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If the us invades iran...?

was'nt it Hezbullah suicide bomber that killed American soldiers in Lebanon back in the 80's? and maybe the reason why Shia insurgents aren't as violent as sunni insurgents is because their at a advantageous position unlike their sunni counterparts.

No, that wasn't a case of "s-bombing" the participant(s) simply packed the building with explosives but where not present in the building, according to official reports. So no that's not "suicide" just "bombing".
It will be good if the US invades Iran. It will cause US economy and worldwide credibility to go down abruptly in an instant. Iran is not Iraq and Afghan and an attack on Iran would jeopardize US goals in Afghanistan and Iraq. US is busy in insurgency-fighting missions in Afghan and they don't want Iranian missiles and suicide troops to target US bases and troops in Afghan. US simply doesn't have enough men to fight against Taliban and Iranians at the same time.
US will not 'invade' Iran however a surgical strike on it's nuke facilities and air bases is not out the question that is unless Israel strikes first.
US will not 'invade' Iran however a surgical strike on it's nuke facilities and air bases is not out the question that is unless Israel strikes first.

Mr arm chair general
They don't have the refueling capability, they don't have enough jets and they can't fit the bunker busters that are needed to bring down Iran's facilities on their jets.
Just because you joined a defense forum it doesn't mean that you're suddenly an expert.

Only the US can strike Iran and even Israeli's themselves have hinted to this time and again. That is also why Iran isn't hurrying up to modernize its airforce. Israel can't attack and the US, well whatever you throw at them they will bring down so Iran is investing in other deterrents.

And what the hell is a surgical strike? Did you read that on a news report lol?

Iran has 50 + nuke related facilities that would need to be bombed. In order to bomb those you will need to take down Iran's air defenses first. That's a **** load of new targets right there. Then you also have to take out Iran's military to make sure Iran doesn't retaliate. You also have to take out the ballistic missile silos and factories so that Iran doesn't send them on Israel. Then there are ....

There is no such a thing as a surgical strike. A bombing campaign will result in an all out war and the US doesn't have enough resources for that, now or in the near future.
Mr arm chair general
They don't have the refueling capability, they don't have enough jets and they can't fit the bunker busters that are needed to bring down Iran's facilities on their jets.
Just because you joined a defense forum it doesn't mean that you're suddenly an expert.

Only the US can strike Iran and even Israeli's themselves have hinted to this time and again. That is also why Iran isn't hurrying up to modernize its airforce. Israel can't attack and the US, well whatever you throw at them they will bring down so Iran is investing in other deterrents.

And what the hell is a surgical strike? Did you read that on a news report lol?

Iran has 50 + nuke related facilities that would need to be bombed. In order to bomb those you will need to take down Iran's air defenses first. That's a **** load of new targets right there. Then you also have to take out Iran's military to make sure Iran doesn't retaliate. You also have to take out the ballistic missile silos and factories so that Iran doesn't send them on Israel. Then there are ....

There is no such a thing as a surgical strike. A bombing campaign will result in an all out war and the US doesn't have enough resources for that, now or in the near future.

I support Iran in this issue I am just saying what is being reported in western media but I know Iran is more than capable to thwart such a threat. The only thing I would say is that the recent F-35 sale to Israel could pose a problem to your air defence perhaps this is why Iran was eager to get the S-300.
Guys, first welcome to Abii
Second, don't derail the trail, what many of you are conducting is mere speculation and hypothesizing.
You can't compare let's say Hezbollah with AQ or Taliban as they are two different constitutes. Hezbollah is a nationalist-islamic movement, while the latter two are extremist islamist movements, and have different backgrounds and ideologies. Not to say that none of the three movements represent the general shia and sunni division in Islam. They are just a political product of it.

I believe that if Israel attacks Iran, official Pakistan will be put check mate and hence must stand on the sideline, what the average joe or should I say mohamed or ali from pakistan does is a whole different question.

