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If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

Yes, I too come to this forum for my daily dose of laughter.

Okay stop - look i never want to troll aywhere just posts of Indians brings it out on me... I never wanted to hurt esecially you by trolling because you are a sensible indian
I think it's you who need a rest, I thought that truth was bitter, but your itching tells me that its painfull too. Read my post again, where did I said German boss?

What do you mean by imaginary? do you want me to post his pic or print his name and address? grow up kid. learn to listen the truth and don't feel compelled to protect the "Great Indian Name", even Gandhi didn't cared about the great "Maha Bharta" when he left his family to live with his "German" bodybuider lover......................OOh now I know where you got the "German boss"....................

lmao numbers don't "mean a huff". But imaginary comments from you imaginary German boss is the be all and end all.

Give it a rest yeah, no need to embarrass yourself anymore.

Why you mad though:lol: Truth hurts?
To bring this discussion back to topic, people from developing countries do well in the West because Western culture values meritocracy and competition, whereas developing countries like Pakistan and India are rife with nepotism and systemic corruption.

There was an article posted here by an Indian author who complained that (high tech) innovation and competition suffers in India because the entrenched conglomerates instantly quash any competition. The same is true in the rest of South Asia. I don't know about China, but that's probably true there, too to some extent.

Of course, the West also has corruption and nepotism, but there's enough wiggle room -- and venture capital -- for innovation to flourish.
So ban me.

Haven't you found out that We Pakistanis have big hearts, like our big thoughts.....................enjoy your stay here and feel the freedom to express yourself, but yes don't let manners go stray...........
I have noted that every time I cough your pain increases, so I'll give you gys some rest...............HAHAHA....HAHAHA......sorry about that burst, I know it burns your base but that is so natural for you guys...

Watch this and cough more....
What was that.....list of people...whom nobody knows......you got high IQ stinky a_ss

Use your common sense, man. If no one knew them, their names wouldn't be on Wikipedia.
I beg to disagree, a very large global company that I work for has many accountants and programmers from a number of countries arund the world. without any exaggeratin, the Indian programmers and accountants that I know are the laughing stock of the whole group.

I got it :smokin:
All you need to do is Confirm that are they really Indians or Pakistanis hiding their identity. :cheesy:

There may be other indian employees, but the ones who work in my group are regarded is "incompetent cowards" by the "GORA'S" because of their cursory knowledge despite being highly qualified from both India and that host country, and their indecisive attitude and habit of hiding behind others when it comes to decision making, and blaming somebody else when caught with laughable blunders..

Well You will be Glad to know, Head of most the R&D of GORAS are incompetent cowards called indians & comptent bravos like pakistanis are probably driving their cabs or running street side desi motels with Indian names or best they can do is start a hair dressing saloons for Goras.

The only three things they are good at is, aggressive dressing by females and submissive attitude by males, back biting & behind the closed door politics, and never bringing anything (food) to share with colleagues but asking others to bring and then eating the max out of what others bring and branding everything that Pakistani employees bring as "indian food" even if those are meat dishes which they themselve don't eat.

Lol which school you go boss, you sound like primary school going kid :girl_wacko:

All the Gora's laugh on their faces and make fun of them, but as we have experienced them on the internet forums, they are even more "Leechar" in real life.

As a brownie blacky like you think you are a spokeman of those so called GORA?? was licking Gora's shoes was not enough, so you started bashing/barking people from your own south asia for your masters?? :woot:
I think it's you who need a rest, I thought that truth was bitter, but your itching tells me that its painfull too. Read my post again, where did I said German boss?

What do you mean by imaginary? do you want me to post his pic or print his name and address? grow up kid. learn to listen the truth

Learn to listen to the truth? You want me to not believe cold hard stats and want me to believe what some boss of your said(which is obvious bs).

Pakistani diaspora unfortunately is far from being the ideal. Same story in Canada, ditto in the UK. In the US they are marginally better still lag behind Indians.

Now lets focus on the topic at hand if you can.
Use your common sense, man. If no one knew them, their names wouldn't be on Wikipedia.

Don't ask him to use something that he doesn't have, don't you know they are a "different" league.

Chchch.........you highness of the different league, SIR. there is no mention of "BOSS", please.

Anything which is difficult to digest is fiction. You are so on top of everything.

Learn to listen to the truth? You want me to not believe cold hard stats and want me to believe what some boss of your said(which is obvious bs).

Pakistani diaspora unfortunately is far from being the ideal. Same story in Canada, ditto in the UK. In the US they are marginally betterstill lag a long way behind Indians.

Now lets focus on the topic at hand if you can.
I dont think Indians are smarter than others, it may apprear so because of brain drain.
@ On topic

There should not be any comparision between pakistan And India. Both are just uncompareable.

However below are the areas both the countries excel in the words of Dr Ishrat Hussain, Director, Poverty and Social Policy Department, World Bank.

Areas where India has surpassed Pakistan.
-There is little doubt that the scientific and technological manpower and research and development institutions in India are far superior and can match those of the western institutions. The real breakthrough in the Indian export of software after the opening up of the economy in 1991 attests to the validity of the proposition that human capital formation accompanied by market-friendly economic policies can lift the developing countries out of low-level equilibrium trap.

-Indian scientists working in India excel in the areas of defense technology, space research, electronics and avionics, genetics, telecommunications, etc. The number of Ph.Ds produced by India in science and engineering every year -- about 5,000 -- is higher than the entire stock of Ph.Ds in Pakistan. The premier research institutions in Pakistan started about the same time as India have become hotbed of internal bickerings and rivalries rather than generator of ideas, processes and products.

