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In a first in India, 40,000 troops launch mammoth anti-Naxal operation

Now you start with wrong comparisions. All other u mentioned want to bring a nation down but Naxals just want their rights. Why cant a democratic state give its people their rights? There must be some problem right?

What better way to gain the rights than killing innocent peole and bombing trains .

Every single of these terrorist organisation start with defending their rights and later get hijacked by criminals .

Read about the violations some of those maoists cadres had to endure including sexual violations.
I can't spend more time on it if you apply willful blindness to my posts. I told you clearly, several times, that I am comparing naxals as cancer cells, not as a body part. And I gave you the reasoning in some detail.

For the last time - I would not be happy to amputate a limb. But I would be very happy to kill cancer cells with extreme prejudice, so that I would not have to amputate a limb.

Similarly I am happy to kill all armed seperatists before we have to cede our territory to them.

Lot of text again...cant you simple tell me that did we give an honest try to curb naxal and preventing people falling into so called propaganda?

If not, how human is killing them now? Yes they became cancer and cancer need to be killed, be happy and cheer.

After all we are the privileged class. "Our" territory :lol:

I rest my case.
Its not love of Naxals , when the govt. throws you out of your own land for some foreign company and the pathetic judicial system makes it impossible for you to get justice , then what do these people do ? .Naxals are getting recruits because of lack of development and education. These people fight because they have been left with no choice ... Development, education and increased standard of living will destroy the Naxalites and their ideology .

If you are equating Naxalites with Terorrists then you can't tell the difference , Terrorists just want to increase their narrow minded religious views and get 72 women , these people fight because their plight has been ignored by the Indian govt.

If this offensive is backed by proper development , education jobs etc...then its good , otherwise you will simply endup fighting the same problem after 5-10 years under a different name....

I have sympathy for the Tribals and other locals who join them because of the incompetence of the Indian govt. Give them a chance to surrender and make their lives better , but you have to destroy the Naxals and Maoists , kill/capture their leaders force them to disband the organization....

If their grievances are just why don't they fight for it democratically .

If they think they have support among the masses , tribals , join politics and change the system like what AAP did .

It will be a better way than killing innocent people .
Lot of text again...cant you simple tell me that did we give an honest try to curb naxal and preventing people falling into so called propaganda?

If not, how human is killing them now? Yes they became cancer and cancer need to be killed, be happy and cheer.

After all we are the privileged class. "Our" territory :lol:

I rest my case.

Their territory too, if they don't want to overthrow the govt and constitution. The govt is everybody's, not theirs, not ours. So is the constitution. If they reject the constitution, and want to overthrow the govt and put themselves in charge throuugh guns, that is where we have a problem.

If not, its their territory as well. For those who don't pick a gun.
Their territory too, if they don't want to overthrow the govt and constitution. The govt is everybody's, not theirs, not ours. So is the constitution. If they reject the constitution, and want to overthrow the govt and put themselves in charge throuugh guns, that is where we have a problem.

If not, its their territory as well. For those who don't pick a gun.

Yeah they have the choice, put down guns and get oppressed as ever. That's what we all knows- their way or highway.

Still waiting for your answer - did we give an honest try ever?

Your funda is "once its cancer, kill them all, no point in getting things right, no matter what lead to cancer". I dont subscribe to it and feel pity for them who will fall because "we" elite enjoys "our" land and "our" resources.
What better way to gain the rights than killing innocent peole and bombing trains .

Every single of these terrorist organisation start with defending their rights and later get hijacked by criminals .

Read about the violations some of those maoists cadres had to endure including sexual violations.
when did Naxals bomb any train? They only bomb govt vehicles to refrain them from entering their forests and gain intellegence and recce to counter Naxalitte dominance in those jungles.

Now that means that their agenda is not developmental needs of their region. If they seek to overthrow the govt. then naxals should be classified as terrorists.

Even to develop the area it is important to free that area of the naxals. like us naxlas also know that development would take aways their recruits, naxals would always be anti development.

I think then its fair only that GOI eliminates the naxals. Even though I agree that many of their recruits may be under the influence of naxals propaganda.

But then you cannot seek peace with a brainwashed fellow with a AK 47. You can see he is brainwashed and he is young and innocent but if you cannot convince him, then you can only kill him. But you cannot let lakhs of such innocent and brainwashed fellows to run freely and try to seek to overthrow the govt.

I have quoted two of your posts above.

you say, "Naxals just want their rights"

you also say, "Naxals as an organization wants to overthrow the govt."

