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If the us invades iran...?

And I'm not gonna comment on "most Iranians" but personally I have converted to Zoroastrianism and I'm trying to help my parents and bro do the same since they don't consider themselves muslim. In Iran we are all "officially Muslim."
This regime today has done more damage to Islam in Iran than all the other monarchs before them put together. lol

should iran declare itself out of the OIC? - in other words should iran confirm that they have no intention of being part or helping further the islamic ummah?

No matter how much i hate USA or Israel, In case of US or Israel attacking iran, i will support the Great Satan and its ally Israel.

Coz current iranian regiem and mullah's r more dangerous to main stream Islam than all the western civilization put together.

Dont ask me why or more, otherwise this thread will be totally derailed. :coffee:

another person who has drank the Yankee cool aid

I guess correct Islam is al quida, Taliban, Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc... eh?? Look at the so called "shia extremist" groups! Hezbollah never does suicide bombings. They hold elections, put men in power through democracy and build houses and hospitals for their people. In Iran education is extremely important, 65 percent of university spots are occupied by women etc... Now Iran isn't heaven and I'm not trying to portray it as one but there at least 10 other regimes that are more harmful to Islam in the region. Take those arabs.

they buy their technology from the west, they buy their weapons from the west, they import their fruits and vegetables from Iran/pakistan/India, Americans drill their oil, they import cars from Iran/west, they import teachers to teach their children, Westerners design their buildings and south east asians build them etc... They invest their money into Alquida and other terrorist groups all over the region. What role models lol
should iran declare itself out of the OIC? - in other words should iran confirm that they have no intention of being part or helping further the islamic ummah?


The reality is that Iran today is an Islamic Republic.

I will get back to you when we kick these baboons out of power.
I rather swallow a hot rod
The yanks are the reason why we have these goons in power.

And I'm not gonna comment on "most Iranians" but personally I have converted to Zoroastrianism and I'm trying to help my parents and bro do the same since they don't consider themselves muslim. In Iran we are all "officially Muslim."
This regime today has done more damage to Islam in Iran than all the other monarchs before them put together. lol

assalam alaikum,

In ur other post no 43 u mention that u r turk, may be my guess that u were not muslim u were 3alavi, but may be i m wrong and i ageree with u this regime of iran has harm islam than other regimes.

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btw, say Iran is attacked. The first thing the American will do is to divide the country. Baluchistan will be its own country. I wanna see the faces of all those who are wishing for an American attack. I like to see you keep Pakistan together if the Americans create a country by the name of Baluchistan right on Pakistan's border.
The reality is that Iran today is an Islamic Republic.

I will get back to you when we kick these baboons out of power.

so get these "baboons" out of power then do what......?

still part of the OIC? still a country that identifies with islamic unity? or not, a "non-muslim" country?

i only ask for clarification
assalam alaikum,

In ur other post no 43 u mention that u r turk, may be my guess that u were not muslim earlier u were 3alavi, but may be i m wrong and i ageree with u this regime of iran has harm islam than other regimes.


when did I say I'm a tork lol?
I said my grandfather spoke a Turkish dialect as his mother tongue!
He was a Qashqai. Qashqais aren't Torks. And even if they were, that was my grandfather not me.
Even Azaris aren't Torks, they are Azari! It's like saying Pashtuns are Persian because they speak an Iranic language or Kurds are Persian because their language is very close to Persian.
what do you mean by this?

Ego said that he will support ISRAEL and america if these 2 countries invade iran. Ego said he support them because current iran is the very danger to ISLAM. Ego also clearly and manly admits that he is biased towards Iran.

Now, according to the many posts from Ego, he clearly doesnt approve off Americans attacking the Taliban. On the other hand, the Taliban are also a very danger to Islam and a very danger to teh people of Afghanistan, since Ego admited his bias, I have got nothing further but to advise him not to bring islam in the middle as his intention is not islam but political interests, am I wrong to give such an advice?

that is what i said.

ok, point taken, thanks.
so get these "baboons" out of power then do what......?

still part of the OIC? still a country that identifies with islamic unity? or not, a "non-muslim" country?

i only ask for clarification

Iran is a muslim coutry, has been for 1400 years.
However in the past century Iran became extremely secular. After the revolution the government wanted to reverse that but they did 10 times more damage unintentionally. The pahlavi dynasty put the seeds, the Islamic Republic regime watered those seeds and people like me are the result. The post revolution kids (70 percent of the population) are completely different than Iranians of the pre revolution era. Most are extremely secular (just as much as Turks) and some like me don't even want to call themselves muslims because they don't believe in the religion at all.

Predicting the future though is very difficult. Who could have guessed that the Islamic Republic would make Iranians more secular??? How can I predict the future? Also my wishes aren't important. I only know the reality of Iran today.
One thing I am sure of is that even if this regime survives, they will become another China. They will open up the country massively because once the older generation dies, they will loose all their support base.
Iran is a muslim coutry, has been for 1400 years.
However in the past century Iran became extremely secular. After the revolution the government wanted to reverse that but they did 10 times more damage unintentionally. The pahlavi dynasty put the seeds, the Islamic Republic regime watered those seeds and people like me are the result. The post revolution kids (70 percent of the population) are completely different than Iranians of the previous revolution. Most are extremely secular (just as much as Turks) and some like me don't even want to call themselves muslims because they don't believe in the religion at all.

