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IHC lashes out at Army's role 'as mediator' in government's agreement with protesters

I am frustrated and I told you before too, I am hell frustrated and reason is we creating again a monster ( already create ) to destroy current one. And we repeating it. Sigh.......
Well, Congratz to nation for a great victory! Happy now?

I am happy no matter what. People have started taking their rights back and no amount of Biryani or Qeemay kay Naan can undo that.

You live in 2011 not 2017.
I am happy no matter what. People have started taking their rights back and no amount of Biryani or Qeemay kay Naan can undo that.

You live in 2011 not 2017.
See! Sigh!
I lived in 40s 50s 70s 90s 2000 and 2002 onward, I just see destruction whatever you name it. Qeemy ke naan or head of my soldiers.
See! Sigh!
I lived in 40s 50s 70s 90s 2000 and 2002 onward, I just see destruction whatever you name it. Qeemy ke naan or head of my soldiers.

Doesn't matter. Had you lived in 1700BCE you would still have the same logic.

You support the political elite which are corrupt and this corruption causes mass frustration among the youths and no wonder they go bonkers.

All that is glorified to you is the Status Quo which needs preserving. Islam is never in danger. People are never in danger. Human rights are never in danger. Minorities are never in danger. Even the Indus dolphin is never in danger in Pakistan.

The only ones in danger in Pakistan are the lovers of the Status Quo. The idols of the caste system. You treat ones who can give you what you want as Brahmin and others who disagree as Dalit.

What does Status quo needs to stay in power and further the loot? The fear !! You wanted that fear to prevail under the guise of 'writ of the state'. It did not happen. You are simply frustrated at that.

by the way this writ of the state only comes in handy when there is religious agitation? Why not when millions are laundered off and when people are treated worse than slaves, private prisons. women being paraded naked. Everything is acceptable. What is not acceptable is when people question the state then comes the writ of the state.

Why do you not realize that the trumpet has blown for the likes of you in Pakistan? It is over. finito !!
Country's integrity is above any legal and constitutional process.
Of course!!

The govt procrastinated for weeks and finally turned over to the army for use of force without realizing the gravity of the situation.
They actually created it purposefully.

There were protests in 87 cities/towns after the start of the police action in Islamabad, MNAs and MPAs homes were attacked by mobs throughout Punjab. Had there been more bloodshed at the behest of the court/govt, things could have gotten a lot worse. The last thing which the army wanted was the hostility of a large chunk of population and the deployment of it's assets in an entirely unnecessary and avoidable internal conflict.
My family and friends told that situation was really bad, the inter-city transportation was blocked and life had come to standstill. Govt just blocked the media to cover it but it was the most wide spread protest so far and the damages done by the people are meagre in comparison to the their power.
Enemies both internal and external very keenly observing and waiting in the wings like vultures for the chaos to grow out of control which would have had the army acted upon govts advise to use force against the largely peaceful protestors.
Doesn't matter. Had you lived in 1700BCE you would still have the same logic.

You support the political elite which are corrupt and this corruption causes mass frustration among the youths and no wonder they go bonkers.

All that is glorified to you is the Status Quo which needs preserving. Islam is never in danger. People are never in danger. Human rights are never in danger. Minorities are never in danger. Even the Indus dolphin is never in danger in Pakistan.

The only ones in danger in Pakistan are the lovers of the Status Quo. The idols of the caste system. You treat ones who can give you what you want as Brahmin and others who disagree as Dalit.

What does Status quo needs to stay in power and further the loot? The fear !! You wanted that fear to prevail under the guise of 'writ of the state'. It did not happen. You are simply frustrated at that.

by the way this writ of the state only comes in handy when there is religious agitation? Why not when millions are laundered off and when people are treated worse than slaves, private prisons. women being paraded naked. Everything is acceptable. What is not acceptable is when people question the state then comes the writ of the state.

Why do you not realize that the trumpet has blown for the likes of you in Pakistan? It is over. finito !!
See! Sigh!
Again I am asking you bring any of my single post where I defend the corruption? As you failed before when I asked bring any post where I asking for a bloodshed!
The rest of your post is your own philosophy
i.e eyes.

or brain to seeing the matters.
See! Sigh!
Again I am asking you bring any of my single post where I defend the corruption? As you failed before when I asked bring any post where I asking for a bloodshed!
The rest of your post is your own philosophy
i.e eyes.

or brain to seeing the matters.

it is corruption. you do not let the people know and make fundamental changes in law and Constitution
Why don't you just call these protesters ISIS and get it over with? Whose stopping you?
it is corruption. you do not let the people know and make fundamental changes in law and Constitution
Why don't you just call these protesters ISIS and get it over with? Whose stopping you?
For God Sake
How many time I post it here? The bill was passed by a parliamentary committee in 2015 and was pending to approve by NA and senate, the PMLN bring it on right time wrong time dosent matter as it was bring up by a parliment chosen by me and you. Not by a street molvi. “ I called this type of molvi TTP and ISSI kharji, nam islam ka lete hain aur harkaten ghair islami “
Now if you have objection what I write in converted comma you are free to debate.

