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IHC lashes out at Army's role 'as mediator' in government's agreement with protesters

This is exact agenda but on other hand, even if it is fixed as 100%, the specific lot will not accept nor call it fair due to nature of selective listening/looking at things. No worries as we are getting use to it.

No worries. Right. Good to know. Except that the present fiasco is a huge setback for Pakistan itself, no matter which side one blames, there is plenty to go around:

Nobody is forgetting that. Its just that the internal mess repercussions are so much.

This is a set back. No doubt about it.

The repercussions will not only be internal, but international.
The repercussions will not only be internal, but international.

I would agree.

Moulvi receiving money in front of media. This reminds me of mullah burkah in 2007 lal masjid where he was brought forward in front of media in a burkah.

Dono mai moulvi ganday howay.

And that video makes moulvis and dharna look far worse and they are abusing them as selling religion @Zibago my conspiracy theory.
I would agree.

Moulvi receiving money in front of media. This reminds me of mullah burkah in 2007 lal masjid where he was brought forward in front of media in a burkah.

Dono mai moulvi ganday howay.

And that video makes moulvis and dharna look far worse and they are abusing them as selling religion @Zibago my conspiracy theory.

The problem is going to be not how this incident is spun internally, but the enemies of Pakistan will try to portray this incident - quite successfully, I might add - as one more indication of a lawless nation where the religious fanatics are supported by an insubordinate Army against a totally failed government, whether it is true or not. Bad sey badnaam buraa.
No worries. Right. Good to know. Except that the present fiasco is a huge setback for Pakistan itself, no matter which side one blames, there is plenty to go around:

No worries w.r.t. irrelevant narrative of world against Pakistan. Speaking of present fiasco, whosoever was responsible, the same is going to help a lot for our future and dealt contrary to planned by others that actually saving us from huge setback.
Govt backing off and accepting mulla tehreek e labbaik terrorists demands is same as in 07 of mulla Burkha, or in 2009 when govt backed off and accepted the demands of Tehreek-e-Taliban terrorists.

Shame Shame to govt as well as those who supported this solution. This proved there is no writ of govt and any chaotic mulla terrorist can hijack the country.

Pakistan is neither for liberals nor for mulla, but for moderate citizens. Both PMLN and Tehreek e Labbaik terrorist should've been eliminated.
Let me be very clear with you here. I am the servant of Pakistan by any mean or through any domain which does not include to serve any puppet or a rascal or to say a thug by looting Pakistan or even a infected politician. Being the servant of Pakistan and son of the soil, I have to accept my mistake at first by voting the culprit and realizing the same makes me wonder that I need change and not to be the habitual blunder doer at any cost hence, will call for the truth. Even in official domain, if a Superior gives you the wrong orders/order contrary to law and SOPs, the one can deny and need to report to one step further superior. Everyone is the servant of people of Pakistan which includes political thugs as well.

As I said, in frustration one cannot unload the burden of chest by badmouthing an institution for nothing or being unaware of the situation. Government never runs on agenda of foreign forces but trick masters/illusionists comes to power by fooling the masses, therefore, a culprit be called culprit. Did somebody blame Ch. Nisar as foreign agent at all? why not to speak against Shaikh Rasheed as such or what about to blame few other patriots but NONE because where the one has more interest in his/her business or investment abroad, he/she will never care about country at first. These pro-claimed ans self styled masters/kings/royals that think every institute is their servant may bring one name from the family that every sacrificed for the country against terrorists or enemies at all that I will salute the person but advocating for the mafia, I have no sympathy especially when it is about the motherland.

Beautifully said.
Banana republic and rogue institutions this is world forums are reporting and discussing
Army was called in as per constitution article but rather than applying themselves and assert the writ of government, army responded with an advise which was more of a denial to call of duty.

The call to Army was bit too early and unnecessary I think, it portrays quite a shameful situation and points at incompetence of more than one LEAs, this one wasn't a widespread riot like we witnessed at the time of killing of Benazir Bhutto ............ the protesters were hardly around 2,500 people, armed with sticks (few may be carrying weapons) but it wasn't like we needed curfew to contain them. Plus government in its haste didn't calculate the consequences of pitching a professional army against a mob ....... Army doesn't operate like police and it won't react like police.


