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IHC lashes out at Army's role 'as mediator' in government's agreement with protesters

Army did not create the mess; possibly.

Government compounded the problem for itself when it allowed the dharna to start and then to expand. But once the Government ordered the Army to take control of security situation in Islamabad, the Army had to legal right to deny or delay obeying the directives. Whatever the Justice has said is factual, he has not said a single thing out of context. And please note that the Army was not called in a 'mediator', the Army was called in under Article 6 to aid the civil Government in bringing the situation under control by establishing the writ of the Government. The Army's response on the matter was advise for the PM to resolve the matter peacefully.

The next time there is a dharna for resignation of the Army Chief or CM or PM or Chief Justice what will be the course of action? I mean we have set a precedent here.......

Because of insubordination of the Army Chief, the political government had to surrender the writ of the state to those who had hijacked the capital of our country!

What a bloody shame!!!

Very astute observation here.

Must commend a clarity of view amongst the thousands to otherwise.

A disciplined force, which is supposed to uphold the writ of the State and follow the orders LEGALLY issued, not only refused to follow a direct legal order, but in the process, has dealt an immense blow to the perception that will now be there in the public domain, of the legal elected Government of the Nation is powerless, and neither has the means nor the wherewithal, to enforce the writ of the State over it's own territories, if taken hostage by a couple of thousand of radicalized motley groups who could force an elected and appointed minister demit office and in the process undermine the Judicial order as applicable.

Wonderful display of a viable State. Now many wonder why Pakistan is labeled a Failed state.

By the ways, in the process, PA has acted against their own Army Act and Service Regulations. The COAS here is likely guilty of failure of duty and acting against a legally elected Government. Not to mention of Contempt of Court and accessory to a criminal conspiracy by virtue of inaction.
I wont give a clean chit to army either knowing the bad blood they have with NS.

You know that interior minister conveniently disowned this whole operation? The problem with NS is that he deserves a more harsher treatment. That dumb rear dhakan is a third timer ...... he had appointed two Army chiefs in his tenure ........ and still he couldn't get along with them. Believe me this was the right time for these political parties to consolidate and get hold of their matters by better governance and proving that they are competent... but no these duffers couldn't rise above their dynastic politics and their individual interests. It is still easy ..... the next breed of Army command would be the ones who have faced the enemy in the battlefield with their lives ..... those guys won't be too much tolerant of their political games and bs.
Army was called by the Government according to article 245 which suspends High court's jurisdiction so i don't know why IHC is intruding?
Article: 245 Functions of Armed Forces
245. Functions of Armed Forces.- 1[(1)] The Armed Forces shall, under the directions of the Federal Government, defend Pakistan against external aggression or threat of war, and, subject to law, act in aid of civil power when called upon to do so.

(2) The validity of any direction issued by the Federal Government under clause (1), shall not be called in question in any Court.

(3) A High Court shall not exercise any jurisdiction under Article 199 in relation to any area in which the Armed Forced of Pakistan are, for the time being, acting in aid of civil power in pursuance of Article 245:

Provided that this clause shall not be deemed to affect the jurisdiction of the High Court in respect of any proceeding pending immediately before the day on which the Armed Forces start acting in aid of civil power.

(4) Any proceeding in relation to an area referred to in clause (3) instituted on or after the day the Armed Forces start acting in aid of civil power and pending in any High Court shall remain suspended for the period during which the Armed Forces are so acting.]
Very astute observation here.

Must commend a clarity of view amongst the thousands to otherwise.

A disciplined force, which is supposed to uphold the writ of the State and follow the orders LEGALLY issued, not only refused to follow a direct legal order, but in the process, has dealt an immense blow to the perception that will now be there in the public domain, of the legal elected Government of the Nation is powerless, and neither has the means nor the wherewithal, to enforce the writ of the State over it's own territories, if taken hostage by a couple of thousand of radicalized motley groups who could force an elected and appointed minister demit office and in the process undermine the Judicial order as applicable.

Wonderful display of a viable State. Now many wonder why Pakistan is labeled a Failed state.

By the ways, in the process, PA has acted against their own Army Act and Service Regulations. The COAS here is likely guilty of failure of duty and acting against a legally elected Government. Not to mention of Contempt of Court and accessory to a criminal conspiracy by virtue of inaction.

Boss you are a professional ....... do you think that a problem that can be solved by "Jamalgota" needs firing a rocket at it?
Also when called to Intervene, the army is supposed to use all available means including arbitration.
According to Pakistan arbitration act 1940 anyone can be arbitrator and armed forces personnel are not barred from being arbitrator.
Although the arbitration act is generally used to resolve financial disputes of civil-cases without court intervention but as of May 2017 criminal cases can also be resolved via arbitration

Hence the DG Rangers Punjab acted legally and no law was broken.
The army in India cannot deny the government request according to our constitution. One simple question to Pakistani friends: Does the Pakistani constitution allow the Pakistani army to deny request of Pakistani government? If yes please enlighten me about the Pakistani constitution, if no then Is Pakistani army above Pakistani constitution?

