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sri lanka is a land of rapist and murderers where 14.5 % of men have ADMITTED to Rape. The % of men who has raped and has NOT Admitted is unknown. :lol:

And 1 in 4 Indian men have comitted sexual violence.

A land where 3 children are raped every day !!!

Two out of every three children in India are physically abused, according to a landmark government study.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Abuse of Indian children 'common'

A third world barbaric country that lives on Indian mercy.

India is far less developed than Sri Lanka. You guys still poo out in the open.

A begger nation that begs India every day for something.

But has a far higher per capita than India?

Now Jump sri lankan .... jump you black monkey boy. Jump because your master India has ordered you to jump.

Jumping is what you do at the Mandir no? In front of the Shiv Ling?

Bharat Mata shining!



LMAO. No one kisses your *****. Everyone of your neighbours laughs at you. The only kissing is done by India - China only has to blink and India is on bended knee. You are a nation that cannot even control its own territory. Random bomb blasts that you cannot control. 1/3 of your country is under the control of rag tag maoists. Kashmir is out of bounds for most of you. Your soldiers are attacked and killed. The Chinese enter your land at will. Your government is weak and inept.

In contrast, the Sri Lankan government is in full control of its territory. There are no random bomb blasts. Sri Lankan soldiers aren't getting killed. The government is stable and strong. And when Indian fishermen intrude into Sri Lankan territory they are arrested and thrown in jail - many have even been sent to the bottom of the Indian ocean.

It is your country that is weak and pathetic.

Wow, never heard that one before. You are so original. Indians cannot **** on anyone else buddy. Your soil is already dreached with the millions of people shitting and pissing out in the open. Because your country is one big open sewer with a serious lack of toilets. You poo in the streets, you poo in the garden, you poo in the rivers. Have you seen the state of your so-called sacred Ganges? I mean really.

Actually we are far nice than Indians.

Actually I think it was India begging Sri Lanka to stop the war. Too bad Sri Lanka didn't listen.

Did I touch a nerve? Don't worry, Sri Lanka is booming and leaving you behind.

Don't talk about your compatriots that way.

No one listens to Indians really.

Even pakistan is better than sri lanka. They have honor, you have none.

This the truth about Sri Lanka :lol:


Out of a total of 1,533 men surveyed, 14.5 per cent have admitted committing rape on a partner or a non-partner. The majority of the men (15.5 per cent of the total number of 1,176 partnered men surveyed) have confessed committing rape on a partner or the spouse. Some 6.2 per cent men have reported to perpetrating rape on non-partners and 1.6 per cent admitted committing gang rape.

Audacity of a shameless nation of ugly people is on full display.

Pi$$ of a nation who is forever in begging mode. We kicked out your army men from training and your cricketers , but you have come back begging Indians for more.

Your presidents begs before us, so really you are just a pathetic worm from sri lanka.

A beggar nation that lives on Indian charity is now barking like a dog.

We ended your war and we can start new wars in your pathetic nation black monkey boy. Your president knows that. That is why he is forever visiting India and begging us for mercy.

Stop raping your women sri lankan. They are ugly, but they are human.

Stop raping your children ugly blackie boy.

Now Jump sri lakan .... jump for all you are worth. Be a good little dog you are trained to be.
Look how funny this is. An Indian insulting Sri Lanka on standards of living. Look at the HDI index

What a insecure little retard with a massive inferiority complex!!.. And Indians here wonder why almost all the other posters dislike them.. :what:
And 1 in 4 Indian men have comitted sexual violence.

Two out of every three children in India are physically abused, according to a landmark government study.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Abuse of Indian children 'common'

India is far less developed than Sri Lanka. You guys still poo out in the open.

But has a far higher per capita than India?

Jumping is what you do at the Mandir no? In front of the Shiv Ling?

Back to faking statistics like the shameless ugly murdering rapist you are.

sri lanka is a civilizational black hole who still go around raping women just to satisfy their animal nature. No better than dogs .

A murderous nation who has killed and raped it own citizen due to bigotry. A morally bankrupt nation who is now talking about morality.

A beggar nation who is now bragging about ability to eat 3 times a day. A third world nation who is bragging about their poverty.

A **** of a nation who survives on Indian charity and talks big.

What we do in our toilets and temples are our problem. First stop raping your ugly women blackie.

Now Jump monkey boy ... Jump for all your worth.
Sri Lanka is not a miracle. Indian state of Kerala and Goa with similar population fair better than Sri Lanka in HDI and other living standard measures, infact Goa has higher per capita than Sri Lanka

Goa has had higher per capita GDP from before India took it from Portugese. It was their jewel and they took care of it. In any case it is because of India, but Portugal.
What a insecure little retard with a massive inferiority complex!!.. And Indians here wonder why almost all the other posters dislike them.. :what:

You can give your advice to insecure retards from your nation who is out to display his massive inferiority complex. We don't care a fcuk if you like us or not, first learn to respect others.

I complemented SL and in return the b@stard had the audacity to criticize India. Now he will know what real criticism taste's like.
What a insecure little retard with a massive inferiority complex!!.. And Indians here wonder why almost all the other posters dislike them.. :what:

Did you get a chance to look at post # 32 which started all this? Leave your personal bias aside and never generalize things.
Did you get a chance to look at post # 32 which started all this? Leave your personal bias aside and never generalize things.

Not generalizing.. Those are facts.. Bar a handful most of the Indians here live in their own made up bubble of crap.. Thankfully you keyboard warriors do not represent Indian society at large in the real world

As for that post.. Yeah it was a over the top reply to a snide remark your buddy made that has nothing to do with the subject discussed or something he has no real idea about.. so save your two cents
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