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IHC lashes out at Army's role 'as mediator' in government's agreement with protesters

That was a direct insult by quoting something which is irrelevant to the institute and me at all. Try to be respectful and do not troll. That is all.
I am not trolling. I am frustrated on the army. you call every govt that they are working oin the agenda of foreign forces but i just showed you mirror and ap gussa kar gaye. Sir we voted for them and we responsible for them you are not.
you ppl are servants of our elected candidates. mind it.
SIr with due respect. Did i insult the Mather-e-Millat? wao...
Can i ask one question? Have you read the history how Ayub khan treated Fatima jinnah ? if not then please let me mourn on our youth.
Does your history book only have Army written in it,,,,,,, Let me tell you some other names,,,,,, like Zulifaqr Bhutto ,,,, Ghulam Dastgir(Dastagir name sound so familiar) .. ....
Does your history book only have Army written in it,,,,,,, Let me tell you some other names,,,,,, like Zulifaqr Bhutto ,,,, Ghulam Dastgir(Dastagir name sound so familiar) .. ....
My history book also name like Gen Niayi khan, Gen yahya and musharaf who is the father of whole mess. ohh did i miss ayub and zia??
Faizabad crisis: the real story





Muhammad Azam |

Let’s take this from the top.

The Faizabad sit-in started early in November. Obscure religious parties – foremost amongst them Tehreek-e-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLY) – occupied the key throughway to protest the modifications to laws concerning the status of Ahmadis and the changes to the oath of belief in the finality of Prophet’s (peace be upon him) prophethood.

These changes could not possibly be a result of a “clerical error”, this much has been established.

But why touch this sensitive issue?

Capt. Safdar’s ideological peers now occupy the capitals nerve center. The dots are too close in proximity to not be connected.

Political analysts and commentators have implied that this focus on the Ahmadi issue is a tactic to pressurize a certain influential power player who is said to be associated with the Qadiani community.

Rewind to October 10th when Captain Safdar, son-in-law to Nawaz Sharif, unleashed a tirade against the Ahmadi community on the floor of the National Assembly. This was the first indicator for what was to come.

Read More: Dharna Crisis: Mystery surrounds government action

Capt. Safdar’s ideological peers now occupy the capitals nerve center. The dots are too close in proximity to not be connected.

The fact is that Khadim Hussain Rizvi was practically invited into the capital. He had announced his plans a fortnight in advance yet no attempt was made to placate him.

Reportedly, the cost of feeding the protestors is 25 lakhs per day and these costs are being borne by PML-N associated wealthy traders of Rawalpindi.

Law Minister Zahid Hamid, whose resignation was the principal demand of the protestors, was not even allowed to go on leave.

The so-called investigation committee led by senator Raja Zafar-ul-Haq purportedly came up with a report. This report was neither made public nor are there any indications that any action was taken as a result of the committee’s findings.

All of these facts indicate the true intentions of the government with regards to this protest.

The Game Plan

On Saturday, the police launched an operation to disperse the protestors in accordance with the orders of the Islamabad High Court. Shortly afterward, the broadcast of all television news channels was suspended by PEMRA. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have also been blocked.

The Game Plan is now unfolding: Create a crisis by exacerbating the protestors. Force the military to intervene. Then, after making the issue a nationwide crisis, portray the military as being sympathetic to the Ahmadis when they suppress the protests, further stoking the fire. Use this as leverage to seek another NRO and create international sympathy.

What is abundantly clear is that this situation is not a spontaneous occurrence. Events taking place at Faizabad have the potential to change the national political landscape.

The question is: will the Chief take the bait? So far, it doesn’t seem likely. But what happens if the situation really gets out of control. If police fail to disperse the protestors, Rizvi and his fraternity would be emboldened even further. There is no telling how the situation will degenerate if this operation fails.

Read More: Islamabad Paralysis Syndrome(IPS): Thanks to fanatics & Incompetence

Currently, demonstrations are taking place in several cities including Lahore and Karachi. Prime Minister Shahid Khaqqan Abbasi and COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa have reportedly been in contact. The Cheif has advised the PM to resolve the situation peacefully.

A military intervention is still unlikely. But if the situation degenerates into uncontrollable chaos, the army will be forced to intervene. The fluidity of the scenario makes it difficult to come up with distinct possibilities.

What is abundantly clear is that this situation is not a spontaneous occurrence. Events taking place at Faizabad have the potential to change the national political landscape.

Waisay zibago. Aik chez kaho. Agar yeh dono institutions aik dosray say larna band karday na aur grudges bhol jaye tu Pakistan Zara 4 second ki taraqi kar laid ga.

