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If the us invades iran...?

1) that Irandefence dude is Osonloor, he is a Turkish dude that is extremely anti Persian and goes all over the internet trying to convince people that Iran is dominated by Turks. His new strategy is to say **** like that to make Parsi look dumb and racist. He got banned thankfully.

2) My source is more credible than the CIA world fact book. The CIA web site is good for GDP, literacy rates etc... where there is only one official number that can be updated regularly using one source. Since 1970 every source on the world wide web gives out the Persians are 51% number. The most RECENT research was done in the 2000s however and it shows the Azeri and Kurdish languages disappearing while the Persian language is gaining ground. That map I gave you was used in the national geographic.
I even gave you an example about how my grand father spoke a diff language as his mother tongue but me and my father had Persian as ours. I had this Kurdish Iranian dude in my football team and for 4 years I had no idea he was Kurdish. One day his phone rang and it was his grand father and he started speaking Kurdish with him. We were all surprised. He explained after that his grand father doesn't speak good Persian so all the family is forced to know some Kurdish!

3) that mini skirt thing was an example to show how quickly things change. And you are right. Before the 20's Iran was like Afghanistan and that's another example of how things change. I never said Iran was always liberal. Back then Iran had a policy like Ata Turk's Turkey. Women would be stopped in the streets and their hijab would be torn into pieces. By the 70's Iranian women were wearing sexier clothes than women in Europe. Then bammmm, revolution happened (which wasn't meant to be an Islamic one but that is for another discussion).
so you see, the Iran of 2010 isn't the Iran of 1990. In the past 20 years the post revolution kids have reached adult hood. They are mostly anti Islamic Republic and are very Western and liberal. The whole "green rev" was the first sign that Iran will change.

4) Every tribe in Iran (except arabs), including the Azaris, is Aryan. We all consider ourselves Aryan and in all my life I have never heard a Parsi say "we're more aryan than you."
Aryan has nothing to do with skin color but it's all about culture and it's unique to Iran. The geramns stole that word. The first Iranian king 2500 years ago said "I am king of kings, king of the Aryans." That is why a black Iranian from the south and an East Asian looking Iranian from the North East proudly calls him/herself Aryan.

5) Yes, Persians might have a superiority complex but that is completely normal. My ancestors conquered every territory from India to Asia minor and Egypt. We invented everything from the Guitar to the postal system. Of course we are proud and sometimes it gets too much but you can't blame us. We also over do it because we're constantly under attack. The Arabs hate us (despise us in fact) for being Parsis and the Iranian govt wants Iranians to forget their history and only talk about the post Islamic history. In the beginning of the rev they were destroying Iran's ancient sites (like how the Saudis did in the past). In the West our culture is also under attack (300 and the Prince of Persia are some easy examples).

My guide in college was a Canadian-Iranian who was vehemently anti mullah. He used to literally froth at the mouth talking about the revolution. He too was a reconverted Zoroastrian. It is really fascinating how the Iranians are reviving their original religion after 1000 years.

Are Zoroastrian festivals celebrated in Iran today?
they not gonna invade iran they need to subdue pakistan first ,thats there ultimate goal.
My guide in college was a Canadian-Iranian who was vehemently anti mullah. He used to literally froth at the mouth talking about the revolution. He too was a reconverted Zoroastrian. It is really fascinating how the Iranians are reviving their original religion after 1000 years.

Are Zoroastrian festivals celebrated in Iran today?

we never stopped practicing them
our new year celebrations are celebrated pretty much the same way our ancestors celebrated it.
Our new year is called Norouz (new day) and we have 13 days of holiday. On the last Thursday of the year we have the fire festival (jumping over fire).
We also set up a table during the holidays called "haft sin" (seven S') and put seven items starting with the letter S (each one has a meaning). One of them is "sabze" which is basically grass.
On the 13th day we throw the grass into a river and have a picnic with the family.

This whole thing is celebrated in many of the former Iranian territories (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and other central Asian countries).

and here's some interesting comments by a mullah regarding Iranians becoming Zoroastrian
I love hearing this guy and how he's burning in anger.
YouTube - Don't let young Shia Muslims to become Zoroastrian (Mullah gets paranoid!)
Well i say US will attack IRAN soon to start the World War III.That's the strongest sense i feel.
Well i say US will attack IRAN soon to start the World War III.That's the strongest sense i feel.

The only reason to attack Iran would be if the Tehran Oil Bourse is made functional in an attempt to sell oil in a large volume in a currency other than the the US dollar.
The only reason to attack Iran would be if the Tehran Oil Bourse is made functional in an attempt to sell oil in a large volume in a currency other than the the US dollar.

And the position of Iran is important as well.Since the us is "making peace" in the world.It'll surely find a way to attack Iran.Sorry to say that.And Iranian kurds started being a threat for turkey -.-
Well i say US will attack IRAN soon to start the World War III.That's the strongest sense i feel.

The only reason to attack Iran would be if the Tehran Oil Bourse (TOB) is made functional in an attempt to sell oil in a large volume in a currency other than the the US dollar.

A fully operational TOB will be regarded as an act grievous enough to the US national interests to launch an attack. Everything else can be managed through less severe means, as is presently the case.

Iran knows this and is performing a fine balancing act accordingly.
The only reason to attack Iran would be if the Tehran Oil Bourse (TOB) is made functional in an attempt to sell oil in a large volume in a currency other than the the US dollar.

A fully operational TOB will be regarded as an act grievous enough to the US national interests to launch an attack. Everything else can be managed through less severe means, as is presently the case.

Iran knows this and is performing a fine balancing act accordingly.

That's pure right.Iran is using it's agricultural power good but i don't thinj it's a match for United States.:usflag:
Quoting CNN:

Unless you are able to provide an exact name of an Ayatollah or the original Farsi fragment of the text explicitly strengthening your case, I find your source as being dubious. If you want similar politically constructed odd-ball translations and transcripts, then you may visit the Israel organization MEMRI's website, which originated the 'wipe of the map' translation.
have they won yet in Iraq and Afghanistan..the purpose of invading those two was to encircle iran, a much larger and stronger country from its both front for better chances of victor and shorter actual war. The Iranians were off course smart to sense that and thanks to American war, Iran today has larger influence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

the bitter ground reality will haunt the American political circus for a long long time..they just had a Vietnam duo of 21st century!
The only reason to attack Iran would be if the Tehran Oil Bourse is made functional in an attempt to sell oil in a large volume in a currency other than the the US dollar.

I think tahran has started to use Euro currency long time ago !! Am i wrong?
I don't understand as to how Iran could have been so secular before the revolution.

And I don't understand why Iranians think Arabs hate them >.>
I don't understand as to how Iran could have been so secular before the revolution.

And I don't understand why Iranians think Arabs hate them >.>

iran was secular, they were fed up with shah, the mullahs were leading the opposition and thats how they ended up being in power. i dont think iran consider the arab world its enemy, but they got issues with the arab govs.
iran was secular, they were fed up with shah, the mullahs were leading the opposition and thats how they ended up being in power. i dont think iran consider the arab world its enemy, but they got issues with the arab govs.

Well I guess its all about where their loyalties lie.

I don't know if the general public in Iran want to side with Muslims or the West or if they are only nationalistic in general.
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