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If the us invades iran...?

the millions of iranians who came on the streets of iran last year against ahmedinejad were not westerners.

or am i missing something ?

After US had secret deal with the Iranian government not to support them in return for favors in Iraq , they all went back to their home and universities, hence without US support they all are weak.

When Iranain Mullahs came to street they send the Shah out of the country, thats power my friend.
I personally would always support an invasion of Iran. I'd rather see Iran attacked rather than to see Pakistan attacked. If somebody has to die, then it shouldn't be Pakistanis dying.
please stick to the topic title - whether you agree with the likelihood of it happening is irrelevant - just play the scenario out from india or pakistanis point of view
Majority of Irainains live in villages and support the current government and will die for them , while the western Iranian are weak.
Yes,rural Iranians are in full support of Ahmedinejad
I have heard that most iranians publicly call themselves muslims because of the autocratic islamic regime in the country but most are either atheists or secretly practice their original religion zoroastranism.

Well,from where you have 'heard' this???? This is BULLSHIT. Many of 'em are Athiests etc but when you see the percentage ...it equal to Salt in the flour..Point less part of post
One thing is clear they hate the islamic regime there.

This is wrong perceptionIn my personal experience,Irani youth don't hate Islamic regime but they want it to be more Flexible.Irani youth says that Iran needs a 'Youth revolution'.One Irani girl said that our elders brought 'Islamic revolution' in the country ,Now its our time to bring 'Youth Revolution' in the country...Now its our time
i believe if the US attacks iran and rids the iranians of the regime , there will be mass conversions in iran , most people there want better relations with the outside world and want a secular democracy.
Again pointlessbut yeah,Many iranians do want better relations with outside world
the elections last year saw massive protests and millions of iranians came on the streets against ahmedinejad.

I have even heard that most iranians hate arabs , like to call themselves persians and take more pride in the persian history rather than islamic history .

Iranians do hate Arabs...and about 2nd part..I have no idea.

Who cares?? Pakistan is suffering the worst we have through out our whole history, and you wanna talk about Iran?

with due respct bro, but you havent seen and dont know the worst. if iran is invaded, that country will be unstable and your border with iran will be unstable too because it is the home of baluchs in both sides of the border, that instablity will at least provoke an unstopable string of violance along the border. i mentioned baluch because factions of baluch people are in war with both iran and pakistan.
After US had secret deal with the Iranian government not to support them in return for favors in Iraq , they all went back to their home and universities, hence without US support they all are weak.

When Iranain Mullahs came to street they send the Shah out of the country, thats power my friend.

well the mullahs back in 1979 were successful because the common man supported them .

About this current revolution against the regime , only time will tell.

coming back to the topic . India should stay neutral ,infact i believe that we should support the US and iranian people to get rid of this extremists hardliner regime because iranian people whether or not they believe in Islam are moderates and deserve a better government.

For Pakistan , i think you guys can not support US as iranians too are muslims and you ll also anger the shia population of your country.

Stay neutral , that is the best policy because iran and pakistan dont have very comfortable relations anyway , india has had better relations with iran .

If Pakistanis support iran , you ll anger the arab world too particularly the saudis who have been there for you in the past whereas the iranians have not.


Yes,rural Iranians are in full support of Ahmedinejad

Well,from where you have 'heard' this???? This is BULLSHIT. Many of 'em are Athiests etc but when you see the percentage ...it equal to Salt in the flour..Point less part of post
One thing is clear they hate the islamic regime there.
This is wrong perceptionIn my personal experience,Irani youth don't hate Islamic regime but they want it to be more Flexible.Irani youth says that Iran needs a 'Youth revolution'.
i believe if the US attacks iran and rids the iranians of the regime , there will be mass conversions in iran , most people there want better relations with the outside world and want a secular democracy.[/QUOTE]
again pointless
[/QUOTE]the elections last year saw massive protests and millions of iranians came on the streets against ahmedinejad.

I have even heard that most iranians hate arabs , like to call themselves persians and take more pride in the persian history rather than islamic history .[/QUOTE]

Iranians do hate Arabs...and about 2nd part..I have no idea

uhh... ok thank you.

just read about it on the internet and spoke to many iranians through the net .

anyways thank you .
I registered solely because of this thread
first of all I want to apologize before hand for saying things that might be offensive to Pakistanis but this is solely in response to all the bs I have read regarding my country in this thread.

1) For those that wish Iran would get attacked "instead of Pakistan," I have some news. If you look up you'll see American drones bombing your country.

2) The majority of Iranians do not live in villages. I have no idea where you guys are getting your information from. The vast majority of Iran lives in Urban areas.

3) Iran's HDI is even higher than that of Turkey!
According to the UN's 2010 figures Iran is siting at number 70 while Turkey sits at number 83! Pakistan is 125.
Iran has been among the 5 fastest movers in the past 5 years and from last year it moved up by 18 places!
If this continues Iran will be considered a developed country in 4-5 years.
(I can't post a URL yet b/c of my post count but if you want a source you can go on wiki or the United Nations web site and check it out)

4) This is supposed to be a forum where people are knowledgeable about different militaries. Those of you that say Israel can attack Iran, are you for real lmao
Have you checked Israel's air force and what type of planes they have? Have you checked their refueling capabilities? Did you know that they can't even fit the newly made American bunker busters on their jets?