-Related to this superior performance in the field of scientific research and technological development is the better record of investment in education by India. The adult literacy rate, female literacy rate, gross enrollment ratios at all levels, and education index of India have moved way ahead of Pakistan. Rapid decline in total fertility rates in India has reduced population growth rate to 1.8 percent compared to 3.0 percent for Pakistan.

-Health access to the population and infant mortality rates are also better in India and thus the overall picture of social indicators, although not very impressive by international standards, emerges more favorable. The two most important determinants of Pakistan’s dismal performance in social development are its inability to control population growth and the lack of willingness to educate girls in the rural areas.

Areas where Pakistan has performed better than India.

-The economic growth rate of Pakistan has been consistently higher than India. Starting from almost the same level or slightly lower level in 1947, Pakistan’s per capita income today in US nominal dollar terms is one-third higher (430 versus 320) and in purchasing parity dollar terms is two-third higher (2,310 versus 1,280). The latter suggests that the average Pakistani has enjoyed better living standards and consumption levels in the past but the gap may be narrowing since early 1990s. Had the population growth rate in Pakistan been slower and equaled that of India, this gap would have been much wider and the per capita income in Pakistan today would have been twice as high and the incidence of poverty further down.

-Although both India and Pakistan have pursued inward-looking strategies, the anti-export bias in case of Pakistan has been comparably lower and the integration with the world market faster. The trade-GDP ratio in PPP terms is twice that of all South Asian countries. Pakistan’s export growth has been stronger and the composition of exports has shifted from primary to manufactured goods; albeit the dominance of cotton-based products has enhanced its vulnerability.

-Domestic investment rates in Pakistan have remained much below those of India over the entire span primarily due to the relatively higher domestic savings rates in the latter. But the efficiency of investment as measured by the aggregate incremental capital-output ratio or total factor productivity has been higher in case of Pakistan and, to some extent, compensated the lower quantity of investment.

Trollers, please keep away commenting.
Dude , I am calling Dom. for PIZAA , When any indian or asian call for Pizza Generally they send their Pak! boys for delivery ,
Majority Indians in US are taxi drivers, McDonalds workers, Wal-Mart employees, gas station workers, donut makers, and best of all - Call center workers.. Thank You For Your Service! :rofl:

oho thats why an american-indians average slalary is way higher than whole USA???

american -indian avg annual salary-$89000

US aveage salary- $47000

do you have mud in your brain....oops sorry,you dont have a brain....:eek:
@ On topic

There should not be any comparision between pakistan And India. Both are just uncompareable.

However below are the areas both the countries excel in the words of Dr Ishrat Hussain, Director, Poverty and Social Policy Department, World Bank.

Areas where India has surpassed Pakistan.
-There is little doubt that the scientific and technological manpower and research and development institutions in India are far superior and can match those of the western institutions. The real breakthrough in the Indian export of software after the opening up of the economy in 1991 attests to the validity of the proposition that human capital formation accompanied by market-friendly economic policies can lift the developing countries out of low-level equilibrium trap.

-Indian scientists working in India excel in the areas of defense technology, space research, electronics and avionics, genetics, telecommunications, etc. The number of Ph.Ds produced by India in science and engineering every year -- about 5,000 -- is higher than the entire stock of Ph.Ds in Pakistan. The premier research institutions in Pakistan started about the same time as India have become hotbed of internal bickerings and rivalries rather than generator of ideas, processes and products.

-Related to this superior performance in the field of scientific research and technological development is the better record of investment in education by India. The adult literacy rate, female literacy rate, gross enrollment ratios at all levels, and education index of India have moved way ahead of Pakistan. Rapid decline in total fertility rates in India has reduced population growth rate to 1.8 percent compared to 3.0 percent for Pakistan.

-Health access to the population and infant mortality rates are also better in India and thus the overall picture of social indicators, although not very impressive by international standards, emerges more favorable. The two most important determinants of Pakistan’s dismal performance in social development are its inability to control population growth and the lack of willingness to educate girls in the rural areas.

Areas where Pakistan has performed better than India.

-The economic growth rate of Pakistan has been consistently higher than India. Starting from almost the same level or slightly lower level in 1947, Pakistan’s per capita income today in US nominal dollar terms is one-third higher (430 versus 320) and in purchasing parity dollar terms is two-third higher (2,310 versus 1,280). The latter suggests that the average Pakistani has enjoyed better living standards and consumption levels in the past but the gap may be narrowing since early 1990s. Had the population growth rate in Pakistan been slower and equaled that of India, this gap would have been much wider and the per capita income in Pakistan today would have been twice as high and the incidence of poverty further down.

-Although both India and Pakistan have pursued inward-looking strategies, the anti-export bias in case of Pakistan has been comparably lower and the integration with the world market faster. The trade-GDP ratio in PPP terms is twice that of all South Asian countries. Pakistan’s export growth has been stronger and the composition of exports has shifted from primary to manufactured goods; albeit the dominance of cotton-based products has enhanced its vulnerability.

-Domestic investment rates in Pakistan have remained much below those of India over the entire span primarily due to the relatively higher domestic savings rates in the latter. But the efficiency of investment as measured by the aggregate incremental capital-output ratio or total factor productivity has been higher in case of Pakistan and, to some extent, compensated the lower quantity of investment.

Trollers, please keep away commenting.
Man this is a very old report!!
It mentions Indian GDP per capita purchasing power as 320, almost 1/10th of the current figure...........
And right now export barriers in India are a lot lower than in Pakistan
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