I am not an expert on Iran, but what seems pretty obvious is that the Iranian society is divided. Some are pro-"regime"/current system, some are pro-West and some are neither. Iranians do not speak with the same voice, as some would like us to believe, they never did.
The people in power today are more or less the people who were left outside and persecuted when the pro-west system was in place. So by replacing the current system with a pro-western one you would just replay the whole scenario.
I am for changes in Iran's political system, as I really don't like the way things are done there. But at the same time, I wouldn't like to see the kind of system that US/Western iranians, excuse me PERSIANS, want to install. I saw an iranian woman here who was asked by the news why she was demonstrating against the current system, and she said that she wanted the Iranian women in Iran to be able to go to clubs and get wasted and have boyfriends. I mean is that really what you are fighting for? plus I don't like especially US iranians who weren't born in Persia and yet insist they are Persian, are strongly anti-muslim and anti-arab and are more western than the westerners themselves (they try to hard).
I need to tell my italian friend Giovanni that he should call himself a Roman from now on and my turkish friend ozgur an Ottoman and me I am from now on a Canaanite.
Having said that, I really hope that the current people in charge wake up and initiate a whole array of new policies that would ease up the tension both internally and externally, as Iran has a lot of potential to do well.
I must emphasize though that I fully support the principle of Iran's right to acquire nuclear energy and even weapons as long as it is a right for others.
Guys, first welcome to Abii
Second, don't derail the trail, what many of you are conducting is mere speculation and hypothesizing.
You can't compare let's say Hezbollah with AQ or Taliban as they are two different constitutes. Hezbollah is a nationalist-islamic movement, while the latter two are extremist islamist movements, and have different backgrounds and ideologies. Not to say that none of the three movements represent the general shia and sunni division in Islam. They are just a political product of it.

I believe that if Israel attacks Iran, official Pakistan will be put check mate and hence must stand on the sideline, what the average joe or should I say mohamed or ali from pakistan does is a whole different question.

I am not an expert on Iran, but what seems pretty obvious is that the Iranian society is divided. Some are pro-"regime"/current system, some are pro-West and some are neither. Iranians do not speak with the same voice, as some would like us to believe, they never did.
The people in power today are more or less the people who were left outside and persecuted when the pro-west system was in place. So by replacing the current system with a pro-western one you would just replay the whole scenario.
I am for changes in Iran's political system, as I really don't like the way things are done there. But at the same time, I wouldn't like to see the kind of system that US/Western iranians, excuse me PERSIANS, want to install. I saw an iranian woman here who was asked by the news why she was demonstrating against the current system, and she said that she wanted the Iranian women in Iran to be able to go to clubs and get wasted and have boyfriends. I mean is that really what you are fighting for? plus I don't like especially US iranians who weren't born in Persia and yet insist they are Persian, are strongly anti-muslim and anti-arab and are more western than the westerners themselves (they try to hard).
I need to tell my italian friend Giovanni that he should call himself a Roman from now on and my turkish friend ozgur an Ottoman and me I am from now on a Canaanite.


In Bangalore, near my house, there are dozens of Iranian students who study medical/engineering in a college nearby. There are literally hordes of them, and as a result, we have lots of Iranian girls staying in houses nearby in the locality. And damn, they really love to make out, I'm not kidding. They can be real fun. :cheers:

A couple of girls got real damn drunk one night and were driving home when they were stopped on the way back by the police. They were so drunk that they got out and bit the policeman all over
I rather swallow a hot rod
The yanks are the reason why we have these goons in power.

And I'm not gonna comment on "most Iranians" but personally I have converted to Zoroastrianism and I'm trying to help my parents and bro do the same since they don't consider themselves muslim. In Iran we are all "officially Muslim."
This regime today has done more damage to Islam in Iran than all the other monarchs before them put together. lol

Well your post does give a decent idea about iranians . you are just being a bit hesitant to talk about most iranians it seems though .

Thanks .

Btw , persians should take pride in their rich history, language and i believe original religion as well .
seems like arch rival cameip with fake iranian id :cheers:

do a little bit of reasearch about iranians on the net , abii is actually very accurate ,atleast according to me.

