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If Pakistan provokes, India will hit back

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Its funny to watch some our our pakistani friends speaking of raining down nukes on India. There is NO conceivable scenario where pakistan will survive, should they choose the nuclear option. These guys are patting themselves on the back, confusing suicidal impulses with bravery.

What a joke!! They don't need nukes, they need a shrink.

At a more sane level, I don't think that either of the two countries would be keen on a full blown military exchange. India, certainly, can't afford it. Focusing on building a bigger, stronger economy will provide India with a more lethal weapon, capable of undermining Pak without firing a single bullet.
Pakistanis did provoke India , not once but many times. We all know what happened. India and Pakistan are fairly balanced nations when it comes to military might (Thanks to nuclear-missile arsenal of Pakistan Army). No direct confrontation is possible in near future--The cold war will continue though

Do you know what the difference in defense budget between the two countries?

Read a 2003 article!
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India-Pakistan military balance
yeah yeah yeah, India will hit back, well we will remain the place we are and we will drag you to same level, enjoy your ego then :toast_sign:
If Pakistan provokes, India will hit back

Not a single administrator, diplomat, armymen or any person in any position has said this but an article by a random blog.

Everybody including a MOD join the bandwagon and ...there u have a war of words.. Priceless.

Spend some time reading the article not the header before u comment , you pathetic fools.
Bachoo ab mar ke daikh phir bataoon ga, ouch!!
acha ab na marna ab ke mara na to bohoot bura hoga, ouch!!
More swagger for the home audience.!!

In the coming days Nuclear weapons threat will become obsolete as new technologies are emerging, There are weapons which fry all the living beings , once the nuclear weapons storage facility is found leaving ,the nuclear arsenal in tact.
The more the number of Nuclear weapons the more burden on the economy to maintain them.
trust me when i say that i wish i wish with all my heart that what u are saying is true, the problem is that UR wrong!. As long as Kashmir remain UN-resolved the war is UN-avoidable look Mumbai was an indicator about how fragile we are . It was the sanity of the USA that resolved the issue other wise the Fight was imminent and let me tell you this. Attacks like these are difficult to stop i believe that another one like Mumbai will totally destroy Pakistan and India relations and then War is Gonna take place .

at some point this region will flare up there is just no stopping it .

No. Maybe if the problem was solved in 70's attacks may have been stopped.
But lets assume for a (foolish) moment, that Kashmir prob is solved in favour of pakistan. Now the terrorist next target will be india.
Now Militant leaders and muslim leaders in ur country will start, "how india is mistreating its muslims, and lets take over india". With radicalism ever increasing in the muslim world, i feel India would never be safe from these attacks.
Unless we convert india into one Israel and RAW into one MOSSAD, it will be tough to handle the threats.
The matter is Radicalist will never stop at Kashmir and will try for India, maybe the whole world.
When India will hit Pakistan, we PAKISTAN will CRUSH and CRACK DOWN India in million pieces of atoms and send them to the HELL !

Yes of course. The same way U crushed us in 1965 and then in 1971. 93000+ pakistani soldiers were taken as prisoners in only a matter of 13 days.
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