they would not have expected such ops to begin with the onset of the dry season. The Janatana Sarkar of the People's War group have a competent leadership.See the link, their activities are going on.
Maoists destroy block office building in Malkangiri - The Hindu
I became a Senior Member...:partay: :smitten::dance3:

I did not know when it happened.. I just noticed it..

I can argue that the Police post was put in place to save local innocent people after Naxals killed school children/ teachers.

You cannot be cherry picking and paint that every thing done by Polish is bad and Naxals are saints. Taking arm and killing innocents is called terrorism.

As I wrote in previous post....

Today's Naxal problem is the ugly face of the in disguise of a noble cause which was lost long time back and taken over by greed of money and power hungry mafias.

We must use power to break knees of devil in Naxal massive care / rehabilitation program to save the angles suppressed by evil Naxal.
But your need to know that naxalites dont kill unarmed tribals. They mite force their power on them but will never kill. Some reason they are existing in those forests is local tribal support. Now temme why are they getting support?

Yes, naxals have bombed trains. You havent followed the news. And no, they are not simply fighting for rights. They have explicitly said they reject the Indian constitution and democracy and want it replaced by totalitarian maoist state.
Anybody will say that who is a victim of your corrupt democracy. Now who wants to argue bout corruption of our politicians in favor of those with heavy pockets.

And I did agree bout the train bombing but that was 1st of its incidence in the whole history of naxalite movement. Why do we Indians simply ignore some cause which is infact due to misdoings by our elected members.

If you dont want to support corrupt politicians, vote them out. Not with guns. Besides, are they only targetting corrupt politicians? You think they are waging an insurgency against corruption?

These are the standard excuses anybody trots out to support terrorism. Oh, the Indian army has killed innocent people, how cruel, so lets support the mujahideen. Oh, politicians are corrupt, so lets support the terrorists, who are as white as snow.

Yes, there may have been wrongdoings by the police, but the answer is not to support terrorists. It is to punish the erring policemen. Just like any other counter insurgency campaign. How about kashmir, because there have been human rights violations by CRPF and Indian army, should we sympathize with lashkars and mujahideens? Or should we try our best to bring the errant policemen and armymmen to justice?
Nice point. But again dont you think there is some reason why they took up arms unlike our anna movement.

Dude, for a peaceful movement you need is an audience. Anna got that audience but have u ever seen media going into those tribal areas and providing them a screen for their protests?

As we say u cant compare apple and oranges and hece 2 different scenarios.
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Jnaneswari Express train derailment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are disputes whether it was bombing or sabotage which cause the derailing . Anyway my point stand .

There are more .Search about naxals attacking trains ,shooting and killing innocent people .

naxals ususally sabotage goods train , the scheduled train was a goods train during that time the passanger train came instead ...Naxals dont have a history of killing innocent civilians(as compared to other terrorists i.e)
No you said two things bro..

you said, "Naxals just want their rights"

you also said, "Naxals as an organization wants to overthrow the govt."

Overthrowing the govt. is not naxals right.
Ha Ha. See again. That wasnt me. it was Star Wars. :)
Ha Ha. See again. That wasnt me. it was Star Wars. :)

ooh ok.. I thought I caught you.:(

But its true that naxals are anti nationals. Star Wars mentioned that the aim of naxals is to overthrow the govt.

If you agree that naxals want to overthrow the govt, then it seems they are not fighting for their rights (which is good education, schools, development etc).

If they seek development they should go the way of AAP. (and not take up arms and also stop development activities of govt.)

So if they are seeking to overthrow the govt. and democratic set up of India then they are anti nationals and should be dealt with like that only.

On the other hand for the poor the govt should keep on doing the development programmes so that the recruitment base of the naxals shrinks.

But those who have already become naxals and taken up arms, and are not ready to give up arms until they have removed govt. from Delhi, for them it is only fair that govt. eliminates them.

What else can we do for them (those who are not willing to give up arms) if they want nothing else then overthrow the govt. :(?