A civil war since inception.
I am not trolling. I am frustrated on the army. you call every govt that they are working oin the agenda of foreign forces but i just showed you mirror and ap gussa kar gaye. Sir we voted for them and we responsible for them you are not.
you ppl are servants of our elected candidates. mind it.
@The Eagle , WTF ,,,,,, Great post ,,,,,,, look like some one from House of Shareefs is here......... All hell for the king..

My history book also name like Gen Niayi khan, Gen yahya and musharaf who is the father of whole mess. ohh did i miss ayub and zia??
ooooooo ,, does that book tells you about "Udher tum Edher Hum" ya "Ju Dhaka giya me uss ki tangay toor doon ga".
And one more thing , that all Afgnistan Drama or curse , you know who started that ? does your history book tell you that? Well I know , it was not Zia or Yahya ...
I am not trolling. I am frustrated on the army. you call every govt that they are working oin the agenda of foreign forces but i just showed you mirror and ap gussa kar gaye. Sir we voted for them and we responsible for them you are not.
you ppl are servants of our elected candidates. mind it.

Let me be very clear with you here. I am the servant of Pakistan by any mean or through any domain which does not include to serve any puppet or a rascal or to say a thug by looting Pakistan or even a infected politician. Being the servant of Pakistan and son of the soil, I have to accept my mistake at first by voting the culprit and realizing the same makes me wonder that I need change and not to be the habitual blunder doer at any cost hence, will call for the truth. Even in official domain, if a Superior gives you the wrong orders/order contrary to law and SOPs, the one can deny and need to report to one step further superior. Everyone is the servant of people of Pakistan which includes political thugs as well.

As I said, in frustration one cannot unload the burden of chest by badmouthing an institution for nothing or being unaware of the situation. Government never runs on agenda of foreign forces but trick masters/illusionists comes to power by fooling the masses, therefore, a culprit be called culprit. Did somebody blame Ch. Nisar as foreign agent at all? why not to speak against Shaikh Rasheed as such or what about to blame few other patriots but NONE because where the one has more interest in his/her business or investment abroad, he/she will never care about country at first. These pro-claimed ans self styled masters/kings/royals that think every institute is their servant may bring one name from the family that every sacrificed for the country against terrorists or enemies at all that I will salute the person but advocating for the mafia, I have no sympathy especially when it is about the motherland.
Do not post off-topic, unwanted or troll content based upon rants. Report any violation as seen and move-on without doing so in return.

Let me be very clear with you here. I am the servant of Pakistan by any mean or through any domain which does not include to serve any puppet or a rascal or to say a thug by looting Pakistan or even a infected politician. Being the servant of Pakistan and son of the soil, I have to accept my mistake at first by voting the culprit and realizing the same makes me wonder that I need change and not to be the habitual blunder doer at any cost hence, will call for the truth. Even in official domain, if a Superior gives you the wrong orders/order contrary to law and SOPs, the one can deny and need to report to one step further superior. Everyone is the servant of people of Pakistan which includes political thugs as well.

As I said, in frustration one cannot unload the burden of chest by badmouthing an institution for nothing or being unaware of the situation. Government never runs on agenda of foreign forces but trick masters/illusionists comes to power by fooling the masses, therefore, a culprit be called culprit. Did somebody blame Ch. Nisar as foreign agent at all? why not to speak against Shaikh Rasheed as such or what about to blame few other patriots but NONE because where the one has more interest in his/her business or investment abroad, he/she will never care about country at first. These pro-claimed ans self styled masters/kings/royals that think every institute is their servant may bring one name from the family that every sacrificed for the country against terrorists or enemies at all that I will salute the person but advocating for the mafia, I have no sympathy especially when it is about the motherland.
The JUDGE asked the government about Army role. Now it is up to the government to respond. The question is if two sides agree to accept so and so as a mediator then in this case it is not unlawful.

The only set back of the entire situation is that now many will live under fear and threat of religious outfits. This is sad. NS is simply a curse for this country. He had always damaged Pakistan for his FAMILY politics.
The JUDGE asked the government about Army role. Now it is up to the government to respond. The question is if two sides agree to accept so and so as a mediator then in this case it is not unlawful.

The only set back of the entire situation is that now many will live under fear and threat of religious outfits. This is sad. NS is simply a curse for this country. He had always damaged Pakistan for his FAMILY politics.

