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Sri Lanka Economy Shines as India and Pakistan Lag

Just have to be careful, especially with upcoming US/EU possible sanctions.

I seriously doubt that anyone is going to sanction Sri Lanka.

And even if they do, you can just increase trade with China and the rest of Asia. Win-win. :D
I seriously doubt that anyone is going to sanction Sri Lanka.

And even if they do, you can just increase trade with China and the rest of Asia. Win-win. :D

I doubt there will be any sanctions to be honest.

But trade relations with China will not fix it, if it does happen. China-SL trade is balanced heavily towards China.
I doubt there will be any sanctions to be honest.

But trade relations with China will not fix it, if it does happen. China-SL trade is balanced heavily towards China.

Anyone who sells products at competitive prices will find a customer in China.

We have significant trade deficits towards Japan, South Korea and Taiwan for instance.

And we are the 2nd largest importer in the world.
Anyone who sells products at competitive prices will find a customer in China.

We have significant trade deficits towards Japan, South Korea and Taiwan for instance.

And we are the 2nd largest importer in the world.

True, but SL isn't exactly in the league of the countries you mentioned.

From SoKo, China imports stuff like semiconductors -> value adds by putting them in phones, electronics -> exports
Japan -> capital goods import
Taiwan -> I don't know, but I'm sure it's from a capital intensive industry.

US/EU sanctions would heavily affect the Lankan economy but it is unlikely to occur.

u know read some defence stuff that defence experts of your own country write. India's borders with China and Pakistan have troubles. It is the south that india doesnt have any. That is why Indian gov is making more nuclear plants in the south that incase of an attack they are safe.
If any forigen power enter SL they can very easily influence India. That is why! SL may not be a threat, but some bigger power in SL could be a threat. That is why your own leaders get paniced when chinese build more and more relationships with SL. One reason India supported SL's war aggainst LTTE was LTTE having acquired air power.

They help Pakistan in 1971 war.

They help Pakistan in 1971 war.

what help? I am sick of repeating the same thing to these indians here. SL didnt support Pakistan. Actually it was a diplomatic error from india that they couldnt make other neighbours aware. As soon as india informed SL the gov here stopped it.
u know read some defence stuff that defence experts of your own country write. India's borders with China and Pakistan have troubles. It is the south that india doesnt have any. That is why Indian gov is making more nuclear plants in the south that incase of an attack they are safe.
If any forigen power enter SL they can very easily influence India. That is why! SL may not be a threat, but some bigger power in SL could be a threat. That is why your own leaders get paniced when chinese build more and more relationships with SL. One reason India supported SL's war aggainst LTTE was LTTE having acquired air power.

The LTTE had air power? :O
The LTTE had air power? :O
They had their own airports and light aircraft. Don't you know that they carried out few operations in air? One happened in world cup final in 2007.
The LTTE had air power? :O
LTTE was more of a conventional army with naval and air power. They got many weapons and support from many countries. Actually LTTE had RPGs and nightvision even before SL army did.
@Saradiel who told you that we arre not building nuclear power plants in north India??
LTTE was more of a conventional army with naval and air power. They got many weapons and support from many countries. Actually LTTE had RPGs and nightvision even before SL army did.

And that was their greatest downfall. That stupid Pabhakaran thought he could take on a conventional army head on and win after some successes with conventional tactics....but after SLA rearmed and retrained it was game over for LTTE.
@Saradiel who told you that we arre not building nuclear power plants in north India??

it is not that you are not building nuclear plants in north india, it is simply the concentration is higher in the south. Between are you disagreeing with the point that it is the south of india that you have a safe border?

And that was their greatest downfall. That stupid Pabhakaran thought he could take on a conventional army head on and win after some successes with conventional tactics....but after SLA rearmed and retrained it was game over for LTTE.

agree with you, when LTTE tried to become a conventional army, SL army was a superior conventional army and by that time SL army had developed its guerilla attacks as well. SL army defeated LTTE in their own game (guerilla)
And that was their greatest downfall. That stupid Pabhakaran thought he could take on a conventional army head on and win after some successes with conventional tactics....but after SLA rearmed and retrained it was game over for LTTE.
If it remained to be a guerrilla force, it wouldn't have been able to gain territories and the whole conflict would've been pointless. So I think Praba did the right thing but one reason for his downfall was corruption inside.
it is not that you are not building nuclear plants in north india, it is simply the concentration is higher in the south. Between are you disagreeing with the point that it is the south of india that you have a safe border?)
No i agree that South India is very much safe than North India even we are building all the strategic oil reserves in South India.
And that was their greatest downfall. That stupid Pabhakaran thought he could take on a conventional army head on and win after some successes with conventional tactics....but after SLA rearmed and retrained it was game over for LTTE.

The LTTE downfall was not because they went conventional. They were an equal match for the conventional SLA in 4th eelam war. But their downfall laid with the innovative gurrella tactics of SLA.
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