The guy takes pride in his history and original religon of his ancestors like many other iranians do . why are pakistanis so hurt ?
And I'm not gonna comment on "most Iranians" but personally I have converted to Zoroastrianism and I'm trying to help my parents and bro do the same since they don't consider themselves muslim.

Iranians in general are very religious people.
Islam will never go away nor do I want it to. But I see Iran becoming even more Western than what it was during the times of the shah because this time nobody will be forcing people to become Western, we already are.

With all due respect, I think you are projecting your views onto the whole Iranian population. It is true that a vocal minority of tech-savvy Western wannabes are fanatically anti-Islam, but its not clear if that loud minority represents the views of the Iranian heartland. Iran is such a closed country, it's hard to know the reality.
true, killing is killing but I can't agree with you on the similarities between the shia and sunni insurgent groups. Hezbollah never did the stuff that Al Quida and other sunni insurgents are doing today.

many countries including india and europe dont even consider hezbollah as a terror organisation if i am not wrong .
Guys, first welcome to Abii
Second, don't derail the trail, what many of you are conducting is mere speculation and hypothesizing.
You can't compare let's say Hezbollah with AQ or Taliban as they are two different constitutes. Hezbollah is a nationalist-islamic movement, while the latter two are extremist islamist movements, and have different backgrounds and ideologies. Not to say that none of the three movements represent the general shia and sunni division in Islam. They are just a political product of it.

I believe that if Israel attacks Iran, official Pakistan will be put check mate and hence must stand on the sideline, what the average joe or should I say mohamed or ali from pakistan does is a whole different question.

I am not an expert on Iran, but what seems pretty obvious is that the Iranian society is divided. Some are pro-"regime"/current system, some are pro-West and some are neither. Iranians do not speak with the same voice, as some would like us to believe, they never did.
The people in power today are more or less the people who were left outside and persecuted when the pro-west system was in place. So by replacing the current system with a pro-western one you would just replay the whole scenario.
I am for changes in Iran's political system, as I really don't like the way things are done there. But at the same time, I wouldn't like to see the kind of system that US/Western iranians, excuse me PERSIANS, want to install. I saw an iranian woman here who was asked by the news why she was demonstrating against the current system, and she said that she wanted the Iranian women in Iran to be able to go to clubs and get wasted and have boyfriends. I mean is that really what you are fighting for? plus I don't like especially US iranians who weren't born in Persia and yet insist they are Persian, are strongly anti-muslim and anti-arab and are more western than the westerners themselves (they try to hard).
I need to tell my italian friend Giovanni that he should call himself a Roman from now on and my turkish friend ozgur an Ottoman and me I am from now on a Canaanite.

buddy who are you to say what Iranians should be like??
And arabs call Iranians Fars don't they? Well Fars=Pars=Persian!!!
We are Parsis and we are proud of it. If we call ourselves Parsi in the west nobody will understand b/c in the West Parsi people are known as Persians.
And Turks call themselves Turks, why don't you have a problem with that?? Just because the word Parsi was associated with an empire in the past, one that no longer exists, I can no longer call myself Parsi??? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

I speak Parsi, I am a Parsi and I come from the province of Pars.

And if an Iranian woman wants to go to clubs and party, that's her decision. Why are you so concerned? That's the definition of freedom. People should be free to choose. You can be a religious muslim or a pro western liberal. Nobody has the right to force people into anything.
With all due respect, I think you are projecting your views onto the whole Iranian population. It is true that a vocal minority of tech-savvy Western wannabes are fanatically anti-Islam, but its not clear if that loud minority represents the views of the Iranian heartland. Iran is such a closed country, it's hard to know the reality.

Iran is a closed country?
Just because American companies aren't doing business in Iran it doesn't mean it's closed!
Anybody can come to Iran without any trouble except Americans.

And no offense but I'm not going to take your whole tech savvy theory very seriously b/c it seems that you have already made up your mind.
btw, the most tech savvy people in Iran are the religious ones who have access to unrestricted internet unlike ordinary Iranians.

Take the Cyber Army for example.
These guys hacked Twitter and facebook last year.
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