Predicting the future though is very difficult. Who could have guessed that the Islamic Republic would make Iranians more secular??? How can I predict the future? Also my wishes aren't important. I only know the reality of Iran today.
One thing I am sure of is that even if this regime survives, they will become another China. They will open up the country massively because once the older generation dies, they will loose all their support base.

ok thanks, good point on when the older generation passes on, i think that might happen.

but you kind of avoid my main question - whilst acknowledging iran's islamic history you seem to not mention any loyalty to it with regards to the future - should iran declare itself as a not committed to furthering the ummah?

what do you want - as a Zoroastrian what use is islamic unity or islam to you?
when did I say I'm a tork lol?
I said my grandfather spoke a Turkish dialect as his mother tongue!
He was a Qashqai. Qashqais aren't Torks. And even if they were, that was my grandfather not me.
Even Azaris aren't Torks, they are Azari! It's like saying Pashtuns are Persian because they speak an Iranic language or Kurds are Persian because their language is very close to Persian.

assalam alaikum,

ok sorry for that. my grandfahter's mother language is punjabi so my language is also punjabi and i m punjabi and yes i belong to my grandfather. but u made ur point clear.

About this thread war is bad thing why u.s should invade iran, the region is already having many problems why to complicate it more and yes it will effect pakistan. but i dont think the iranian regime is that stupid to let america attack them they will come up with solutions ( compromises) when they see the going gets tough.
besides it is in america's interest to keep iran a bit stronger to let herself in the gulf region.

ok thanks, good point on when the older generation passes on, i think that might happen.

but you kind of avoid my main question - whilst acknowledging iran's islamic history you seem to not mention any loyalty to it with regards to the future - should iran declare itself as a not committed to furthering the ummah?

what do you want - as a Zoroastrian what use is islamic unity or islam to you?
Iranians in general are very religious people.
Islam will never go away nor do I want it to. But I see Iran becoming even more Western than what it was during the times of the shah because this time nobody will be forcing people to become Western, we already are.

Islam will always be present in Iran though, just like Zoroastrianism has been part of Iran for over 2500 years (we celebrate Zoroastrian holidays every year-fire festival, norouz etc...).

Shia Islam will be present in Iran forever and Iran will obviously have a special connection with the Islamic world, but the country will be like Turkey at best. With the way things are going, many Iranians are becoming fanatically anti Islam. Just look at the 5 million Iranians outside the country. In the US there was a survey done and only 1/5 identified themselves as muslims. Obviously things aren't so one sided inside Iran but you get the picture.

Also you keep talking about the ummah.
Even the Islamic Republic is composed of nationalist shias. In Iran we will always care about Iran first then the ummah. That's why many Iranians hate this regime. They see the regime as a sellout and anti Iranian because it is helping the Lebanese etc...
Iranians in general are very religious people.
Islam will never go away nor do I want it to. But I see Iran becoming even more Western than what it was during the times of the shah because this time nobody will be forcing people to become Western, we already are.

Islam will always be present in Iran though, just like Zoroastrianism has been part of Iran for over 2500 years (we celebrate Zoroastrian holidays every year-fire festival, norouz etc...).

Shia Islam will be present in Iran forever and Iran will obviously have a special connection with the Islamic world, but the country will be like Turkey at best. With the way things are going, many Iranians are becoming fanatically anti Islam. Just look at the 5 million Iranians outside the country. In the US there was a survey done and only 1/5 identified themselves as muslims. Obviously things aren't so one sided inside Iran but you get the picture.

Also you keep talking about the ummah.
Even the Islamic Republic is composed of nationalist shias. In Iran we will always care about Iran first then the ummah. That's why many Iranians hate this regime. They see the regime as a sellout and anti Iranian because it is helping the Lebanese etc...

assalam alaikum,

very meaningful post.

btw i used to watch alamanr tv ( hizb Allah' tv ) 15 years ago and they used to show videos of their caders blowing themselves.
i dont watch anymore if they show it or not. even hizb used this strategy.

assalam alaikum,

very meaningful post.

btw i used to watch alamanr tv ( hizb Allah' tv ) 15 years ago and they used to show videos of their caders blowing themselves.
i dont watch anymore if they show it or not. even hizb used this strategy.


yes that's very true, but they have really evolved.

Even the Iranian regime has. In the beginning they were really fanatical.

Just look at Iraq today. 99 percent of suicide bombers are sunni extremists who are supported by KSA. Iranian pilgrims are their favorite targets. Thousands of Iranian pilgrims have died in Iraq because of those idiots.

That isn't to say that jais al mahdy (spelling?) doesn't cause **** in Iraq but at least they don't do suicide bombings.
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