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Imran Khan, the next prime minister of Pakistan?

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We as a nation didn't produce any leader if substance I think that has been our bad luck I don't see imran khan winning an election but again it's just my opnion
He has already given the solution,,, many times,,, Part from American's & u'll get salvation,,, We have very short memory,,, Do u remember once there was a guy named Raymond Davis,,, who was exposed to have been spying on Pakistan & & had contacts with TTP...!!!

This so-called extremism in Pakistan is being "fueled" by American directly or indirectly ,,,,,, cut-off the oxygen & this fire will die-out without much effort,,,

Imran Khan had proposed another aspect of solution to extremism many times before,,,, Education,,,, Education,,, Education,,, Doesn't he stress that in many of his interviews,,,!!! He also re-iterates technical-education to create job-ready youngsters so that they would have a life & satan won't occupy their empty-vaccant-minds...

& as for countering the military establishment,,, that's neither possible nor desirable,,,
In golden era of Muslims e.g. time of Prophet & later Khulafaa who conquered vast areas & spread islam like jungle fire,,, same person used to be commander-in-chief as well as ruler of the country,,, that's the recipe-of-success,,, Military should always have a role in political government.

But remember previous attempts on his life were made by serving soldiers,,, they were court marshalled,,, He has many ppl angered to red-hot level,,, they'll do anything to revenge & they won't let him enjoy for long... he will be eredicated,,, He himself seems to understand this very well that's why he's staying away from Pakistan. Never visited once.

ok .. ... so according to you extremism is mainly americans fault & military rule in a recipe for success ... what planet are you on? hope imran isnt on the same ! and yeah lastly you didnt said a thing about fuedals !!??
well out of the current crop of politicians! Imran is the only one not born and brought up by the army. The Shareef brothers were made under zia so was altaf bhai and PPP well roots go back to Ayub Khan and Yahya khan!

atleast Imran is not an army ki paidaawar! but havig said that i think the only thing that i support about Imran is his view on educating the masses! everything besides that he is just a confused and lost soul!
well out of the current crop of politicians! Imran is the only one not born and brought up by the army. The Shareef brothers were made under zia so was altaf bhai and PPP well roots go back to Ayub Khan and Yahya khan!

atleast Imran is not an army ki paidaawar! but havig said that i think the only thing that i support about Imran is his view on educating the masses! everything besides that he is just a confused and lost soul!

he is a good man no doubt about that , but he has no agenda nor announced policies on fundamental issues , Education is a good thing and sounds great But how is Imran planning to Educate when rural pakistanis who are the majorty are enslaved by extremist mullahs and fuedals and its their vote which is the most crucial
he has no agenda nor announced policies on fundamental issues

And that's not a coincidence - I don't know whether he's a good man or not - but will point out that he is a man who has divorced his wife, the mother of his children, a man who has cultivated the image and reputation of being with super rich women and partying , even as he sells "ghairat" and piety to Pakistanis.
I dont think Imran Khan will ever leave PDF, even for Prime ministership!!

And that's not a coincidence - I don't know whether he's a good man or not - but will point out that he is a man who has divorced his wife, the mother of his children, a man who has cultivated the image and reputation of being with super rich women and partying , even as he sells "ghairat" and piety to Pakistanis.

So, by divorcing a wife, one becomes a despicable creature? Ohh, what about those fanatc mullahs who labelled his wife, a jewish conspiracy?

"Reputation of being with super rich women and partying"
So, there must be few pictures present, right? I don't think there is an "Exclusive Imran Khan Club" in London where only his girls can go...There must be some evidence present, show us.

Ohh, are not you talking about things which float in the air and have no reasonable grounds?

At least, he was not going alone in Islamabad in his mercedes, drunk, with a woman, had a minor car accident near F 10 and his security personnel had to take him back to his den..
Yes, I am talking about Musharaf...

If you do not believe me--Ask Musharaf...Ask him to answer this question and tell him this thing..
If you lie, you will be caught some day....

Maybe someone has the pictures of that incident...

Maybe God was watching him.....
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You know, I never intended to talk about Musharaf's personality. However, as you were keen enough to fall to the ground---I took the opportunity to tell you few things about your leader i.e. Musharaf...

Musharaf sleeping with another woman or at least going in a car with her--is his personal affair. Similarly, Imran Khan divorcing or her wife getting a divorce is his personal issue.
WHATEVER the reasons were, good or bad!
Word on the street is that Imran Khan is being prepared by the Army and Intelligence as the next leader. Through my own sources I've confirmed that it won't be the case. If I tell you who the ISI is considering you people would flip out. ;)

Okay, you committed a gross mistake by pointing out this. ISI PREPARING SOMEONE! GOD DAMN!

What does our constitution say? DEMOCRACY?

You know, your ISI and Gernali babies never encountered a wrath of the people nor God. They are quite confident that they will sail on a tide which won't fall. I will tell you this--The time is over for them. Pakistan WILL NOT get a better place AND the gernali babies, who think that they are the kings, will be the next victims. You don't trust me? Trust the time!

Wait and watch, baby! Let the music play and let the tide start!
So, a super mod here is OPENLY stating that the PEOPLE HAVE NO VOTING POWER! Whoever comes to power, has to have the support of ISI.

Last time I read, ISI did not have the man power of 180 million Pakistanis.

I really wish ISI and gernali babies commit same mistakes again and again.
Even fi they want to get the situation on the right track, babies won't have any milk.

You do not trust me?
Trust the time!
So, by divorcing a wife, one becomes a despicable creature? Ohh, what about those fanatc mullahs who labelled his wife, a jewish conspiracy?

Thank you for that, Saad -- Do you want a person whose ethics are that he would divorce the mother of his children because of what mad mullahs say?? Whatever happened to character??? See, I don't have a problem with divorce, sometimes it's a net good - but is political expediency really the kind of reason one gives one wife a divorce????

Ohh, are not you talking about things which float in the air and have no reasonable grounds?

Well, of course different people may have different takes on this, but Imran Khan came to be seen as a playboy and Gigolo, well, for a reason, right? Now, like I said I hve no way of knowing whether he is a good man or not - all I am pointing to is the seeming lack of character, the seeming hypocracy, the seeming expediency or pragmatism, if you will, that marks his political aspiration - but of course we wish him well
Thank you for that, Saad -- Do you want a person whose ethics are that he would divorce the mother of his children because of what mad mullahs say?? Whatever happened to character??? See, I don't have a problem with divorce, sometimes it's a net good - but is political expediency really the kind of reason one gives one wife a divorce????

Well, of course different people may have different takes on this, but Imran Khan came to be seen as a playboy and Gigolo, well, for a reason, right? Now, like I said I hve no way of knowing whether he is a good man or not - all I am pointing to is the seeming lack of character, the seeming hypocracy, the seeming expediency or pragmatism, if you will, that marks his political aspiration - but of course we wish him well

So, for the second part, I will tell you this.

MUSE--Goes to Pakistan and starts a political party without the support of gernali babies or lota brothers of Lahore or Altaf telephonic bhai---You will also be labelled with same stuff. You do not have to have a content in Pakistan to get blamed---All you need is to go on the road and ask people to vote for you...From that day, you will also be labelled, well, basically anything which suits your personality.

If someone has the evidence, come forward. Let us not talk about those things which float in the air and have no reasonable grounds.

Giving or getting a divorce is not THAT BAD compared to selling your country for few dollars, as Musharaf stated in his book...
And, if he were a party boy earlier in his career, I don't mind that...
Pakistani awam are sheep.
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