Now I hope you do not mean, that to overthrow the govt. is a right of Naxals?
I only say, Naxals want their rights. Nothing else. What you smoking bro? :D
when did Naxals bomb any train? They only bomb govt vehicles to refrain them from entering their forests and gain intellegence and recce to counter Naxalitte dominance in those jungles.

Bro they have attacked schools hospitals and reason for numerous train derailing and deaths!!
Today's Naxal problem is the ugly face of the in disguise of a noble cause which was lost long time back and taken over by greed of money and power hungry mafias.

We must use power to break knees of devil in Naxal massive care / rehabilitation program to save the angles suppressed by evil Naxal.
Yeah they have the choice, put down guns and get oppressed as ever. That's what we all knows- their way or highway.

Still waiting for your answer - did we give an honest try ever?

Your funda is "once its cancer, kill them all, no point in getting things right, no matter what lead to cancer". I dont subscribe to it and feel pity for them who will fall because "we" elite enjoys "our" land and "our" resources.

These class distinctions, this talk of us v/s them, elite v/s underpriviledged, burgoeise v/s proletarian, is an invented distinction that does not exist in the Indian system. Yes there are underpriviledged people in India, as there are in any other place - they do not all take a gun and wage war against the state. The theory of class war was used as a propoganda tool by some people to gain power through illegitimate means. And then what happens if they succeed? You think there will be a paradise of equality? No, there will still be elites ruling the masses, with no other possibility. That is what happened in any communist revolution. In the soviet union this very rhetoric was used to overthrow the monarchy (not a bad thing, monarchies are inherently unfair). Then the ones who had power declared themselves as the "vanguard party" because they were the class consious ones and the rest were not. Then a still smaller elite among the party became the politbeurau, because the rest of them did not know class distinctions fully. And Stalin became the supreme leader since he was the most class consious of all.

There are no inherent class systems in India. By law, everybody is equal. Not everybody gets equal opportunities, but that is true everywhere. The best way to reduce poverty is by free enterprise and democracy, not by maoism.

By the way do you know how maoists treat innocent villagers and tribals? Cutting off their tongues and limbs and terryifying them into submission. If they sieze power you think everybody will be equal? Hell, no.

So please don't giv me this "us v/s them", "elite v/s unelite" BS. That was a masterpiece of propoganda used all the time to incite non existing class hatred and wars.
when did Naxals bomb any train? They only bomb govt vehicles to refrain them from entering their forests and gain intellegence and recce to counter Naxalitte dominance in those jungles.

I only say, Naxals want their rights. Nothing else. What you smoking bro? :D

Yes, naxals have bombed trains. You havent followed the news. And no, they are not simply fighting for rights. They have explicitly said they reject the Indian constitution and democracy and want it replaced by totalitarian maoist state.
We have the benefit that the SAG is composed of battle hardened armymen, some with jungle warfare expertise, and yet they function under the home ministry. Sounds ideal to take on naxals.
Sadly, they're now being used for VVIP security duties. It sucks! :hitwall:
Bro they have attacked schools hospitals and reason for numerous train derailing and deaths!!
Today's Naxal problem is the ugly face of the in disguise of a noble cause which was lost long time back and taken over by greed of money and power hungry mafias.

We must use power to break knees of devil in Naxal massive care / rehabilitation program to save the angles suppressed by evil Naxal.
Do u even know the schools and hospitals are built as barracks for police.

And regarding a one off incidence of terrorism, which even the tribals condemned, most cases are in forests.

Also, our police force end up killing innocent people in name of naxalittes and term it as collateral damage. So convinient rite?

You need to understand, Police are corrupt and involve in wrongdoings against the trials coz they answer the politicians, politicians answer their ministers and ministers earn their bucks from corporations.

Now you temme why do u wanna support your corrupt politicians?
Do u even know the schools and hospitals are built as barracks for police.

And regarding a one off incidence of terrorism, which even the tribals condemned, most cases are in forests.

Also, our police force end up killing innocent people in name of naxalittes and term it as collateral damage. So convinient rite?

You need to understand, Police are corrupt and involve in wrongdoings against the trials coz they answer the politicians, politicians answer their ministers and ministers earn their bucks from corporations.

Now you temme why do u wanna support your corrupt politicians?

I can argue that the Police post was put in place to save local innocent people after Naxals killed school children/ teachers.

You cannot be cherry picking and paint that every thing done by Polish is bad and Naxals are saints. Taking arm and killing innocents is called terrorism.

As I wrote in previous post....

Today's Naxal problem is the ugly face of the in disguise of a noble cause which was lost long time back and taken over by greed of money and power hungry mafias.

We must use power to break knees of devil in Naxal massive care / rehabilitation program to save the angles suppressed by evil Naxal.
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