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Imran Khan lost donation money in real estate gambling

He did not compromise even though the life of an innocent 2 year-old cancer stricken child was at risk? Screw him. May God help Pakistan...

You obviously don't get that when cancer spreads all the way through the body, there is no way to take it out. Putting that 2 year old in the hospital would not change anything and she would not be cured, and on top of that, Imran Khan does not make the decisions in SKMH, the SKMH board does. I agree, may God save Pakistan from stupid people like you.
By the way its our personal experience that Noon league will fall in gutter, they printed and spread fake beach bikini pictures of Mohtarma Benazir bhutto in 90s... talked so shiitt about her just to malign her character, then they did the same against Jemima khan in 1997, went down a new low, now again getting down down down in the gutter for a new low !!! no wonder who they are.

They indeed did that, with the active help for Jamaat e 'ISLAMI'. The Asghar Khan case needs to be investigated fully--not for punishment, because it is too late for that. But to expose how malicious and effective Pakistan's right-wing has been.

Coming back to the topic.
You know, I am not going to discount Imran Khan may have not paid full-taxes or may have used some donation money to raise some more money. But he, eventually, invested the money into a great institution. In Pakistan there are NO ANGELS. May be even Abdul Sattar Edhi has some skeletons in his closet from his youthful years?
What democracy and maturity is about choosing the lesser evil. We are, to quote my favorite Nietzsche, 'All too Human'. Now, I tend to believe that PMLN is a reformed party; NS has reportedly purged a lot of bad eggs since coming back to Pakistan in 2007. Kudos to that. I still think NS is personally not the sharpest tool in the shed, even if no longer tolerant of corruption. And Pakistan needs a fresh start through democratic process. Pakistan doesn't need a Khomeini like bloody revolution. Pakistan doesn't need a Great Leap Forward. Pakistan needs leaders who will be elected based upon popular votes and that too for people who represent the future. Not the past.
The choice will be in front of us in a few months. And for the first time since mid-80s, I will root for neither PPP nor for MQM; I will root for Imran Khan.
He did not compromise even though the life of an innocent 2 year-old cancer stricken child was at risk? Screw him. May God help Pakistan...

Yes he didn't compromise because somebody else who had a better chance of survival can be cured in SKMT. They do not have unlimited number of beds and resources in their hospital so they have to pick and choose between the 100s of patients that come for treatment everyday. They only admit those cases whom they believe have a better chance of survival.

If only our Khadim-e-Aaala or the govt. before that had made a half a decent attempt to make a specialist cancer hospital for the masses. Everybody cannot afford to go to London for their treatment, you see?
If you want me to believe that the people investing money dont know anything/have nothing to do with whats happening on those islands then sorry. No one is so simple. Especially the one who DREAMS of becoming PM and claims he is very clean and has never done anything wrong. Such people never get near these places forget investing money. And here we have ZAKAT invested phewwww
Every professionally run charity organization (like Edhi) in Pakistan has an Endowment board and sab mehnat kar rahay hain aur paisa bananay ke liay.

You're making faces at the word investment like the returns are going into anyone's personal bank accounts. Zakat is just being multiplied.

I am asking from which account skmh take the money for the Endowment fund. There is no mention of it!!!

They have mentioned all their accounts online, sab ki statement nikaal ke dekh lo. When you make a contract with a company do you tell them, I will give you money from my HBL branch on II Chundrigar rd from account 12345? Contract karne walay ko kya garz konse account se paisay arahay hain.

Sirf mode of payment decide hojati hai at the most. Cheque, Bank Transfer, bank Draft wagera.
He did not compromise even though the life of an innocent 2 year-old cancer stricken child was at risk? Screw him. May God help Pakistan...

1. He is not the one who makes decisions.
2. SKMH is a charity funded organisation and they have to give priority based on best survival chance. Money is a limited resources for them to waste. Their assessment was proven right anyways.
3. IK and SKMH stood up for their principles - a commendable act.
4. When a person like that admits the character and conduct of IK - then it is definitely a case of actions speaks louder than words. In pure human logic, one would expect him to take out grudge on IK but using his story in a negative manner.
1. He is not the one who makes decisions.
2. SKMH is a charity funded organisation and they have to give priority based on best survival chance. Money is a limited resources for them to waste. Their assessment was proven right anyways.
3. IK and SKMH stood up for their principles - a commendable act.
4. When a person like that admits the character and conduct of IK - then it is definitely a case of actions speaks louder than words. In pure human logic, one would expect him to take out grudge on IK but using his story in a negative manner.

For all my criticism of Imran Khan the politician, I will say emphatically that SKMH is an extremely well-managed organization along the highest standards possible despite trying circumstances. Hats off to the entire team running that hospital. God bless them!
He did not compromise even though the life of an innocent 2 year-old cancer stricken child was at risk? Screw him. May God help Pakistan...

