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IIM Ahmedabad among top 39 elite business schools in the world

One after another making a complete fool of himself, welcome to the club. Every B school does case study. A case study is no research publication. Do you even what you're talking about?

what a moron !!! Add to that your perseverance here.

You do a case study and then you evaluate the best solution doing research. On can also publish these papers if they are good.

Got it or do I have to explain this at kindergarten level???
Okk genius - thanks for your feedback - you may leave now - three pages of trolling session has just ended - I don't want another one to start now.....

Someone asked for the truth, I gave the truth. Now you guys can't handle truth and brand me a troll, LOL. Doesn't look very good on you guys, does it?

what a moron !!! Add to that your perseverance here.

You do a case study and then you evaluate the best solution doing research. On can also publish these papers if they are good.

Got it or do I have to explain this at kindergarten level???

Case study is not no research. Publication in academic means research paper. :rofl:
Even if you don't mind making a fool of yourself, don't embarass your country
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Someone asked for the truth, I gave the truth. Now you guys can't handle truth and brand me a troll, LOL.
Case study is not no research. Publication in academic means research paper. Even if you don't mind making a fool of yourself, don't embarass your country really.

Hear ...... Hear ...... a High IQ chinese talking about Case studies and Research,

If there is no Case study there is no situation and if there is no situation or scenario there is no research.

You are embarrassing you country here with your pathetic posts and nil knowledge and poor reasoning.

Simply speaking you want to increase your post count here, this is even embarrassing.

We used to have a guy with shuttle bat who used to rant about India just to increase post count, we have this experience in dealing with cent earning trolls.
Hear ...... Hear ...... a High IQ chinese talking about Case studies and Research,

If there is no Case study there is no situation and if there is no situation or scenario there is no research.

You are embarrassing you country here with your pathetic posts and nil knowledge and poor reasoning.

Simply speaking you want to increase your post count here, this is even embarrassing.

We used to have a guy with shuttle bat who used to rant about India just to increase post count, we have this experience in dealing with cent earning trolls.

That is the most earth shattering statement I've heard. MBAs = Phds.

Do you realize how foolish your post is? If you have no clue about the subject matter, it is wiser to keep your mouth closed. The one ranting here is you. :rofl:
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Stop replying to this phate acid. he is usual butthurt chinese. The Koreans, Japs and Americans are tearing their air defence zone and he is here harping on IIMs
Stop replying to this phate acid. he is usual butthurt chinese. The Koreans, Japs and Americans are tearing their air defence zone and he is here harping on IIMs

If you guys don't have anything that is factual and intelligent to add, I agree don't post.
Butthurt, who? Chinese MBAs are ranked higher by FT, but we don't take pride in deluding ourselves.
Someone asked for the truth, I gave the truth. Now you guys can't handle truth and brand me a troll, LOL. Doesn't look very good on you guys, does it?

Did I ever say you are a troll????? lol - you are branding yourself like that by your own - None of them really asked you anything - but still a healthy criticism is good thing - but now if you wish to leave you can #isolated
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Stop replying to this phate acid. he is usual butthurt chinese. The Koreans, Japs and Americans are tearing their air defence zone and he is here harping on IIMs

in all previous pages all i saw was he was proved wrong at every point.

they have faked their IQ figures too.

in all previous pages all i saw was he was proved wrong at every point.

they have faked their IQ figures too.

He dismisses QS ranking because he says the ranking is based on survey. When the same QS survey ranks some chinese universities high, he has no problems with the survey !

in all previous pages all i saw was he was proved wrong at every point.

they have faked their IQ figures too.

Really, so IIM must be wrong too. I quoted from the website.

He dismisses QS ranking because he says the ranking is based on survey. When the same QS survey ranks some chinese universities high, he has no problems with the survey !

Yes, I dismiss QS. But where did I say I have no problem with QS survey with regard to their ranking of Chinese universities? Back up what you said.
You just can't stop making a fool of yourself.
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And I asked clearly. What is the need for equivalency ?

I clearly gave you the answer, but since your cerebral capacity is limited, I'll repost.

1) GMAT and CAT are not administered by the same body, hence equivalency is required.

2) GMAT is equivalated by IIM, because GMAT is recognized and accepted.


IIMA and its Programmes (that use CAT scores) - IIMA

For candidates eligible to be considered using the GMAT, the following equivalent CAT scores for the GMAT scores will be applied:
GMAT Equivalent CAT Score
700 223
710 230
720 239
730 250
740 258
750 267
760 283
770 289
780 298
790 311
800 377
The composite score will be calculated based on the equivalent CAT score and Application Rating as described above
From your very own IIM website, I shown you that

1) the score is equivalated

2) IIM accepts GMAT.

If you insist on disputing facts and figures, there's nothing I can do to prevent you from you making a complete fool of yourself.

IIM accepts GMAT only for certain candidates/ conditions. In any case, you need to know math to talk about these things.
not here. I'm not your average Indian.
Anyone here with a sound mind can read and infer from IIM website wheth
You pathetic attempt to spin "the logic" may work in India forum, but not here. I'm not your average Indian.

Anyone here with a sound mind can read and infer from IIM website whether GMAT is accepted or not.

Random chinese a$$hole talking about Indian institutions don't make his claims any better

Thanks for proving me right.

You know how to ADD maggot?
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