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IDPs are not our responsibility: Imran Khan

Nawaz Sharif is playing his cards perfectly........ it was states responsibility to ask for International Donors Aid, which America would have loved to fulfill, as it is truly something they would have supported and backed (zarb-e-azb + help in IDP relocation)

How NS and PMLN's Punjabi dogs played the game:

1. Refused all international aid at the behest of god knows who...... well I know but that's a debate for another day...
2. Barred Pakistani nationals (boxed IDP's within KPK) and refused the freedom of movement enshrined in our constitution..........
3. Army did all the dirty work, and he scored points on all fronts......

Lets not inflame what is an actual undercurrent of a feeling. As if the divide needs any further help
But one has to hand it to NS, he has learnt big time from AZ on how to play the game in this country.
Under most circumstances I'm pretty calm and composed......... however, this time around I'm just pissed......... all day yesterday I was with the IDP's in Bannu and some other camps.......... it just pissed me off...............

My personal opinions aside, many others with an iota of grey matter agree that things 'might' not work out for this nation......................

Lets not inflame what is an actual undercurrent of a feeling. As if the divide needs any further help
But one has to hand it to NS, he has learnt big time from AZ on how to play the game in this country.
Under most circumstances I'm pretty calm and composed......... however, this time around I'm just pissed......... all day yesterday I was with the IDP's in Bannu and some other camps.......... it just pissed me off...............

My personal opinions aside, many others with an iota of grey matter agree that things 'might' not work out for this nation......................

To bring both an example of religion and common sense in one(and I oft repeat this). Pakistanis have a habit of recalling how this nation was "born" on the 27th of Ramadan(so today essentially is the Islamic Independence day of Pakistan,..if we are going with that thing).. and claim that due to this it is indestructible..and etc etc.

What they forget is that while it is absolutely true that this nation is a gift from god ,it is a gift akin to the She-camel send to the people of Thamud of Prophet Saleh. As long as they took care of it and nurtured it with good intentions, they profited.. when they abandoned her.. they faced the wrath of god and the destruction that follows it.

Well, looks like we are getting our just rewards for our treatment of the gift.
@Armstrong you can keep arguing on an on with this guy...... there is no end to it....... Now that's what I call a "Jiyala"..... we've seen it with PPP and now we're seeing it with PTI.....

No personal attacks please. I've already criticized IK for his wrong policies at this very forum a gazillion of time. I don't care what you or others like you think about me, I know what I am and what I am doing. Keep your opinions or judgements to yourself.

Me and Armstrong have a history of doing arguments with each other, so please stay out of it if you can't contribute in good way.

Not correct, most of them are living in rented houses or in the homes of their relatives in KPK.

Those who can afford, and those who have relatives in KPK, yes.
If you carefully analyze the posts of @FunkyGen, he is a sheedai of all that is Nawaz and Arab inspired Ummah............. well, rest of them you already know, if you don't, let me introduce you to PMLN warriors @ PDF:

1. @Psycho Pakistani (a paid cyber warrior of PMLN)
2. @tarrar (most probably related to one of Nawaz's extended relatives or a Patwari)
3. @cb4 (Professional, mild mannered, and in all probability on PML(N) scholarship abroad)
4. @Tameem (one liners........ @ Gullu Butt online! :P)
....... many others as well.......

Another point, lately we have had some "professional" PMLN Gullu Butts + Zia lovers on the forum.......... I guess the fertility rates in Punjab have shot up exponentially in the last decade........ an age old problem........ quality vs quantity......... Punjab beats every province hands down in quantity! :D

No personal attacks please. I've already criticized IK for his wrong policies at this very forum a gazillion of time. I don't care what you or others like you think about me, I know what I am and what I am doing. Keep your opinions or judgements to yourself.

Me and Armstrong have a history of doing arguments with each other, so please stay out of it if you can't contribute in good way.

Those who can afford, and those who have relatives in KPK, yes.
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If you carefully analyze the posts of @FunkyGen, he is a sheedai of all that is Nawaz and Arab inspired Ummah............. well, rest of them you already know, if you don't, let me introduce you to PMLN warriors @ PDF:

1. @Psycho Pakistani (a paid cyber warrior of PMLN)
2. @tarrar (most probably related to one of Nawaz's extended relatives)
3. @cb4 (Professional, mild mannered, and in all probability on PML(N) scholarship abroad)
....... many others as well.......