Pakistan Strikes Deal With Islamist Protesters in Islamabad


  • ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan’s government struck a deal on Monday with leaders of a fundamentalist Islamist protest movement, saying that the country’s law minister would step down in return for an end to demonstrations that had brought violent clashes and paralyzed the Pakistani capital for weeks.

    The embattled law minister, Zahid Hamid, whom protesters had accused of blasphemy, resigned as part of negotiations overseen by Pakistan’s military, officials said.

    Public anger over the protest’s disruption of Islamabad, the capital, had been growing by the day, and the agreement was widely seen as another in a string of capitulations by the government to religious extremists who command growing popularity in Pakistan.

    zahid Hussain@hidhussain

    A sad day when the state surrendered to the extremists. Now there is no stopping of those bigots.

    12:46 AM - Nov 27, 2017
    Just a few days before, a judicial panel ordered the release of the Islamist militant leader Hafiz Saeed from house arrest. Though Mr. Saeed stands accused in the deadly Mumbai terror attacks in 2008 and is wanted internationally as a terrorist leader and financier, he also enjoys huge popularity in Pakistan, and was seen as very likely to publicly take up leadership of a political party started by his inner circle.

    The agreement on Monday was hashed out after violent clashes between the protesters — from a hard-line religious party belonging to the Barelvi sect of Islam — and police officers. The party’s leader, the cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi, had rallied thousands of supporters near one of the main entrances to Islamabad, disrupting traffic for more than two weeks.


    Khadim Hussain Rizvi, center, the cleric leading a hard-line religious party belonging to the Barelvi sect of Islam. He had rallied thousands of supporters in Islamabad, disrupting traffic for more than two weeks.CreditAamir Qureshi/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
    An attempt by the governing party, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, to clear out the protest site earlier on Saturday ended in deadly clashes, with at least six protesters killed and more than 200 people injured.

The government was forced to suspend the operation, but violence quickly spilled over to other parts of the country, especially in Punjab Province, the most important political base for the governing party. The law minister’s house there was attacked, and several other party figures also came under pressure.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi met with Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, Pakistan’s army chief, to discuss the crisis. The army chief said his troops would not use force to stop the protests, but agreed to safeguard important buildings around the capital, military officials said.

The Barelvi party’s protest started over proposed changes to the oath taken by incoming lawmakers, including altering the language that declared the Prophet Muhammad as God’s final prophet.

Mr. Rizvi and other hard-line clerics said the changes, under the supervision of Mr. Hamid, the law minister, resulted in blasphemy, which is listed under the country’s laws as a capital offense. Even isolated accusations of blasphemy have led to lynchings or mob violence, and Mr. Rizvi has often used the issue to whip up outrage at sermons and party rallies.


Supporters listening to Mr. Rizvi in Islamabad on Monday. CreditAamir Qureshi/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The law minister denied the charge, releasing a video in which he stated that he personally believed that Muhammad was God’s final prophet, and the government quickly dropped the proposed changes to the oath. But the efforts to placate Mr. Rizvi and several other religious leaders failed, and demonstrations began three weeks ago.

The agreement signed in the early hours of Monday called for an immediate removal of the law minister. In turn, religious leaders assured that they would not issue an edict against him — apparently to ensure that the minister did not come under further attacks; blasphemy accusations have often led to killings of the accused. The agreement called for the release of all workers and supporters of Mr. Rizvi’s party apart from asking the government to pay for the damages to public property.

One particularly telling part of the agreement was a note of gratitude to General Bajwa, the army chief, who was thanked for “saving the country from a big catastrophe.” In some circles, the military has been criticized as being too tolerant, or even supportive, of extreme Islamist groups.

Zeb Aslam@ZebAslam

Not seeing nearly enough blame for the Pakistan Army over its role in Islamabad dharna. They backed these guys, they wanted to 'mainstream' them and they refused to act against them. With 'protectors' like these, who needs aggressors? (1/2)

12:53 AM - Nov 27, 2017

Maj. Gen. Faiz Hamid, the director general of the counterintelligence wing of the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, the country’s powerful spy agency, signed the agreement as representative of the army chief.

Later on Monday, roadblocks and barriers were removed from Islamabad’s highways and connecting roads after Mr. Rizvi addressed a news conference and called off the protest. Sanitary workers began to remove debris from the area where the protesters were camped.