Easy for u to say when 100s stands in waiting line. Norway world richest country with free treatment does they same. if IK told SKMH to take a in this 2 year girl another 2 year children with more chanes to lives had died. I am very sorry for to here about her.
A few things need to be made clear, so that inert individuals who are slow in understanding can fully comprehend the real reality.

SKH has an endowment fund, which Imran Khan is not directly linked to because it focuses on the spectrum of Finance, so there is a separate Board of Governors. These Board of Governors are highly educated and have the best interests of the hospital.

An endowment fund is important as it allows Research & Development. Harvard University has an endowment fund worth $31 billion and it uses that capital for purchasing state of the art technology, maintenance of the building cost and new research. The endowment fund conducted by the hospital does the exact same thing. People must also remember in 1997 this hospital was on the verge of a collapse because the donations were not enough. In my opinion a contingency plan was put forward to overcome such a hassle in the possible future...hence a endowment fund was created.

Furthermore PML-N are pathetic because most of there accusations come from the reports issued by the hospitals own website, that is from 2010. So it took PML-N 2 years to figure out such a crime. In my opinion this whole charade was done because they wanted to defame Imran Khan, but most of all bog him down in a series of allegations so that his party can be shaken before the elections. But this has spectacularly backfired and it will damage there vote bank.

This is absolutely disgusting!!! No truth whatsoever.

Just look at the leaders of PMLN -> Nawaz Sharif & Shahbaz Sharif = These two beghairats didn't burry their father in Jannat-ul-baqi and instead bring his body to Pakistan.

Khuwaja Asif = Fraud BCI for millions of dollars and spent time in jail for the fraud.

Dost Khosa and Hamza Shahbaz = Rapist, kidnappers!!

Hanif Abbasi, Abid Sher Ali and Zaeem Qadri = Murderers and third class goons.

I think this is more than sufficient to show the character of PMLN.
Donations fund :D whats the point ? do you think he uses Zakat fund for investments, go check the financial statements... and come up with something yar... its really getting boring now...

I cant see anything written about Endowment fund in the description of Donations!!!!

Every professionally run charity organization (like Edhi) in Pakistan has an Endowment board and sab mehnat kar rahay hain aur paisa bananay ke liay.

You're making faces at the word investment like the returns are going into anyone's personal bank accounts. Zakat is just being multiplied.

They have mentioned all their accounts online, sab ki statement nikaal ke dekh lo. When you make a contract with a company do you tell them, I will give you money from my HBL branch on II Chundrigar rd from account 12345? Contract karne walay ko kya garz konse account se paisay arahay hain.

Sirf mode of payment decide hojati hai at the most. Cheque, Bank Transfer, bank Draft wagera.

But no professional organization invest money in such areas!!!!! and zakat got multiplied???? ( value down by 64 % )

And why you are not getting my point??? All i am asking is that skmh should tell donors that their money may be used to invest! By not telling donors about it they are lying!!!!
I cant see anything written about Endowment fund in the description of Donations!!!!

But no professional organization invest money in such areas!!!!! and zakat got multiplied???? ( value down by 64 % )

And why you are not getting my point??? All i am asking is that skmh should tell donors that their money may be used to invest! By not telling donors about it they are lying!!!!
Sir first that is the whole audit sheet but endowment fund gets 10 % when they get money from outside they put 10 % of it in endowment fund and Sir they have invested money and it get go down and also go above and by the way their money is secured as it is a charity organisation their money is gurranted and by the way Even KABA has endowment fund the King Abdullah Hotel in front of Kaba is used as its endowment fund all the income which comes from this hotel is spent on the renovation work of Kaba
Sir first that is the whole audit sheet but endowment fund gets 10 % when they get money from outside they put 10 % of it in endowment fund and Sir they have invested money and it get go down and also go above and by the way their money is secured as it is a charity organisation their money is gurranted and by the way Even KABA has endowment fund the King Abdullah Hotel in front of Kaba is used as its endowment fund all the income which comes from this hotel is spent on the renovation work of Kaba

once again not answering to my query!

Look its ok to have an Endowment fund

Its ok to invest

But its not OK to invest it in place where skmh BoG invested

and its not OK to hide endowment fund from Donors (when they are donating)
once again not answering to my query!

Look its ok to have an Endowment fund

Its ok to invest

But its not OK to invest it in place where skmh BoG invested

and its not OK to hide endowment fund from Donors (when they are donating)
Sir the money of those investors which give to Shaukat Khanum is told to them and the money was invested in this company because they trusted the man and he has written agreement with them that their money is gurranted but yes they should tell it more openly

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