Another point, lately we have had some "professional" PMLN Gullu Butts + Zia lovers on the forum.......... I guess the fertility rates in Punjab have shot up exponentially in the last decade........ an age old problem........ quality vs quantity......... Punjab beats every province hands down in quantity! :D

Apart from these, there are people like @Armstrong and @Leviza (no offense guys) who turn a blind eye towards PML-N/PPP etc because they don't care about them. But due to their dirty policies against PTI, when PTI retaliates, they immediately jump on their guns to bash PTI. They start saying, this is not the PTI we voted for.

Take this thread as an example. Its not a rocket science to figure out who is officially responsible for taking care of IDPs of FATA. Yes, as a Pakistani, we all are responsible for this in patriortic, religious and moral ways. But who is officially responsible for this? Prime Minister and federal govt, since FATA is federally controlled territory.

PTI should do whatever they can to help IDPs in KP and other areas of Pakistan, but they cannot be held responsible for poor conditions of IDPs. But sadly, people are too desperate to put all blame on PTI and KPK, mainly because they don't care about PML-N..

Just watch talk shows at TV from last 2 - 3 week, in almost every single program, all N-league guys are bashing PTI and KPK for not helping IDPs. This is the level of propaganda we have to face and deal with. But if after 2 months, IK gives a statement that IDPs are not KP govt's responsibility, then everyone turn the face of their guns towards PTI immediately.. :lol:
Why twisting the words ??? Imran khan is celebrating Eid with IDPs..... FATA is not in KPK government while KPK IS only province that is welcoming them and soon they are running out of resources.....
While Nawaz sharif left Pakistan with his family in this crucial point.. He knows that there are many paid patwaris who will take charge to bash others and sing songs for PMLN day and night.
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@Hyperion Don't manage the IDPs properly and another storm will be hitting you, as it is the likeliness of catching all the estranged brothers holed up in the hills is low given how happily these buggers slip into Afghanistan and the fact that forces had to give due time for evacuations, I am guessing they left the dumbest and most brain washed grunts for rear guard action while they made good their escape, as if they'd stand and fight a professional force.

Nawaze had best get it through his head that internally displaced folks with little to no assets who aren't going to be returning to their native place anytime soon are easy pickings for the other fundoos who are still up and about.
If you carefully analyze the posts of @FunkyGen, he is a sheedai of all that is Nawaz and Arab inspired Ummah............. well, rest of them you already know, if you don't, let me introduce you to PMLN warriors @ PDF:
Pagal ho ya jaan ke karte ho?
It's my duty to excite your grey matter and yours to analyze what just happened.............. :D

Seriously, you really think this is the end of the TTP? These buggers love leaving some fools behind to eat the viper's bombs while they melt away.
If you carefully analyze the posts of @FunkyGen, he is a sheedai of all that is Nawaz and Arab inspired Ummah............. well, rest of them you already know, if you don't, let me introduce you to PMLN warriors @ PDF:

1. @Psycho Pakistani (a paid cyber warrior of PMLN)
2. @tarrar (most probably related to one of Nawaz's extended relatives or a Patwari)
3. @cb4 (Professional, mild mannered, and in all probability on PML(N) scholarship abroad)
4. @Tameem (one liners........ @ Gullu Butt online! :P)
....... many others as well.......

Another point, lately we have had some "professional" PMLN Gullu Butts + Zia lovers on the forum.......... I guess the fertility rates in Punjab have shot up exponentially in the last decade........ an age old problem........ quality vs quantity......... Punjab beats every province hands down in quantity! :D

I don't belong to any political party or political wing.
Its correct what Imran Khan said , such displacement was caused due to decision of Federal Government and they are responsible for security of People and Emergency efforts

KPK cannot house IDP cost as the budget did not allocate funds for such act
Its correct what Imran Khan said , such displacement was caused due to decision of Federal Government and they are responsible for security of People and Emergency efforts

KPK cannot house IDP cost as the budget did not allocate funds for such act

On top of that, FATA is federally administered territory, PM is directly responsible for everything related to FATA, including IDPs.
states responsibility to ask for International Donors Aid, which America
Apart from these, there are people like @Armstrong and @Leviza (no offense guys) who turn a blind eye towards PML-N/PPP etc because they don't care about them. But due to their dirty policies against PTI, when PTI retaliates, they immediately jump on their guns to bash PTI. They start saying, this is not the PTI we voted for.

As you have taken my name, i like to tell you that the only reason i condemn PTI is becouse they came for the change and they tried to show themselves as a justice party ... where as i didn't found any difference b/w PMLN , PTI and PPP

I say things about PTI , as i had some expectations form IK , and its a norm that you say things when your expectations are not just met, but party going 100% opposite direction ..that is where i hate PTI and its policies ...
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