Maj. Gen. Azhar Naveed Hayat Khan, the director general of the Pakistan Rangers (Punjab), a paramilitary force, which had been ordered to clear the protest site, distributed cash to some protesters who needed it to buy tickets for the trip home. When one older protester demurred, the general insisted, put his hand over his heart and said, “It is from our side. Are we not with you?”

A version of this article appears in print on November 28, 2017, on Page A4 of the New York edition with the headline: Pakistan’s Deal With Islamists to End Protests Is Seen as a Capitulation.
I am not very sure about the point you are making, but Article 245 (3) is meant to be read in conjunction with (2) and not in isolation. Additionally, the Court under Article 199 may not pass an order against any member of Armed Forces in official discharge of duties.

Clarify when or where is applicability here?

In my simple opinion, the Court remains empowered by the Article 199 to enforce Rights as granted the Citizens of Pakistan as being violated by illegal blockade and occupation of the Interchange. It is merely acting in accordance with the spirit of the same.

Learn to read between the lines of why I posted that, if you cannot then I really don't have the time to spoon feed. Salam!
For God Sake
How many time I post it here? The bill was passed by a parliamentary committee in 2015 and was pending to approve by NA and senate, the PMLN bring it on right time wrong time dosent matter as it was bring up by a parliment chosen by me and you. Not by a street molvi. “ I called this type of molvi TTP and ISSI kharji, nam islam ka lete hain aur harkaten ghair islami “
Now if you have objection what I write in converted comma you are free to debate.

So it was done in 2015 and magically churned out in a day and on a days notice?
If that is the case why are political parties not supporting this? Why is there no protest that the bill was democratically drafted by all parties and they should stand together and not let a person who has no say in policy making dictate things? Let me quote the esteemed Gillani when I say 'whose stopping them?'

As far as the Khwaraji references are concerned that is for Muslims to decide not me. I am not representing the Muzzies here. For me all the groups are the same. It is like a race. Get others branded as Khwarij/takfiri before they brand you as one. Pathetic to say the very least and I refuse to be a part of this.
it is corruption. you do not let the people know and make fundamental changes in law and Constitution
Why don't you just call these protesters ISIS and get it over with? Whose stopping you?

Why are you wasting your breath/time? What happened on the 24/25/26 th was like they say in Pindi "Chand mar kar per phar le".

Editorial Updated November 28, 2017

IT is a surrender so abject that the mind is numb and the heart sinks.

The deal negotiated between the state, both civilian and military facets of it, and the Faizabad protesters is a devastating blow to the legitimacy and moral standing of the government and all state institutions.

In one brief page and six gut-wrenching points, the state of Pakistan has surrendered its authority to a mob that threatened to engulf the country in flames. The federal law minister has been sacked — in return for a promise by the protesters to not issue a fatwa against him.

Whether a decision made out of desperation or fear, the upshot is that the state has accepted that mobs and zealots have a right to issue religious edicts that can endanger lives and upend public order.

The decision to compensate the protesters and use public funds to pay for the damage to property caused by the protesters turns on its head the fundamental responsibility of the state to ensure law and order. The pledge to prosecute whoever has been held responsible by a government inquiry committee for abortive legislative changes is to invite further protests and violence.

Something profound changed in the country yesterday and the reverberations will be felt for a long time. How has such catastrophe befallen the nation? Devastating incompetence and craven leadership by three sets of actors appear to be the reason.

The PML-N government helped create the crisis and then managed to exacerbate it at every step. Until the very end, when the government used the veneer of a court order to try and forcibly evict the protesters from Faizabad, there were gargantuan failures of planning and shockingly poor tactics. The political opposition also played a miserable role, fanning a crisis for the most myopic of political reasons and searching for a pyrrhic victory.

Finally, the military leadership appears to have to let rancour towards the government in an ongoing power struggle affect its role in bringing this phase of the crisis to an end.

The government has been humiliated and the military leadership has further improved its standing with sections of the public for helping end the protests — but at what cost to the country and its people? A menacing precedent has been set by the protesters that will surely embolden others and invite copycats. It is no exaggeration to suggest that no one is safe.

Zealots had already demonstrated the power of mob violence and the strength of the politics of intolerance and hate. Now, a blueprint has been created for holding state and society hostage. Despair is not an option for a nation state, but neither can there be a pretence that a significant setback has not occurred. Is there anyone, in state or society, to help repair the damage?

Published in Dawn, November 28th, 2017



List of demands put forward by TLY and accepted by govt for ending the Faizabad protest
Dawn.com November 28, 2017


The government on Monday gave in to the demands of Tehreek-i-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLY) in order to end the Faizabad sit-in.

