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Imran Khan lost donation money in real estate gambling

Its not on the donation page ( i posted the link )

Well its not from Pmln, so answer his questions rather than attacking Pmln

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital (SKMH) is one of the jewels of Pakistan. It is a story of not just one man but a nation that joined hands to prove what was once unthinkable. Cancer treatment is out of the reach of many even in industrialized nations so thinking about such facility in a 3rd world country was nothing less than a fool’s dream.

A whole new generation has grown up listening about the success story behind the hospital. I was in 8th grade and still cherish those moments when I first saw my hero Imran Khan coming to my school for fund-raising. It is only natural that people have sentiments and emotions attached to the institute and therefore greater expectations.

Khawaja Asif’s press conference wrecked havoc and media as always added as much fuel as possible (one wonders if this has caused fuel shortage in the country). I found the conference arranged in haste and later as expected the whole issue turned ugly.

First, here are the objections that I don’t agree to:

Even if Shaukat Khanum channeled money from Pakistan to invest abroad what’s wrong with this? Any institute tries to protect its assets and frankly if I wouldn’t invest my own money in Pakistan why should I do the same with the donations?

Secondly, whether the money was given for Zakaat or endowment fund is an issue of no importance either. Again the institution has every right to ensure maximum gains out of the available resources anyway they deem necessary.

Thirdly - the investment tanked by 60%. Once again not an issue at all. Even no God has ever offered 100% profit guarantee under all circumstances.

But then there have been some genuine questions raised and after watching allegations and response from both sides I must say that few are still unanswered and these are serious ones.

1. No endowment fund anywhere in the world is invested in offshore company as ut-most care is taken to avoid any controversy.

COMMENT:he himself already answered that above... how silly !!

2. Under any circumstances, funds of an institute are never invested in a company owned by the trustee (current or not) himself.

COMMENT: that can be general rule- exceptions can be made..no big deal...

3. Such investments are always made secure through an insurance/ guarantee usually from a bank or another reputable institute.

COMMENToh come on, this is so unprofessional.. who is this write to begin with, an engineer wanna be a blogger? huh !!

Unfortunately Shaukat Khanum’s head, Dr Faisal Sultan, accepted doing all this by denouncing objection on the actions as ”difference of opinion”. Sorry sir, but there is a thin line between “difference of opinion” and “right & wrong” and your team actually crossed it.

I am not going to draw any conclusion here. Though calling it “corruption” will be a politically correct term; but let it be a “serious lapse of negligence” for now. Under any circumstances this whole “process” of investment is something that no law or moral in the world can justify. No one invests even a penny like this.

If watching Khawaja Asif’s press conference was not a pleasure, watching Imran Khan defending all this was more painful (here). What one expects from a man of his stature is to help resolve this issue which is not that complicated. Instead he opted to defend it by calling it an attack on the hospital and at times looked clueless by stating that he had nothing to do with this.

Sorry, but both answers are not acceptable. Welfare schemes cannot offer immunity from accountability just because the process may hurt the good work; and if Imran Khan has taken the due credit, of making SKMH a reality with public funding, he has to take responsibility for something wrong as well.

It may very well be a conspiracy against Imran Khan’s political career but for now, after all these questions are still unanswered, it is no more.

He should accept the serious lapse that has shaken the confidence of even those who respect him despite political differences and have been donating money all years long. Investing approx 600 million rupees in an unknown business owned by a present or a past member cannot be approved and appreciated by anyone. There is something wrong somewhere.

The head of SKMH should resign immediately and apologize for his negligence and the hospital should carry out an open investigation. Defending the actions mean that this whole exercise may take place again; now this is criminal and dangerous and will be more unfortunate & shameful than anything that has happened so far.

Let me ask this: “if similar questions were raised about Edhi foundation what would be Imran Khan’s response”?

Transparency is the only solution. Bringing everything to the light will only help SKMH in it’s cause. And of course kind of respect that Imran Khan would earn as a result will be an icing on the cake for his followers, fans and well wishers. Otherwise, any other option will justify the same rhetoric that he uses against his opponents.