Pakistan army did multiple peace pacts in the past as well and we all know how those peace pacts brought a lot of peace for us. I hope the karta dharta of this country have observed the tendency to incite a civil war ...... we have avoided it in worst of our times, but this dharna and its participants have given the enemies of Pakistanis where to hit and what to do to get the result .......... great going. Pakistan has fallen to cults and their irrational thinking.
Operation Radd ul Fisad:lol: astaghfirullah how dare he asked questions to Army.
Why not?
He have EVERY RIGHT to do so.
It is only that he should realize that the government FAILED to negotiate or DO ANYTHING to resolve the matter. They were looking at the army to take a step by themselves so the ministers and all can leave their offices and get out on the streets crying "mujy kuen nikala". Thankfully, army is wise enough to not take any such step. It was the government that after failing to resolve the situation, CALLED army for help to "negotiate and resolve the situation authorizing any necessary steps" as per the constitution (yeah, the same book these thugs hide behind when caught with their pants down while looting and fking the country)
IHC Judge want some blood , I really feel that way. If not , Why he was so against this agreement and Army role when he know Govt call them under article 245 and under article 245 no High Court have any say on any thing where article 245 is implemented ................
And few social media gladiators here on this thread , some of them have to lose personally ,this Khatum-e-Nabuwat law effects them the most , cry out Why agreement , Why not killing. Some of them calling it like TTP agreement and lal masjid agreement , lol , lmao , there history book only teach them how to bark on Army and how to protect there personal beliefs (which are obviously not match with Khatum-Nabuwat ).
And on political side , PML-N created this issue on purpose , PML-N ministers have very good relation with Molvi , they send him or bring him to Islamabad............ They tried to take out CH. Nisar , but he saved by (well you know by whom).
There minister said he will clear it all in 3 hours , then said operation started , then said he didn't done operation , then he said agreement is wrong , LMAO.....................................
And in the end , special minority and some other gladiators and bg class , will always cry on Pakistan , Army , State and Religion.....

Edit: Watch this program . It will explain every thing.....
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Pakistan is neither for liberals nor for mulla, but for moderate citizens. Both PMLN and Tehreek e Labbaik terrorist should've been eliminated.

Pakistan should only be for Human Beings, with secular system in place which guarantees equal rights for every human being irrespective of religion.

Pakistan is not for Moderate Muslims, who loose every war against the Extremist Muslims while at every point centuries old religious system supports the Extremists and not the moderate Muslism.

Under prison rules prisoners get money to go back home. It's well known. Sadly the way it has been shown has cast a negative shadow on the process and the video looks bad taken out of this context.

May be.
But it would have been better if Police would have distributed this money. It was police who arrested them and not the Army.
Otherwise Army could also have answered this objection (as you are suggesting).
Therefore I am doubtful that money was given under the prison rule, but the element of appeasing seems to be playing a role.
true xD

Pakistan should only be for Human Beings, with secular system in place which guarantees equal rights for every human being irrespective of religion.

Pakistan is not for Moderate Muslims, who loose every war against the Extremist Muslims while at every point centuries old religious system supports the Extremists and not the moderate Muslism.

May be.
But it would have been better if Police would have distributed this money. It was police who arrested them and not the Army.
Otherwise Army could also have answered this objection (as you are suggesting).
Therefore I am doubtful that money was given under the prison rule, but the element of appeasing seems to be playing a role.

PAKISTAN Rangers have police powers!
The call to Army was bit too early and unnecessary I think, it portrays quite a shameful situation and points at incompetence of more than one LEAs, this one wasn't a widespread riot like we witnessed at the time of killing of Benazir Bhutto ............ the protesters were hardly around 2,500 people, armed with sticks (few may be carrying weapons) but it wasn't like we needed curfew to contain them. Plus government in its haste didn't calculate the consequences of pitching a professional army against a mob ....... Army doesn't operate like police and it won't react like police.


Pakistan army did multiple peace pacts in the past as well and we all know how those peace pacts brought a lot of peace for us. I hope the karta dharta of this country have observed the tendency to incite a civil war ...... we have avoided it in worst of our times, but this dharna and its participants have given the enemies of Pakistanis where to hit and what to do to get the result .......... great going. Pakistan has fallen to cults and their irrational thinking.

For an outsider like me, the whole issue was shown out of proportion in this (at least portrayed) to an extent that it may cause, as you rightly said, a civil war.

Definitely politics at work largely. I wont give a clean chit to army either knowing the bad blood they have with NS. They should not have openly state that they have "advised" the PM to use peaceful measure, that in fact gives us an impression that government is belligerent and anti peace. Undermining of institutions at play.
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