5) To the Indian dude
Many Iranians (the majority of Iran actually), whether muslim or not, don't really support the regime. But Iranians and Turks are among the most nationalistic people on earth. That is a more potent weapon than 10 000 nukes.
btw, if Iran was looking for nukes it would have them by now. We have the money, the know how and enough enriched uranium to make 2-3 nuclear weapons. Iran isn't after nuclear weapons because they are absolutely useless to us. What the **** can we do with nukes?? Our enemy is on the other side of the world and has thousands of nukes!

It seems that everybody here has drank the American cool aid.
pretty sad
I registered solely because of this thread
first of all I want to apologize before hand for saying things that might be offensive to Pakistanis but this is solely in response to all the bs I have read regarding my country in this thread.

1) For those that wish Iran would get attacked "instead of Pakistan," I have some news. If you look up you'll see American drones bombing your country.

2) The majority of Iranians do not live in villages. I have no idea where you guys are getting your information from. The vast majority of Iran lives in Urban areas.

3) Iran's HDI is even higher than that of Turkey!
According to the UN's 2010 figures Iran is siting at number 70 while Turkey sits at number 83! Pakistan is 125.
Iran has been among the 5 fastest movers in the past 5 years and from last year it moved up by 18 places!
If this continues Iran will be considered a developed country in 4-5 years.
(I can't post a URL yet b/c of my post count but if you want a source you can go on wiki or the United Nations web site and check it out)

4) This is supposed to be a forum where people are knowledgeable about different militaries. Those of you that say Israel can attack Iran, are you for real lmao
Have you checked Israel's air force and what type of planes they have? Have you checked their refueling capabilities? Did you know that they can't even fit the newly made American bunker busters on their jets?

5) To the Indian dude
Many Iranians (the majority of Iran actually), whether muslim or not, don't really support the regime. But Iranians and Turks are among the most nationalistic people on earth. That is a more potent weapon than 10 000 nukes.
btw, if Iran was looking for nukes it would have them by now. We have the money, the know how and enough enriched uranium to make 2-3 nuclear weapons. Iran isn't after nuclear weapons because they are absolutely useless to us. What the **** can we do with nukes?? Our enemy is on the other side of the world and has thousands of nukes!

It seems that everybody here has drank the American cool aid.
pretty sad

hi, nice to hear from you.

what would you expect (if anything?) from pakistan and india respectively if iran were to be invaded?
@ DesiGuy,

I don't think many people in Pakistan would care enough to react. Maybe some Shia would care, because some of the Shia love Iran more than their/our own country, Pakistan.

The Shiite in Pakistan are pro US, example: our President (PPP) and MQM etc, I don't know how will they react when their holy country will be attacked by US?

Iran is just like to PPP and MQM as Saudi Arab is to PML, Jamatai Islami and JUI

I come from a Shia family and let me assure you that Iran is not "holy" to Shias. While some admire the Shia history of the region nobody replaces Iraq/Iran with Pakistan as their nation.

Please stop spreading ignorance.
hi, nice to hear from you.

what would you expect (if anything?) from pakistan and india respectively if iran were to be invaded?

nothing, why should I?
If a bunch of illeterate Taliban with underwear on their heads can defend their land, so can we.
We already did actually. The 8 year war against Iraq was actually against the entire planet. Some say the contra affair was help to Iran from the US and the only answer to that is lol
That deal was worth less than 100 million. Compare that to the hundreds of billions the Iraqis got from all over the planet. French pilots were piloting Iraqi jets even!!

anyways, Iran will never in a trillion years be attacked.
They didn't attack us when we had hundreds of their politicians hostage for over a year. They didn't attack when we started our nuke program. They didn't attack when our first nuclear plant was finished. They didn't attack when we captured those British sailors. They didn't attack when we created Hezbollah etc...
Why would they attack when their country is weaker and ours is stronger than what it was in the past???

Iran is a fortress not because of its weapons, but because of its nationalistic people and that's why we will never be touched. When we ran out of minesweepers and artillery we were walking over mines. People tied grenades around their wastes and went under Iraqi tanks.
we will do it again if we have to.
I come from a Shia family and let me assure you that Iran is not "holy" to Shias. While some admire the Shia history of the region nobody replaces Iraq/Iran with Pakistan as their nation.

Please stop spreading ignorance.

even though I'm not Pakistani, I've seen many of those people.
They're radical Sunnis who hate everything about shias and they tie their own shia brothers to Iran (which they consider the root of all evil) to degrade them. They are ready to defend even the US and Israel when it comes to Iran lol not very smart individuals.

It's the same all over the region. Shia groups like Hezbollah are actually doing something worth while while sunni groups are just blowing themselves up! Hating on shias is their only concern.
nothing, why should I?

so if pakistan were to allow their land as a base for attacks on iran how would that make you feel - for example would you be disappointed?
would you understand?
would you do the same if the situation were reversed?
would you want retribution? if so what?
so if pakistan were to allow their land as a base for attacks on iran how would that make you feel - for example would you be disappointed?
would you understand?
would you do the same if the situation were reversed?
would you want retribution? if so what?

to be disappointed you first have to expect something from another person. We Iranians have learned to expect nothing from nobody. The world is a jungle and we are experiencing it first hand.
If US attack Iran it will face worst of scenario at both war fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Northern Alliance and Iraq govt. will turn their guns towards US troops.
US cannot afford to loose Shia support in its world conquest.
US has to be gravely stupid to miss such obvious lashback.
To the contrary US and Iran are co-operating with each other in Iraq, Afghanistan and inside Iran as well. US supply Iran regime intelligence info. about the revolutionary Iranis abroad and Iran regime target their families at home.
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