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Imran Khan, the next prime minister of Pakistan?

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I don't like the part of his party's name inSaaf - bifurcation, dichotomy...it should've been 3adl - justice.
10-20 seats would be more than enough to create a pressure group and thats all his party requires. PTI's ideology to become a mass movement would require time.... if I come up with a slogan of justice and eliminating corruption, who would support me from the existing system? as far as your analysis are concern they are as immature as mine would be about any third political party of India.

No division of votes leads to the formation unstable coalition govt, where nothing gets done(as all coalition partners are unable to reach a consensus, as each political party exerts pressure to get their own agenda through..something similar to your present govt.
Like your present govt wanted to implement economic reforms to improve your economic conditions ..but its coalition partners threatened to quit and you are still stuck with lowest tax to GDP ratio in the world.
possibly you could also have a hung parliament..where no bloc will be able to achieve majority and will have quick succession of govts in short time...or re elections.
I don't thing at present PTI has sufficient potential to make Khan PM through majority vote by itself or through collation. But I would like him to have something like 20-25 seats to form a real pressure group in NA. Most importantly all corrupt politicians will join together for some sort of propaganda. The bitter truth is that Khan has dictatorial and very emotional nature.
I don't thing at present PTI has sufficient potential to make Khan PM through majority vote by itself or through collation. But I would like him to have something like 20-25 seats to form a real pressure group in NA. Most importantly all corrupt politicians will join together for some sort of propaganda. The bitter truth is that Khan has dictatorial and very emotional nature.

I agree for the bold part, from what I know of him, that might be true.
Word on the street is that Imran Khan is being prepared by the Army and Intelligence as the next leader. Through my own sources I've confirmed that it won't be the case. If I tell you who the ISI is considering you people would flip out. ;)

For the bolded part I guess its Zaid Hamid !
Word on the street is that Imran Khan is being prepared by the Army and Intelligence as the next leader. Through my own sources I've confirmed that it won't be the case. If I tell you who the ISI is considering you people would flip out. ;)
My guess is Imran Khan for Prime Minister & Dr.Qadeer Khan for Presidency...
In an interview Qadir Khan was asked by interviewer if he's offered Presidency would he accept,,, he replied I'll get things fixed with the best team, pretty soon,,,

Imran had been asked many times by many TV-channel-hosts that why ISI's chief Pasha meets him frequently... I guess that says it all...
Could be Musharraf but you never know. :cool:
Musharaf if he tried to come to Pakistan, now, after all he has put Pakistan into,,, will finally get what he "narrowly escaped" few times before,,,
Imran would be my choice only if he explains how will he exterminate Islamic fundamentalists and extremism ?
What are his plans for eradicating feudalism ? & lastly how will he counter the military establishments interference in civil affairs .... we are yet to hear on these fundamental issues !!
Musharaf if he tried to come to Pakistan, now, after all he has put Pakistan into,,, will finally get what he "narrowly escaped" few times before,,,

Perhaps but he was COAS and he still has supporters in the army.

Imran Khan or anyone else does not the have the backing to become a Prime Minister.
Imran Khan is only person i want as my prime minister ... who want jokers like Gilani ( Sharab dealer ), Zardari ( 10% now 100% ) , Nawaz ( biggest chor ) and Altaf ( ppl voting him need doctor check ).

Imran Khan is brave, honset and not in american pockets will take Pakistan to right direction BUT it will take more than 1 khan to solve our problems. Imran Khan is only first step
Imran would be my choice only if he explains how will he exterminate Islamic fundamentalists and extremism ? What are his plans for eradicating feudalism ? & lastly how will he counter the military establishments interference in civil affairs .... we are yet to hear on these fundamental issues !!

He has already given the solution,,, many times,,, Part from American's & u'll get salvation,,, We have very short memory,,, Do u remember once there was a guy named Raymond Davis,,, who was exposed to have been spying on Pakistan & & had contacts with TTP...!!!

This so-called extremism in Pakistan is being "fueled" by American directly or indirectly ,,,,,, cut-off the oxygen & this fire will die-out without much effort,,,

Imran Khan had proposed another aspect of solution to extremism many times before,,,, Education,,,, Education,,, Education,,, Doesn't he stress that in many of his interviews,,,!!! He also re-iterates technical-education to create job-ready youngsters so that they would have a life & satan won't occupy their empty-vaccant-minds...

& as for countering the military establishment,,, that's neither possible nor desirable,,,
In golden era of Muslims e.g. time of Prophet & later Khulafaa who conquered vast areas & spread islam like jungle fire,,, same person used to be commander-in-chief as well as ruler of the country,,, that's the recipe-of-success,,, Military should always have a role in political government.

Perhaps but he was COAS and he still has supporters in the army.Imran Khan or anyone else does not the have the backing to become a Prime Minister.
But remember previous attempts on his life were made by serving soldiers,,, they were court marshalled,,, He has many ppl angered to red-hot level,,, they'll do anything to revenge & they won't let him enjoy for long... he will be eredicated,,, He himself seems to understand this very well that's why he's staying away from Pakistan. Never visited once.

Imran Khan is The Hope!
The problem with Imran Khan supporters is that they are overly emotional and not rational in support.

This is the reason why nothing much will happen.
The problem with Imran Khan supporters is that they are overly emotional and not rational in support. This is the reason why nothing much will happen.
First time IK started, Americans were scared to death that a sincere Pakistani loved by all, who won't enslave to Americans was there,,, So they played their card of Sita-White & Nawaz Sharif & Co. cashed on it,,, his reputation suffered as well as he was new so couldn't gain much,,,

Then next election were under Musharaf's "Aashir-Baaad" & were obviously skewed where Musharaf wanted,,, Then next election were in the wake of NRO whereby all "cherry-picked" criminals were let loose, by traitor Musharaf,,, thus IK didn't participate....

So he has never had a chance to get fair playground,,, I hope, especially in the context of Pasha's meetings with IK, that he'll get to somewhere this time...
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