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IHC lashes out at Army's role 'as mediator' in government's agreement with protesters

What is this? Woh hi phojiyun wali sooch ....captain safadar is not govt.
They made this dharna this big(facilitated them from Lahore to Islamabad) to divert attention from panama case
But this shit got out of their hand real fast
Selective sight.

Government called upon Army to handle protesters, which in first place, was ruling party's own mess to deal with. It was plan firstly to let them guys set in by disrupting daily routine, let them grow in numbers by couple of days and not to take any action, when Court called IM and asked for action then it was too late to handle by the corrupt lot as plan was different to do so. Army denied to take direct action against protesters but urged that responsible for the protest and all that forging oath episode, be dealt accordingly to law and be punished. When PMLn government itself failed to handle the situation, asked Army which replied with no direct action but installations, buildings etc will be secured. By the time, PMLn supported Mullah presented conditions to which PMLn itself agreed and asked DG Rangers to do so.

Rather than implying a blind judgment while avoiding each & every fact, it would be better not to vent furstration against Forces like this though, a better question be asked to ruling party heads as how this happened. I am sure, including Ihsan Iqbal, none can deny that the money is being paid by Government itself through D.G Rangers Punjab against conditions made by Mullah to PMLn government. Seeing the D.G Rangers Punjab handing over money to protesters is not whole sum conclusion of situation but there is more to meet an eye only if one can stand to truth as revealed.

PMLn not just badly failed to handle the situation so also, a certain group within the party, is exposed for its agenda to create chaos and malign Army for any mishap which is now successfully countered by Forces. Before questioning the video, why not to send an email to Jaati Umra seeking clarification and see if they deny as such.
Thank you for your long irrelevent reply. But my question is still there in what competency he is distributing the money? Who paid for this prize? why COAS has refused to accept the order of top echelon?
They made this dharna this big(facilitated them from Lahore to Islamabad) to divert attention from panama case
But this shit got out of their hand real fast

waoo.... a govt make a dharna agains whome ??? what are you smoking now a days? do u even know how much loss PMLN bear due to this dharna? they have lost their vote bank.

The govt after striking a deal

Are you calling army a govt?
Thank you for your long irrelevent reply. But my question is still there in what competency he is distributing the money? Who paid for this prize? why COAS has refused to accept the order of top echelon?

I don't where to start with you. The competency that Jaati Umra Family Worshiping Gang lacked at first place but asked D.G Rangers to do so by yesterday. As usual, the god father and disqualified gangster paid it from National Treasury. COAS refused to act brutally against protesters, sensing the ploy to malign Pakistan Army by pushing it against own people, the same people that are supported by many forces unknown for the moment and soon will be revealed to create anarchy. PMLn inside job, paid it from Pakistan Treasury.
waoo.... a govt make a dharna agains whome ??? what are you smoking now a days? do u even know how much loss PMLN bear due to this dharna? they have lost their vote bank.

Are you calling army a govt?
That creates a law and order situation and aids them in getting asylum in UK
Are you calling army a govt?
I am sure you know who asked for help (behind hidden doors) after shit hit the fan in this dharna and the previous one

I don't where to start with you. The competency that Jaati Umra Family Worshiping Gang lacked at first place but asked D.G Rangers to do so by yesterday. As usual, the god father and disqualified gangster paid it from National Treasury. COAS refused to act brutally against protesters, sensing the ploy to malign Pakistan Army by pushing it against own people, the same people that are supported by many forces unknown for the moment and soon will be revealed to create anarchy. PMLn inside job, paid it from Pakistan Treasury.
Its their latest manjan they want to sell to get asylum in UK
This is what they don't want to understand or they are trying best to hide,,,,,,,, Shekih if this molvi got killed by Army we might see one more TTP(Bralivis) but that not happened. And PML-N not answering how they came from Lahore? Who send them? Why Ahsan Iqbal did operation? Why no serious effort was done to clear this?
First they changed the law(against constitution of Pakistan) , then Shabaz Shareef asked for ......... then Raja's Report and then came the Dharna , and in Dharna first attack was on CH. Nisar.......... lol yaar this is open case .

They made this dharna this big(facilitated them from Lahore to Islamabad) to divert attention from panama case
But this shit got out of their hand real fast

Thank you for your long irrelevent reply. But my question is still there in what competency he is distributing the money? Who paid for this prize? why COAS has refused to accept the order of top echelon?
No , COAS did not refused , ministry of defence just asked for some clarifications which no one provided.
I don't where to start with you. The competency that Jaati Umra Family Worshiping Gang lacked at first place but asked D.G Rangers to do so by yesterday. As usual, the god father and disqualified gangster paid it from National Treasury. COAS refused to act brutally against protesters, sensing the ploy to malign Pakistan Army by pushing it against own people, the same people that are supported by many forces unknown for the moment and soon will be revealed to create anarchy. PMLn inside job, paid it from Pakistan Treasury.
You can not make sense to them bro , they lost on all fronts , let them take out there frustration ...
Its their latest manjan they want to sell to get asylum in UK

The so-called SM team mostly based upon fake liberals, is gone crazy and will be coming out of mud like seasonal frogs. IHC tasked a barrister to file complete report on the issue and I am very sure, what evidence in this regard is going to be presented by the Army for its act as mediator. Many heads to roll and patience is the key here.
am here to ask one question... why he is distributing the money?