The agreement document — bearing signatures of Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal, TLY chief Khadim Hussain Rizvi, and Maj Gen Faiz Hameed, among others — lists the following demands put forward by TLY:


The agreement reached between protesters and govt.— DawnNews

  1. Remove Federal Law Minister Zahid Hamid from his position immediately. "Tehreek-i-Labaik will issue no fatwa [religious decree] of any kind against him."

  2. The report prepared by Raja Zafarul Haq-led committee will be made public within 30 days and whoever is named in the report for being responsible for the change in the election oath will be acted against under the law.

  3. All protesters arrested between November 6 until the end of the sit-in from across the country will be released within one to three days according to legal requirements. The cases registered against them and the house arrests imposed on them will be ended.

  4. An inquiry board will be established to probe and decide what action to take against the government and administration officials over the operation conducted by security forces against protesters on Saturday, November 25. The inquiry should be completed within 30 days and action will be taken against those found responsible.

  5. The federal and provincial governments will determine and compensate for the loss of government and private assets incurred from November 6 until the end of the sit-in.

  6. The points already agreed to concerning the Government of Punjab will be fully implemented.
The document ends by crediting Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa and his representative team for their "special efforts" that led to the agreement being signed.

"We are thankful to him [Gen Bajwa] for saving the nation from a big catastrophe," the document concludes.

The agreement was also produced before the Islamabad High Court on Monday. Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui, raising a number of "alarming objections", asked the government to satisfy the court on the "role of armed forces as an arbitrator" in the agreement with the protesters.

'More demands have been accepted'
According to Rizvi, in addition to the demands mentioned on the document, the following conditions of TLY have also been accepted by the government:


TLY leader Khadim Rizvi announcing the end of the Faizabad sit-in on Monday.—White Star

  1. A board of clerics led by Pir Muhammad Afzal Qadri will be set up to probe remarks made by Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah against the persecution of Ahmedis. Sanaullah will have to accept the decision made by the board.

  2. No difficulty will be faced in registering cases under clause 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code (blasphemy law).

  3. No leniency will be given to those convicted by courts for blasphemy.

  4. No ban will be imposed on the use of loudspeakers.

  5. The foreign and interior ministries will take steps for the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui after taking her mother and sister in confidence.

  6. The holiday of Iqbal Day on November 9 will be revived.

  7. Two representatives of Tehreek-i-Labaik will be included in the panel assigned to decide changes in the textbook board. The officials will push for inclusion of translation of the Holy Quran and chapters about Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) and Muslim leaders.

  8. The chehlum of martyrs will be held on January 4 at Rawalpindi's Liaquat Bagh.

  9. Every year, November 25 will be observed as "Martyrs of Prophet's honour day".
There has been no official confirmation or denial of agreeing to these demands from the government's side as yet.


Numbers 2, 3 and 7: Simply astounding in their implications!
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Under prison rules prisoners get money to go back home. It's well known. Sadly the way it has been shown has cast a negative shadow on the process and the video looks bad taken out of this context.

The more ironical thing is, people became so lazy to dig into details before pointing fingers at others. Either few are not looking for truth and there are blind followers that wouldn't consider the truth as it is. Government agreed to all terms & conditions of protesters and D.G Rangers was tasked knowing that actually no one would react indecently to the Forces due to high moral, respect and love while if it had to be a politician, before doing so, I am sure would have been beaten black & blue on sight. A bitter truth for the deluded followers but still, it is reality however, the same has became a tool to use for rants and debates while diverting the focus from loot & plunder as well as Court proceedings in corruption. I must call it a political proxy game that one used to achieve certain goals at once however, not just countered but foiled more effectively.

The plan was to push country into flames, protests, continues lock down and finally prove it that if disqualified person Nawaz Sharif is not leading the country, see what happens for which, not others or PMLn touts but Nawaz Sharif himself spoken as such on various occasions in past. Above all, NS mentioned about Dhaka Episode that I am sure many remembers and must take into account seriously that it wasn't merely a farce but something to be noted and kept in view w.r.t. whatever is happening or possible going to or what PMLn is up-to. These people will burn this country to save family business and legacy politics as self styled royals.
Judges should be asking the same question to govt. why in first place the issue took place secondly why govt. failed to resolve the issue sooner than the later and why govt. felt they need army's help in resolving the issue. If govt. say sorry, army should be given constitutional/consultative role like NSC to avoid such failure on govt. part. And political parties should consider giving tickets (qualitatively) to valuable citizens (think tanks / experts from academia) who can help govt. out of such scenarios rather than giving tickets to just (quantitatively) electable and personal favorites.
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