First you need to ask does Pakistan army consider themselves under the GOvt and constitution? The answer is big Fat NO.
Our army is descendent of angels directly from Heaven into DHA or Cantt.
Our Lumber One Phoj do not take any order or work on the writ on Govt. They do whatever they want to do and they dictate the Govt. Now our High Court has mentioned that behind this whole Dharna, army was main character for their malicious intents
Boss you are a professional ....... do you think that a problem that can be solved by "Jamalgota" needs firing a rocket at it?

Sometimes you need to fire a rocket ... it is the impression that has been created that will have long term effects on society.

The threat of force should never be made without using it. GoP made a threat ordering forces to clear, army advised.

Impression: State is scared of us.
Sometimes you need to fire a rocket ... it is the impression that has been created that will have long term effects on society.

The threat of force should never be made without using it. GoP made a threat ordering forces to clear, army advised.

Impression: State is scared of us.

I would blame the Pakistan Army if they were asked to act against heavily armed well trained miscreants in FATA, Swat and Balochistan .... and they denied and instead tried advising State to make peace with them.

But if the Army had come out here in this situation against these protesters .......... seriously I would start panicking and would worry.

There are 200 million people in this country and I am sure a lot of them could have advised a very non violent solution to disperse this crowd ........... like I suggested "Jamal Gota" its a heavenly cure when you have 2,500 heavily halwa addicted zombies protesting. Easy to Jamal Gota all of them and let it sink ........ half an hour max all of them would be running with hands behind their rears. But this solution is only when you really wish to solve the problem.
Very astute observation here.

Must commend a clarity of view amongst the thousands to otherwise.

A disciplined force, which is supposed to uphold the writ of the State and follow the orders LEGALLY issued, not only refused to follow a direct legal order, but in the process, has dealt an immense blow to the perception that will now be there in the public domain, of the legal elected Government of the Nation is powerless, and neither has the means nor the wherewithal, to enforce the writ of the State over it's own territories, if taken hostage by a couple of thousand of radicalized motley groups who could force an elected and appointed minister demit office and in the process undermine the Judicial order as applicable.

Wonderful display of a viable State. Now many wonder why Pakistan is labeled a Failed state.

By the ways, in the process, PA has acted against their own Army Act and Service Regulations. The COAS here is likely guilty of failure of duty and acting against a legally elected Government. Not to mention of Contempt of Court and accessory to a criminal conspiracy by virtue of inaction.
Country's integrity is above any legal and constitutional process. The govt procrastinated for weeks and finally turned over to the army for use of force without realizing the gravity of the situation.

There were protests in 87 cities/towns after the start of the police action in Islamabad, MNAs and MPAs homes were attacked by mobs throughout Punjab. Had there been more bloodshed at the behest of the court/govt, things could have gotten a lot worse. The last thing which the army wanted was the hostility of a large chunk of population and the deployment of it's assets in an entirely unnecessary and avoidable internal conflict.

The govt disowned the police action. They would have disowned the army action as well whilst pinning the entire responsibility of the subsequent turmoil on the shoulders of the military.
What PA did was like what one would do at a red light when the other passenger is having a heart attack---break the signal.
First you need to ask does Pakistan army consider themselves under the GOvt and constitution? The answer is big Fat NO.
Our army is descendent of angels directly from Heaven into DHA or Cantt.
Our Lumber One Phoj do not take any order or work on the writ on Govt. They do whatever they want to do and they dictate the Govt. Now our High Court has mentioned that behind this whole Dharna, army was main character for their malicious intents
Does anyone here in PDF endorse your views?
Is it open secret now in Pakistan that army doesn't listen/follow the civilian govt?
Anybody still having faith in Pakistani Army that it is working together with civilian govt in Pakistan interest or the other view that Pakistani Army decides what is good for Pakistan is the only truth!
IHC lashes out at Army's role 'as mediator'
Why not?
He have EVERY RIGHT to do so.
It is only that he should realize that the government FAILED to negotiate or DO ANYTHING to resolve the matter. They were looking at the army to take a step by themselves so the ministers and all can leave their offices and get out on the streets crying "mujy kuen nikala". Thankfully, army is wise enough to not take any such step. It was the government that after failing to resolve the situation, CALLED army for help to "negotiate and resolve the situation authorizing any necessary steps" as per the constitution (yeah, the same book these thugs hide behind when caught with their pants down while looting and fking the country)
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