I was shocked when i played the video but if you watch the video completely you can see they are the detainees; who upon their release were getting money; could be for any reason i.e. transportation or good will gesture.

Having said that, army and rangers played it nice and smart. Unlike ganja and his incompetent goons who don't know how to handle any situation let alone religiously motivated mob. The mullas who were playing with religious sentiments were playing with fire and any wrong move could've had brought Pakistan in to complete chaos and disaster. Allah S.W.T has saved us from a big disaster. So instead of acting like an illiterate biased person be thankful.
@The Eagle now that is too much,,,,, read the bold part.....

I have served him for the first time mistake and it is clear message as not to insult Mathar-e-Millat to score on ill points. @Bashido think more than couple of times while posting such troll, disrespectful and hate-filled post next time especially quoting me.
I have served him for the first time mistake and it is clear message as not to insult Mathar-e-Millat to score on ill points. @Bashido think more than couple of times while posting such troll, disrespectful and hate-filled post next time especially quoting me.
SIr with due respect. Did i insult the Mather-e-Millat? wao...
Can i ask one question? Have you read the history how Ayub khan treated Fatima jinnah ? if not then please let me mourn on our youth.
Faizabad crisis: the real story







Muhammad Azam |

Let’s take this from the top.

The Faizabad sit-in started early in November. Obscure religious parties – foremost amongst them Tehreek-e-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLY) – occupied the key throughway to protest the modifications to laws concerning the status of Ahmadis and the changes to the oath of belief in the finality of Prophet’s (peace be upon him) prophethood.

These changes could not possibly be a result of a “clerical error”, this much has been established.

But why touch this sensitive issue?

Capt. Safdar’s ideological peers now occupy the capitals nerve center. The dots are too close in proximity to not be connected.

Political analysts and commentators have implied that this focus on the Ahmadi issue is a tactic to pressurize a certain influential power player who is said to be associated with the Qadiani community.

Rewind to October 10th when Captain Safdar, son-in-law to Nawaz Sharif, unleashed a tirade against the Ahmadi community on the floor of the National Assembly. This was the first indicator for what was to come.

Read More: Dharna Crisis: Mystery surrounds government action

Capt. Safdar’s ideological peers now occupy the capitals nerve center. The dots are too close in proximity to not be connected.

The fact is that Khadim Hussain Rizvi was practically invited into the capital. He had announced his plans a fortnight in advance yet no attempt was made to placate him.

Reportedly, the cost of feeding the protestors is 25 lakhs per day and these costs are being borne by PML-N associated wealthy traders of Rawalpindi.

Law Minister Zahid Hamid, whose resignation was the principal demand of the protestors, was not even allowed to go on leave.

The so-called investigation committee led by senator Raja Zafar-ul-Haq purportedly came up with a report. This report was neither made public nor are there any indications that any action was taken as a result of the committee’s findings.

All of these facts indicate the true intentions of the government with regards to this protest.

The Game Plan

On Saturday, the police launched an operation to disperse the protestors in accordance with the orders of the Islamabad High Court. Shortly afterward, the broadcast of all television news channels was suspended by PEMRA. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have also been blocked.

The Game Plan is now unfolding: Create a crisis by exacerbating the protestors. Force the military to intervene. Then, after making the issue a nationwide crisis, portray the military as being sympathetic to the Ahmadis when they suppress the protests, further stoking the fire. Use this as leverage to seek another NRO and create international sympathy.

What is abundantly clear is that this situation is not a spontaneous occurrence. Events taking place at Faizabad have the potential to change the national political landscape.

The question is: will the Chief take the bait? So far, it doesn’t seem likely. But what happens if the situation really gets out of control. If police fail to disperse the protestors, Rizvi and his fraternity would be emboldened even further. There is no telling how the situation will degenerate if this operation fails.

Read More: Islamabad Paralysis Syndrome(IPS): Thanks to fanatics & Incompetence

Currently, demonstrations are taking place in several cities including Lahore and Karachi. Prime Minister Shahid Khaqqan Abbasi and COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa have reportedly been in contact. The Cheif has advised the PM to resolve the situation peacefully.

A military intervention is still unlikely. But if the situation degenerates into uncontrollable chaos, the army will be forced to intervene. The fluidity of the scenario makes it difficult to come up with distinct possibilities.

What is abundantly clear is that this situation is not a spontaneous occurrence. Events taking place at Faizabad have the potential to change the national political landscape.
SIr with due respect. Did i insult the Mather-e-Millat? wao...
Can i ask one question? Have you read the history how Ayub khan treated Fatima jinnah ? if not then please let me mourn on our youth.

That was a direct insult by quoting something which is irrelevant to the institute and me at all. Try to be respectful and do not troll. That is all. Rather than mourning about my youth, I can see deep sorrow where plans failed against an Institute being loved by the people and rather than mourning, I pity them blind followers of corrupt lot.
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