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If the us invades iran...?

to be disappointed you first have to expect something from another person. We Iranians have learned to expect nothing from nobody. The world is a jungle and we are experiencing it first hand.

i hear you brother:smokin:
I registered solely because of this thread
first of all I want to apologize before hand for saying things that might be offensive to Pakistanis but this is solely in response to all the bs I have read regarding my country in this thread.

1) For those that wish Iran would get attacked "instead of Pakistan," I have some news. If you look up you'll see American drones bombing your country.

2) The majority of Iranians do not live in villages. I have no idea where you guys are getting your information from. The vast majority of Iran lives in Urban areas.

3) Iran's HDI is even higher than that of Turkey!
According to the UN's 2010 figures Iran is siting at number 70 while Turkey sits at number 83! Pakistan is 125.
Iran has been among the 5 fastest movers in the past 5 years and from last year it moved up by 18 places!
If this continues Iran will be considered a developed country in 4-5 years.
(I can't post a URL yet b/c of my post count but if you want a source you can go on wiki or the United Nations web site and check it out)

4) This is supposed to be a forum where people are knowledgeable about different militaries. Those of you that say Israel can attack Iran, are you for real lmao
Have you checked Israel's air force and what type of planes they have? Have you checked their refueling capabilities? Did you know that they can't even fit the newly made American bunker busters on their jets?

5) To the Indian dude
Many Iranians (the majority of Iran actually), whether muslim or not, don't really support the regime. But Iranians and Turks are among the most nationalistic people on earth. That is a more potent weapon than 10 000 nukes.
btw, if Iran was looking for nukes it would have them by now. We have the money, the know how and enough enriched uranium to make 2-3 nuclear weapons. Iran isn't after nuclear weapons because they are absolutely useless to us. What the **** can we do with nukes?? Our enemy is on the other side of the world and has thousands of nukes!

It seems that everybody here has drank the American cool aid.
pretty sad

Hey , thanks for the post buddy .

But i have a few questions - If iranians hate the current regime why would you not allow the americans to assist you guys in toppling it?

Plus what is the general attitude of most iranians towards islam and persian/ zoroastrian nationalism ?

No matter how much i hate USA or Israel, In case of US or Israel attacking iran, i will support the Great Satan and its ally Israel.

Coz current iranian regiem and mullah's r more dangerous to main stream Islam than all the western civilization put together.

Dont ask me why or more, otherwise this thread will be totally derailed. :coffee:
No matter how much i hate USA or Israel, In case of US or Israel attacking iran, i will support the Great Satan and its ally Israel.

Coz current iranian regiem and mullah's r more dangerous to main stream Islam than all the western civilization put together.

Dont ask me why or more, otherwise this thread will be totally derailed. :coffee:

i agree to some extent - not completely but to some extent

they have a perception of being "persian" - god knows what that means because it simply holds minimal meaning in modern day iran with many ethnicities in the nation but its real enough in their heads so i guess thats what counts
No matter how much i hate USA or Israel, In case of US or Israel attacking iran, i will support the Great Satan and its ally Israel.

Coz current iranian regiem and mullah's r more dangerous to main stream Islam than all the western civilization put together.

Dont ask me why or more, otherwise this thread will be totally derailed. :coffee:

what a double standard my friend. The taliban in Afghanistan were also one of the greatest dangers to islam and people of afghanistan. but you seem not to like american invasion of the taliban.
what a double standard my friend. The taliban in Afghanistan were also one of the greatest dangers to islam and people of afghanistan. but you seem not to like american invasion of the taliban.

the taliban are the taliban - they are what they are - nothing could be done with afghanistan after the mujhadeen were created and its not pakistans business to fix afghan mess - it should be the us who created the mujhadeen who became the taliban, pakistan does not like the destabilisation that spills over into pakistan
the taliban are the taliban - they are what they are - nothing could be done with afghanistan after the mujhadeen were created and its not pakistans business to fix afghan mess - it should be the us who created the mujhadeen who became the taliban, pakistan does not like the destabilisation that spills over into pakistan

lets leave the interest of our countries for a min, ego was bringing islam in the middle and i asked him the question in that sense. Mujahideen didnt become the taliban, as a matter of fact the mujahideen were fighting the taliban, although some of the mujahideen joined the taliban, not a big chunk of them. mujahideen were created effectively by pakistan and funding of the US.
what a double standard my friend. The taliban in Afghanistan were also one of the greatest dangers to islam and people of afghanistan. but you seem not to like american invasion of the taliban.