The worst of all if, on social media and all, they are acting as angels while on other hand, government itself agreed to all six conditions. This religious outfit is PMLn's own haunting becoming nightmare. I am all waiting for Raja Zafarul Haque enquiry report to be disclosed. As far as I see, Army was made a witness hence, one officer signed as mediator.

Check this...

Now, how come these low morals can demean or malign institute into own mess and incompetence. Hopefully, people responsible for this, will be exposed before public and punished by Court accordingly. I don't see Court questioning is wrong but the same is going to prove more of PMLn ill intentions very soon.
The JUDGE asked the government about Army role. Now it is up to the government to respond. The question is if two sides agree to accept so and so as a mediator then in this case it is not unlawful.

The only set back of the entire situation is that now many will live under fear and threat of religious outfits. This is sad. NS is simply a curse for this country. He had always damaged Pakistan for his FAMILY politics.
How come it is un-lawful? Does article 245 is not part of constitution of Pakistan? And Why this Judge is so pro action and killing?
Dear sis , I m not that old but seen many so called Islamic or Religious outfits , they can not do sh!t to Pakistan , If they were able to do any thing there will be no Pakistan on first place.
And Yes NS is a curse for us , always , I still remember how they(NS , PML-n and that US walla Haqani) published no ethical photos of Late BB and her mother , How they used , abused religion for there family politics.
The JUDGE asked the government about Army role. Now it is up to the government to respond. The question is if two sides agree to accept so and so as a mediator then in this case it is not unlawful.

The only set back of the entire situation is that now many will live under fear and threat of religious outfits. This is sad. NS is simply a curse for this country. He had always damaged Pakistan for his FAMILY politics.

The thing is that there are few things that raised questions.

A. Why were they allowed to enter and hone supply lines. The incompetence of the state.

B. Why was such a botched operation launched which damaged N endlessly. Again incompetence of state.

C. Legally speaking and putting aside all conspiracies, the army is not on any position to say no to the government. If the govt gives an executive order commanding the armed forces to follow a legal order then the army is bound to do it and not provide opinions or simply reject it. Legally speaking putting aside all conspiracies.

The govt is in a bit of a catch 22 situation. If it says no then obviously it highlights that the govt has completely lost control and is there for only monthly payments. If it says yes then the question is raised that are you so incompetent that you can't even talk. What good are you?

The justice said a very right thing to Iqbal. " your incompetence was so great that you have openly stated and made army the solution to all ills".

If army is the solution for all ills then why the hell are we paying the govt. What good are they? Atleast rehman malik and zardari administration provided comic relief.

5 things came out of this mess which were negative.

A. You can blackmail the state and the state is too gutless and cowardly to do anything.

B. That the state is wholly incompetent and has failed in governance and administrative duties.

C. That the army can very easily reject executive orders of the state without repercussions.

D. That vandalism pays and will encourage participation. Break a few things, steal a few things and then get paid.

E. That PMLN as a political party is an absolute failure and this failure is unforgivable and they don't deserve a day of governance.

F. Most of ALL that a democratic govt will shut down media and call a black out.

Do not get me wrong. In the battle against extremism this is an absolute defeat. The only difference is that the defeat could have been more horrendous.

This is the government that is supposed to implement CPEC, merge FaTa with kpk, bring gilgit baltistan to fold, end terrorism, combat extremism and fence Durand line.

No wonder we are falling.

What a failure the elected government. For God's sake I am missing musharraf.
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5 things came out of this mess which were negative.

A. You can blackmail the state and the state is too gutless and cowardly to do anything.

B. That the state is wholly incompetent and has failed in governance and administrative duties.

C. That the army can very easily reject executive orders of the state without repercussions.

D. That vandalism pays and will encourage participation. Break a few things, steal a few things and then get paid.

E. That PMLN as a political party is an absolute failure and this failure is unforgivable and they don't deserve a day of governance.

Let us not forget the international fallout: With its national traits of religious fanaticism, failed governance and military insubordination on full display, how can Pakistan expect to be treated as a responsible nuclear power without fixing them?
Let us not forget the international fallout: With its national traits of religious fanaticism, failed governance and military insubordination on full display, how can Pakistan expect to be treated as a responsible nuclear power without fixing them?

Nobody is forgetting that. Its just that the internal mess repercussions are so much.

This is a set back. No doubt about it.
Let us not forget the international fallout: With its national traits of religious fanaticism, failed governance and military insubordination on full display, how can Pakistan expect to be treated as a responsible nuclear power without fixing them?

This is exact agenda but on other hand, even if it is fixed as 100%, the specific lot will not accept nor call it fair due to nature of selective listening/looking at things. No worries as we are getting use to it.
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