Congrats Major -

ooh ok.. I thought I caught you.:(

Ha Ha. No probs. It happens. I am always very clear bout my stance and thats why i speak.
But its true that naxals are anti nationals. Star Wars mentioned that the aim of naxals is to overthrow the govt.
Who argues they are not. they are Anti Nationals but I wud shift that responsibility on our Corporate *** licking Politicans. They need it to sustain their corrupt style of politics.
If you agree that naxals want to overthrow the govt, then it seems they are not fighting for their rights (which is good education, schools, development etc).
Do they have an option when they are faced by our Police dictated by Politicians. What do u suggest? They shud respect our state in the name of 'India' and bow down to our politicians giving up their home without any compensation and allow Corporations mincing money off their land, driving mercedes and their children doing world tours. Who will be responsible for those tribals who have to either commit suicide just coz suddenly they find themselves without a land, job and food.
If they seek development they should go the way of AAMP. (and not take up arms and also stop development activities of govt.)
Then you need to get into Naxalite movement details. Plz do that. It all started as AAP like movement in around 50 yrs back. As I said, for a peaceful movement you need an Audience. Our Corporate run Politicians and Media never provided them the much needed screen.
So if they are seeking to overthrow the govt. and democratic set up of India then are anti nationals and should be dealt with like that only.
Yes you can do that but it will be unethical. Dont worry, India is too complex to be broken. If they say they want to overthrow the govt then its their right coz they are only been exploited by this current govt style. It doesnt mean that I support Maoism but by tribals point of view, its good for them but not for we City dwellers. Just imagine the amount of investment we get, we still crib coz we think we cud have got more if a good amount of resources werent swallowed by our Corrupt Politicians. Those tribals dont even get .0001 % of what they deserve. So why shud they even care for our govt? Who is mistaken here? Not the tribals but the Govt coz tribals are recipient and govt is the provider. Wrongly u provide, worse will be the reaction. Simple.
On the other hand for the poor the govt should keep on doing the development programmes so that the recruitment base of the naxals shrinks.
That is the way out. But your politicians have to get serious bout this threat. Why do u think AAP came into power? Tribals need AAP kind of governance. Eating up 99% and providing only 1% to tribals wont take us anywhere.
But those who have already become naxals and taken up arms, and are not ready to give up arms until they have removed govt. from Delhi, for them it is only fair that govt. eliminates them.
What else can we do for them if they want nothing else then overthrow the govt. :(?
You need to understand that Extrimists dwell on local support. You take the local support away, extrimism dies. Now for local support our govt needs to seriously invest HEAVILY in these regions. For starters,
1. Provide them JUSTIFIED compensation for their land and minerals.
2. Encourage local people to stand in elections adn provide them initial protection.
3. Dont try to corrupt the local leaders otherwise whole intent dies off. This case has to be dealt with utter care otherwise you are feeding the naxalites again.
naxals ususally sabotage goods train , the scheduled train was a goods train during that time the passanger train came instead ...Naxals dont have a history of killing innocent civilians(as compared to other terrorists i.e)

Naxals don't kill innocent people ..... You must be kidding .

Read post#112 . There are unlimited number of sources quoting incidents of naxals killing innocent people .

Leave innocent people even they persecute their own cadres .

Raped repeatedly, Naxal leader quits Red ranks - Times Of India

'Wife-swapping, rapes and ruthless torturing' - All part of life for women Naxalites - daily.bhaskar.com

Former Naxal commander who was raped and tortured for seven years by her comrades reveals the culture of misogyny and violence against women in the Maoist movement | Mail Online

So against what oppression are they fighting for ??
Naxals don't kill innocent people ..... You must be kidding .

Read post#112 . There are unlimited number of sources quoting incidents of naxals killing innocent people .

Leave innocent people even they persecute their own cadres .

Raped repeatedly, Naxal leader quits Red ranks - Times Of India

'Wife-swapping, rapes and ruthless torturing' - All part of life for women Naxalites - daily.bhaskar.com

Former Naxal commander who was raped and tortured for seven years by her comrades reveals the culture of misogyny and violence against women in the Maoist movement | Mail Online

So against what oppression are they fighting for ??
Those are not ideological oppresion but individualistic. Its not that Maoists enjoy raping. Thats exactly the same case like we have in our society. Why make it exclusive?
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