SKMH is a national asset. It was made possible by the collective efforts led by a cricketing legend but it is not ”owned” by anyone. Let it be this way. Let it be hope to all Pakistanis that nothing is impossible. It treats cancer patients equally, let it deal with the biggest cancer of our country the same way.

Shaukat Khanum Hospital – Sanity At All Costs, Please! | Minto Park - A new Pakistani blog

the website is minto park . com :D
the website is minto park . com :D

For the 1000000000th time ( may be more) questions go unanswered !!!!

So, what the latest on this now?

After the Ch Nisar face saving press conference yesterday, any reply by SKMH?

The most absurd claim, well two most, are that this investment would then be used by PTI and this is money laundering.

Press Conf at 6 pm today by Imran Khan.
For the 1000000000th time ( may be more) questions go unanswered !!!!


for the final time to an undergraduate engineer mind, read my previous posts... otherwise just keep living in denial that you guys are nothing but mindlessly quarreling without understanding a bit of the matter....
For the 1000000000th time ( may be more) questions go unanswered !!!!


Write these down as text so that i can reply to each point.

And this little note is written by a two year old. just look at the spellings.

Second line. Endornment!!!!!:rofl:

Whoever made this, please grab a dictionary, or better still, spell check.

The grammar is pathetic, the spellings are pathetic, and all points except one are pathetic!
Would be interesting.

Yes, maybe ch nisar is going to get his share this time around...

however, as Imran Khan said I present myself for accountability because I am a leader of Pakistan, so as PMLN dirty politics is trying to hurt the donations of SKMH, Imran's focus should be to further clarify the lies by PMLN and khuwaja asif.
for the final time to an undergraduate engineer mind, read my previous posts... otherwise just keep living in denial that you guys are nothing but mindlessly quarreling without understanding a bit of the matter....
personal attacks :cry:

call me 75% engineer :D :P

plz tell me the post number

Write these down as text so that i can reply to each point.

And this little note is written by a two year old. just look at the spellings.

Second line. Endornment!!!!!:rofl:

Whoever made this, please grab a dictionary, or better still, spell check.

The grammar is pathetic, the spellings are pathetic, and all points except one are pathetic!

and ther person who posted this is also pathetic. Will you plz now concentrate on answering them. :rolleyes:
personal attacks :cry:

call me 75% engineer

plz tell me the post number

and ther person who posted this is also pathetic. Will you plz now concentrate on answering them. :rolleyes:

only if you were called a mechanic. anyway, instead of crying about how you are treated, better learn things quickly, the world is fast revolving... I cannot stick around forever trying to tell annoyingly arrogant people how things work in a business world !!

go through the answers, I replied to you.
only if you were called a mechanic. anyway, instead of crying about how you are treated, better learn things quickly, the world is fast revolving... I cannot stick around forever trying to tell annoyingly arrogant people how things work in a business world !!

go through the answers, I replied to you.

Crying??? I was Enjoying how patients of Celebrity Worship Syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia call me :D

point out the post. Generalizing the answer wont help
Fuc* is hitting the fan now.

Imran Khan right now posing 11 questions to nawaz Sharif, not PML, Nawaz Sharif.

A SKMH doctor now to come on to explain the claims against SKMH.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just yesterday Leader was asking me who talk about ayesha ahad. Well not about her but IK is definitely getting personal about NS and Kh Asif :D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just yesterday Leader was asking me who talk about ayesha ahad. Well not about her but IK is definitely getting personal about NS and Kh Asif :D

He only said, mainay bewafayi nhn ki, kiya apnay bhi nhn ki. Is say zyada main nhn kehta.

No names, no nothing. And who went personal first? PMl eh?
He only said, mainay bewafayi nhn ki, kiya apnay bhi nhn ki. Is say zyada main nhn kehta.

No names, no nothing. And who went personal first? PMl eh?

biwi sey bewafaye ka kiya matlab hota hai????????

I think some one posted his pic earlier where he was supporting skmh


Waise if Aamir Liaqat and Veena Malik can do Islamic shows, Imran Khan is totally right to lecture about being faithful
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