Yes u r right, when it comes to Taliban vs Iran, iam totally partial and baised against current iran. So where i stand is totally clear. :cheers:
No matter how much i hate USA or Israel, In case of US or Israel attacking iran, i will support the Great Satan and its ally Israel.

Coz current iranian regiem and mullah's r more dangerous to main stream Islam than all the western civilization put together.

Dont ask me why or more, otherwise this thread will be totally derailed. :coffee:

Well,I never ever understood this..West says that Islam is the great threat to western civilizaton and Muslims says that Western civilization is a threat to Islam????? ...May Allah have mercy on us
Yes u r right, when it comes to Taliban vs Iran, iam totally partial and baised against current iran. So where i stand is totally clear. :cheers:

Thanks for the very clear answer. But i have got something to tell you, when you have biase and partiality, please dont bring islam in the middle, islam must not be our political toy to play with.
Hey , thanks for the post buddy .

But i have a few questions - If iranians hate the current regime why would you not allow the americans to assist you guys in toppling it?

Plus what is the general attitude of most iranians towards islam and persian/ zoroastrian nationalism ?


I rather swallow a hot rod
The yanks are the reason why we have these goons in power.

And I'm not gonna comment on "most Iranians" but personally I have converted to Zoroastrianism and I'm trying to help my parents and bro do the same since they don't consider themselves muslim. In Iran we are all "officially Muslim."
This regime today has done more damage to Islam in Iran than all the other monarchs before them put together. lol
lets leave the interest of our countries for a min, ego was bringing islam in the middle and i asked him the question in that sense. Mujahideen didnt become the taliban, as a matter of fact the mujahideen were fighting the taliban, although some of the mujahideen joined the taliban, not a big chunk of them. mujahideen were created effectively by pakistan and funding of the US.

so who became the taliban? aliens?

btw there will be a lot of americans who will be upset about you giving pakistan so much credit - the mujhadeen was an american concept, carried out mainly by pakistan
i agree to some extent - not completely but to some extent

they have a perception of being "persian" - god knows what that means because it simply holds minimal meaning in modern day iran with many ethnicities in the nation but its real enough in their heads so i guess thats what counts

finally, somebody that gets it!!!
we're the ones that matter and we care about our history.

btw, Iran today is more Parsi than even 30 years ago!! Before the revolution only 50 percent of the country had Parsi as their mother tongue. Today it is 64 percent (according to the UN). In 30 years it will be almost 80 percent. The older generation aren't teaching the younger ones their ethnic languages anymore. This is happening b/c the country is getting more and more urbanized. You often see parents speaking broken Parsi with weird accents but their children speaking perfect Parsi with a Tehrani accent! I'm from Shiraz and my grandfather's first language was a Turkish dialect but he never thought it to my father because he thought it was unnecessary.

so who became the taliban? aliens?
what do you mean by this?

Ego said that he will support ISRAEL and america if these 2 countries invade iran. Ego said he support them because current iran is the very danger to ISLAM. Ego also clearly and manly admits that he is biased towards Iran.

Now, according to the many posts from Ego, he clearly doesnt approve off Americans attacking the Taliban. On the other hand, the Taliban are also a very danger to Islam and a very danger to teh people of Afghanistan, since Ego admited his bias, I have got nothing further but to advise him not to bring islam in the middle as his intention is not islam but political interests, am I wrong to give such an advice?

btw there will be a lot of americans who will be upset about you giving pakistan so much credit - the mujhadeen was an american concept, carried out mainly by pakistan

that is what i said.
Listen you ignoramuses, if Iran is ever invaded, both Pakistan and Turkiye should help Iran by providing some level of military assistance. Whether you agree with Iranian politics or not, someone has to take a stand and say NO, no more! First Afghanistan, then Iraq, and now possible invasion of Iran? Put your political and Sunni Shia differences aside do not allow these things to cloud your strategic judgments. Iran is a neighbor, a large neighbor, a developed and significant neighbor that we can't afford to have it fall. If anyone thinks Pakistan will benefit if Iran is smashed to pieces, then you are an ignorant fool.

Pakistan, Turkiye, and Iran must all sign a defense pact!

P.S Don't you dare argue with me, I am right.
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