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If US refuses to supply F-35, Turkey will satisfy need elsewhere: Turkish FM

You have some good fighter jets but no air defence systems.
if we have some good fighter jets then what are the use of them? primary role of fighter jets is to defend your air space! reliance on SAMs for air defence is the result of technological inferiority or inadequacy of your air force compared to your enemy or economical concerns for instance NATO VS WARSAW PACT or todays Russia or Israel VS Arab states. SAMs are secondary or lets say a complementary asset in your air defence. Yet For ballistic missile defense which is related but another subject yes we are in need of a system that is true. and in this regard we dont have any solid data on the perofrmace of S 400 in the field as a ballistic missile defense system
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if we have some good fighter jets then what are the use of them? primary role of fighter jets is to defend your air space! reliance on SAMs for air defence is the result of technological inferiority or inadequacy of your air force compared to your enemy or economical concerns for instance NATO VS WARSAW PACTor todays Russia or Israel VS Arab states. SAMs are secondary or lets say a complementary asset in your air defence. Yet For ballistic missile defense which is related but another subject yes we are in need of a system that is true. and in this regard we dont have any solid data on the perofrmace of S 400 in the field as a ballistic missile defense system
Do you have solid data on f-35 performance.. ????
After a level of defending F35s.. you started to talking weirdly about s400s and everything..
Artık iyice anlamsız konusmaya başladınız nasıl f-35 övebilirim diye..
Dear Manchester City VS Arsenal and the mighty defender of earth realm! My point is clear stay in the politics section since defence reletad subjects are way beyond your caliber you are just making a fool of yourself. :devil: as a biased person you are even unable to comprehend a text you read, you keep repeating same words and you are boring but I afraid you are quite annoying as well and most importantly so far I have never seen a single post from you which has a value or a positive contribution to any subject but all you do is appealing to ad hominem. therefore, you are just another person whom I will ignore ! so I knidly ask you to never quote me again dude!
Do you have solid data on f-35 performance.. ????
After a level of defending F35s.. you started to talking weirdly about s400s and everything..
Artık iyice anlamsız konusmaya başladınız nasıl f-35 övebilirim diye..
Now under current circumstances spending a single penny to any aircraft other than TF-X is the definition of plain stupidity. Even for inevitable stop-gap solutions we may acquire not fully matured early varient of TF-X lets say (block 1)or a 4(++) MMU in mid 2020s. may be an overly optimistic scenario but TF-X will be the ultimate test for Turkish military industry. Even a simple hürjet on steroids is more preferable than a SU, gripen, typhoon or rafale for a stop gap solution.
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Dear Manchester City VS Arsenal and the mighty defender of earth realm! My point is clear stay in the politics section since defence reletad subjects are way beyond your caliber you are just making a fool of yourself. :devil: as a biased person you are even unable to comprehend a text you read, you keep repeating same words and you are boring but I afraid you are quite annoying as well and most importantly so far I have never seen a single post from you which has a value or a positive contribution to any subject therefore you are just another person whom I will ignore ! so I knidly ask you to never quote me again dude!
No this is not political, just normal question, do you have solid data for F35s performance?? And making cleare some non-understood points would be positive attribution i think?? Please mr quasar enlight us..
if we have some good fighter jets then what are the use of them? primary role of fighter jets is to defend your air space! reliance on SAMs for air defence is the result of technological inferiority or inadequacy of your air force compared to your enemy or economical concerns for instance NATO VS WARSAW PACT or todays Russia or Israel VS Arab states. SAMs are secondary or lets say a complementary asset in your air defence. Yet For ballistic missile defense which is related but another subject yes we are in need of a system that is true. and in this regard we dont have any solid data on the perofrmace of S 400 in the field as a ballistic missile defense system

The primary role of "fighter jets" is depend on the fighter itself and his mission. It can be offense or defense. You said, YOU have any solid data on the performance on S-400. Maybe, just maybe your government or TSK officials or other related institution know more about S-400 performance than YOU. Therefore, SAM's has some advantages against fighter jet. The speed of a SAM for example, sometimes it is needed to hit the target immediately (in relation with a long range radar), which a fighter jet with up to mach 2 can not. I think it is not necessary to write the advantages of a SAM system which you have not.
South Korean KF-X. Turkey can join with Indonesia. They already collaborate with S. Korea on tanks.
KFX and TFX look very similar. Both appear to be scaled down F-22's.



I have a feeling Project AZM will also look similar to TFX and KFX.
The primary role of "fighter jets" is depend on the fighter itself and his mission. It can be offense or defense. You said, YOU have any solid data on the performance on S-400. Maybe, just maybe your government or TSK officials or other related institution know more about S-400 performance than YOU. Therefore, SAM's has some advantages against fighter jet. The speed of a SAM for example, sometimes it is needed to hit the target immediately (in relation with a long range radar), which a fighter jet with up to mach 2 can not. I think it is not necessary to write the advantages of a SAM system which you have not.
It all comes down to a fundemental difference in air defence doctrine. Use of aircraft instead of ground based missile sites offers much more flexibility and mobility. Ground based missile sites are vulnarable to cruise missle strikes and/or growing number of standoff range missiles and ammunitions or air launched decoys or Airborn jamers or swarm attacks or a combination of all. Strike aircraft can simply overwhelm the site or attack while staying out of the range of SAM site. Sites are also nowhere near as mobile as an aircraft so a strike aircraft can attack from an advantages position or sometimes completly avoid it. Using an aircraft to intercept enemy aircraft gives you much more flexibility, longer range and also better radar coverage as airborn radars are not as limited by the horizon as ground based radars this is also why an AWACS is a force multiplier. However, the downside of using interceptors is the cost; aircraft, maintanance, traning (pilots and ground crew), air bases, weapon systems, tanker aircrafts, AWACS, Airborn stand of jamers.... SAMs offer up a good defence against ariel threats at a much lower cost but mobility and flexibility that comes with interceptor aircraft overall offers a greater defence however at a much much higher price. ultimate example is USA VS Russia, eventhough USA has 10 times bigger deffence budget than Russia, for most Russia has the qualitative and quantitative edge over USA when it comes to Air defence systems. However USA has around 2500 aircrafts but Russia has around 700
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