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If Pakistan provokes, India will hit back

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I can't understand why you people keep writing off the Indian military- in the next 7-8 years India will spend the equvilent of 20 times Pakistan's annual defence budget on modernisation alone discounting its annual defence budget that is already 8 times Pakistan's and growing year on year. Do you think all this money will bring about 0 returns??

Not even your own generals are deluded enough to think you guys can hold off an Indian force.

The fact of the matter is that no matter how many toys you buy we just don't respect you, nor do we like you.

Get it into your coconut head.
Although you Indians must think that you are a God's gift to this world....let me assure you the world certainly doesn't evolve around India....no are the Russians or French the end of this world.
Let me give you a taste of your medicine....Pre-1998, US embargoes Pakistan's paid F-16s.....1998, Pakistan tests it's nuclear weapons....9/11 happens....in due course, US not only resumes the supply but sells the latest tech F-16s to Pakistan.
And the same French earlier transferred Submarine technology to Pakistan. !!

As Always...Pure Rubbish Mr WildJammer

1 Sqn f16 block 52 STATED COMING 2010 not earlier....That too with such complexities and hysteria on their usage.........

Till date of 45 are Block 15 F16 not sure on serviceability levels.

Till date the assembly of Agosta 90 TOT has resulted jack. French only taught assembly not TOT. Nor Pak Ship yards have the capability to absorb this Technology...Also the Great French didnt allow any 14 M3 ROSE to leave France in 99 remember..............they are not that kind either !!

Be grateful, to Russians because of who your Great Fighter is in Air.
Firstly, CM-400AKG hasn’t yet been qualified on the JF-17 Thunder. Secondly, claim of 180km-250km range is way off the mark, simply because those figures apply only to the SY-400 NLOS-BSM from which the CM-400AKG is derived. Thirdly, any long-range fire-and-forget air-to-ground PGM can only employ active radar for terminal guidance & not IIR, simply because no missile-based IIR sensor has the kind of target detection/lock-on range (of up to 26km). Such sensors exist only on board laser designator pods & therefore cannot be made to fit on-board a missile the size of CM-400AKG. Fourthly, if the missile has a digital scene-matching system, then it stands to reason that it cannot also have an on-board active radar for terminal guidance, a fact clearly borne out by external visual examination of the CM-400AKG’s airframe. Fifthly, therefore, re-targetting in mid-flight is an impossibility. Sixthly, the CM-400AKG’s impact velocity cannot be hypersonic if an IIR sensor is employed for the terminal flight-phase. It can be hypersonic ONLY if climbs to a high altitude & undertakes a high-speed dive on the target (i.e.top-attack mode by using an X-band synthetic aperture radar), MEANING that this performance data applies only to the SY-400 NLOS-BSM, & not an aircraft-launched PGM meant for targetting an aircraft carrier cruising at a speed of 30 Knots.
Bottomline: Either the JDW’s reporter was totally ignorant about the laws of physics, or it was the PAF unnamed officials who were ignorant about the laws of physics & were just engaged in unsubstantiated & delusional rants. The only genuine data pertains to the number of JF-17s presently in service, i.e.36, which doesn’t spell good for the aircraft’s series-production status to date, given the fact that first deliveries took place as far back as March 2007. By now, at least 90 JF-17s ought to have been in service, assuming an annual production run of just 12 aircraft.
TRISHUL: Highlights Of Airshow China 2012 In Zhuhai Part-2
India does not need to ht back military . they can isolate Pakistan on the international front, like they did after 26/11. in todays day no one in the world sees Pakistan as an asset .
feel free to refute me with facts:)

Actually India doesn't really need to anything. Pakistan is doing every thing they can to achieve the "Indian boogeyman's" goals
The fact of the matter is that no matter how many toys you buy we just don't respect you, nor do we like you.

Get it into your coconut head.

and you thought we are in love with you? TTP is more than enough to take care of you. And they seem to be more than willing to do the dirty job for us.
The fact of the matter is that no matter how many toys you buy we just don't respect you, nor do we like you.

Get it into your coconut head.

No one is asking you to love India but you can underestimate India at your peril. Only fools wouldn't respect a conventionally superior enemy.

Binay na maanat jaladhi jad gaye teeni din beeti|
Bole ram sakop tab bhay binu hoyee na preeti||

bold part- where there is pure,positive and good thinking there is prosperity and where dere is negative,bad thinking dere breeds trouble and poverty ..... hope my pakistani broders understand this and change dere way of thinking
Yes,toys are for china not for pakistan.
and for pakistan,TTP have enough toys :rofl:

It would be a lot safer for India to fight China rather than Pakistan.

Both China and India have a "No First Use" nuclear policy, so it is very possible for China and India to fight a full-scale war without resorting to nukes.

Pakistan on the other hand doesn't have such a policy. And their deployment of tactical nukes makes their nuclear threshold much lower.
It would be a lot safer for India to fight China rather than Pakistan.

Both China and India have a "No First Use" nuclear policy, so it is very possible for China and India to fight a full-scale war without resorting to nukes.

Pakistan on the other hand doesn't have such a policy. And their deployment of tactical nukes makes their nuclear threshold much lower.

I dont see a possibility for war between India and China. Particularly when trade is increasing.
Slow and steady wins the race. Let's not get all excited so soon. :D

:lol: you are bleeding slow and steadily thanks to TTP et al and you are talking about winning slow and steadily!! :cheesy:

Carry on and be brave. But note that capacity to strike is there and further capacity building is going on and when a leader like MODI comes into power you are one strategic nuke or 26/11 away from being toast. True Story :D

He will feed you the same balls that one of your countrymen so generously cut and pasted here on this forum. :D
Indians getting high on some drug again-
How easy it is to provoke the general dumb emotinaly fragile indian public-

Your planners only have balls near the elections the first thing they go through after being elected is castration-
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