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IHC lashes out at Army's role 'as mediator' in government's agreement with protesters

Those so called radical views were the views of the majority of the population..... the parliament included.
The cost of suppressing the majority would have been even greater.

The amendment was criminally passed without the members of the parliament having complete knowledge about it. The whole nation stood against it.


Precisely the point. Effect of the fundamental changes introduced into Pakistani school and higher education curriculum in 80s.

Now you have allowed two members of this very group on the advisory board of rewriting the curriculum. An already fundamentalist is approach is considered too lenient.

An irony?

Precisely the point. Effect of the fundamental changes introduced into Pakistani school and higher education curriculum in 80s.

Now you have allowed two members of this very group on the advisory board of rewriting the curriculum. An already fundamentalist is approach is considered too lenient.

An irony?
It has less to do with curriculum more to do with pandering which emboldened them
Why do you Indians always resort to questioning the TTC tag? Insecure much?

I'm an TTC because of my background in Pak Government. You should ask @fatman17 @WebMaster Why they made me TTC in 2008. Me being a TTC and talking about politics I am no more or less than average member on PDF.

The amount of times an Indian member has brought up my TTC title makes me laugh!

Listen to yourself! (I'm not challenging the contention of the IHC) oh bahi you can't challenge Jack. Except write walls of text on PDF about issues that don't even concern you.

Head back to the first post of yours quoted by me.

Read it again. Was an attempt at trying to understand what you were trying to put across a violation of the forum rules? Or was it an insult to you? Or was it a silly question as you are a special creation who speaks in ambiguity and only the divine are allowed to understand you?

Was it too difficult to be civil?

Why is it that some of you Pakistani TTAs and TTCs assume such an arrogance so as to give a stupid reply as you did .... “read between the lines” and “not here to spoon feed you”?

I am sure @fatman17 and @WebMaster expected you to be an exemplary member to guide the discourse and spread knowledge. Perhaps they were mistaken and you want to prove that here?

Was it, really, such a difficult task to be polite?

Look at your rants .... saddens me to see PDF at such a nadir in an intellectual and civil discourse.

@fatman17 @WebMaster .. amazing TTAs and TTCs ...

The only ambiguity in this whole saga is the one deemed desirable by those in charge. Which side of the coin toss wins? In Pakistan, the Army wins heads, the civilians lose tails. The whole world sees this, but as long as the Pakistanis themselves bear the brunt of this situation, no one else can change anything. There is no need to get worked up over this, at least not too much, in an environment that is carefully managed according to directions from assigned handlers.

LoL ..... apt.

And amazingly, the apologists cheer the nation being sold to radicals.

As an Indian I must cheer it ... but an unstable Pakistan is a security issue for us too.

It has less to do with curriculum more to do with pandering which emboldened them

Armed Forces and ISI.

When a generation of Pakistanis were brought up in officially sanctioned radicalism, what do you expect?

Army will not fight them ... it can’t. It’s only going to try and manage them.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is disengage and hit that big old ignore button!
When a generation of Pakistanis were brought up in officially sanctioned radicalism, what do you expect?
Although Zia,s era did play a major role but its way more complicated the seeds were sowed in Bhutto era and were well taken care of during NS,s tenures
We keep forgetting that just 6 years ago it was revealed that NS,s party pmln gave funding and support to a well known sectarian outfit in punjab to weaken political opponents
Now they have to prove how Muslim they are to fringe groups :D
Oh man karma is a motherfucking bitch

Army will not fight them ... it can’t. It’s only going to try and manage them.
Fighting them it is but what we need here is a strong counter narrative
Section 4 of The Anti Terrorism Act (ATA), 1997 implies that only the federal government can invoke ATA 1997 and deploy armed forces for counter terrorism. If the Provincial government feels the need of deploying armed forces for counter terrorism, they have to get the orders issued via the Federal government.
Once ATA 1997 is implied then the armed forces deployed can act as police and have full police powers and can act autonomously under section 5 of ATA 1997.
Problem is that the legislation is seldom used the correct way in Pakistan . The need is for the provincial governments to be proactive and issue the correct directives via federal government when act of terrorism is imminent .
In 90% of the cases Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860) or not even that, just a phone call to local army unit.
is invoked by local authorities in case of terrorism, which only gives the armed forces some limited legal rights as helpers of the police.
ISI regularly issues letters to Provincial governments and police about Imminent terrorism threats in their areas. But a preemptive order under ATA 1997 is almost never issued. Its always PPC 1860 after the terrorists have attacked and damage done.
The elected representatives of civilian government should be more responsible and an institution known worldwide for their abilities in counter terrorism should\not be left shackled in legalities and proper sections of the law invoked preemptively.
Today's attack in Peshawar was imminent for more than a month but ATA 1997 was not invoked for the university area for which warnings were issued by ISI and armed forces couldn't take any preemptive actions.
Many steps could have been taken by the armed forces to prevent today's attack from happening if the correct legal clauses were invoked. That still does not relieve or stop the police from their responsibilities and they can continue their work.
LoL ..... apt.

And amazingly, the apologists cheer the nation being sold to radicals.

As an Indian I must cheer it ... but an unstable Pakistan is a security issue for us too.

I understand what goes on in Pakistan better than many "experts" and "consultants" here, Sir, and I have the bans and negative ratings and sanctioned attack poodle yelps to prove it, since truth is to be avoided here as much as possible in favor of prescribed mantras. My advice one again to you would be to let this go. :D

But, in all fairness, Pakistan as a security problem for its neighbors will remain limited to certain areas without spilling over into the general arena, merely for the reason that who are selling the nation to radicals are also the ones with the most to lose, and when push finally comes to shove, they will deal with the problem (of their own making) quite ruthlessly and effectively, as they will be required to do.
I understand what goes on in Pakistan better than many "experts" and "consultants" here, Sir, and I have the bans and negative ratings and sanctioned attack poodle yelps to prove it, since truth is to be avoided here as much as possible in favor of prescribed mantras. My advice one again to you would be to let this go. :D

But, in all fairness, Pakistan as a security problem for its neighbors will remain limited to certain areas without spilling over into the general arena, merely for the reason that who are selling the nation to radicals are also the ones with the most to lose, and when push finally comes to shove, they will deal with the problem (of their own making) quite ruthlessly and effectively, as they will be required to do.
Very sanctimonious of you
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