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IDPs are not our responsibility: Imran Khan


I said KP govt was the first province to welcome IDPs
KP is first province to set up IDP camps
KP holds the vast majority of IDPs till date
No restrictions were ever imposed on IDPs upon entering KP
IK was first party head to visit IDPs, asked for donations via IKF and announced help for IDPs

All these are facts.

And other fact is, Punjab did stopped IDPs from entering. All the media channels and newspapers covered the news. In fact, the KP Governor (which happens to be a senior PML-N member) was upset at this and expressed his concerns in public over this.

Now on one hand, after knowing about all this, you still insist that there isn't any restriction on IDPs in Punjab, and there never were. Just because N-League refuted these news in one statement, you are ready to believe it. But on the other hand, I am telling you a lot of things about KP govt, and don't want to hear them and instead resorting to criticize KP Govt / PTI for issuing a few political statements in self defense against N-League's propaganda that KP govt isn't doing anything for IDPs.

Good going.

KP was the first province to welcome IDP because its the first province next to it !

KP would be the first province to set up IDP camps because its the first province next to it hence why it was the first province to welcome them !

IK being the first or the last doesn't make an iota of differences because the rest contributed too; quoting this is as absurd as saying that because IK refused NS's invitation to visit - IK wasn't sincere to the IDP cause !

So far as the 'fact that Punjab stopped IDPs from entering Punjab' is concerned - That is not a fact....that was a misreporting because at that same time IDP camps were coming up in Rawalpindi & other parts of Punjab - I even posted some of these links from DAWN when this issue was raised - How the hell does one then raise up IDP camps while preventing them from coming in ? :crazy:

And if 'all the Media houses' were reporting is is evidence enough then perhaps whenever the media criticizes PTI they should take that as the gospel truth as well & not go ape-sh*t throwing accusations about that range from anything to 'the Media being with the Government'....'35 puncture' & the remaining sh*t that PTI throws whenever they're criticized - But no....when the Media is saying something in PTI's favor than the same Media becomes the beacon of truth but when it says something against PTI it becomes everything from 'sell-outs' to 'traitors' & what not !

So far as IK's statements are concerned - His statements are not mere 'refutations' they are provocative to the point of being libel hence why other's respond in a similar manner !

But the one Pakistani hero in 40 years (such arrogance) can say No wrong....can he ?
I don't know how the situation is regarding IDPs, there were news about other states refusing to adjust them and now this from Imran Khan. Stop scoring political points on this humanitarian crisis, you guys are running a risk of pushing few of them in the hands of other countries or terrorists. I believe arrangements for IDPs would have been made before starting this OP.

IDP's are from Federally Administered Tribal Areas, they are the responsibility of the federal Government. But as we know the Federal Government is currently run by a man dreaming to become Amirul Momineen and King for life.
IDP's are from Federally Administered Tribal Areas, they are the responsibility of the federal Government. But as we know the Federal Government is currently run by a man dreaming to become Amirul Momineen and King for life.
Political parties can play with the issues of IDPs like hot potato among themselves, but these disgruntled people would be ripe for others to be picked for terror activities against the state. I am not saying that they are against Pakistan but it won't be that hard to brainwash them compared to say people in some other parts of Pakistan. this should be in the mind of every political parties across the line and they must come forward to help them without any reservations.
Political parties can play with the issues of IDPs like hot potato among themselves, but these disgruntled people would be ripe for others to be picked for terror activities against the state. I am not saying that they are against Pakistan but it won't be that hard to brainwash them compared to say people in some other parts of Pakistan. this should be in the mind of every political parties across the line and they must come forward to help them without any reservations.

No doubt desperation and hunger can lead to many dangerous things. Its sad really. Politicians playing their games sitting comfortably while hundreds of thousands of people who are just like you and me are now living like beggars.
to gov mango leny k liye banai thi mama :lol:
Ask NS ;)

After all he is the 1 taking mangoes to Saudi while our people need him here in the country!

NS was quick to release a statement that IDP are strictly Pakistan's responsibility now he ran away from his responsibility and threw the truck load on KPK? And people are saying it is wrong for IK to point it out!


It is our responsibility to come out and extend all out support for the IDPs, Tasnim Aslam said.

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - To a question whether any foreign country has offered assistance for the internally displaced families of North Waziristan, Foreign Office Spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said Pakistan has not asked for any foreign assistance. The United Arab Emirates, however, has offered some sort of assistance for the IDPs .

During weekly press briefing in Islamabad on Thursday, the FO spokesperson said that people of North Waziristan are our brothers and sisters and as a nation it is our responsibility to come out and extend all out support for the IDPs who have to leave their homes for the peace and security of the entire country.

When asked about security on Pak-Afghan border, Tasnim Aslam said Pakistan has hoped that Afghanistan will take necessary measures on its side of the border to stop the fleeing terrorists North Waziristan from finding any sanctuary on the Afghan soil.

She said the purpose of the visit of special envoy Mahmood Khan Achakzai to Kabul was also aimed at seeking Afghan cooperation in management of the border.

The spokesperson recalled that Pakistan had taken extraordinary measures including restriction of movement and deployment of additional troops on the border when presidential elections took place in Afghanistan. These security measures were appreciated not only by the Afghans but the international community as well

She said the operation has been launched in North Waziristan to eliminate terrorism and it is in Afghan s own interest to cooperate with Pakistan. She expressed the confidence that Afghan authorities will respond positively to Pakistan s call for enhanced security at the border.

The spokesperson expressed resentment when a private TV channel reporter asked question regading Dr. Tahirul Qadri.

She replied “this forum is not for political debate.”

Pakistan has not asked for any foreign assistance for IDPs: FO | Pakistan | Dunya News

Govt was quick to BS like this :

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office on Thursday said Pakistan has not launched any appeal to international community for assistance and help to meet expenditures being incurred on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) due to the operation in North Waziristan.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Ms Tasnim Aslam addressing a weekly press briefing said that Pakistan would meet the requirements of these IDPs from its own resources and had not made any appeal to international community for financial assistance in this regard.

She explained that on the instructions of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the government had not asked for any international assistance as military operation was an internal issue and the it was the responsibility of the government to meet their requirements.

The spokesperson said Pakistan had received good and positive response from the international community on the operation in North Waziristan.

She however said, "Pakistan has not called for any international assistance as IDPs are our responsibility and we will meet their requirements through our own resources."

She said Pakistan was in close contact with Moscow and Beijing regarding the operation in North Waziristan.

Replying to a question, the spokesperson said after the 2005 earthquake, Pakistan indicated to the United Nations for its requirements to help in rescue and relief operation and international community extended its help through UN.

Answering a question about any confirmation from Afghan government regarding inflow of IDPs to their side, the spokesperson said Pakistan had not officially received any confirmation from Afghan side in this regard.

She however explained that some of the IDPs went to Afghan side to live with their relatives and according to latest reports about 14,000 have returned as the situation was improving following the operation in North Waziristan.

On the question of any interference by Pakistan in smooth transfer of power in Afghanistan following the presidential elections, the spokesperson said it was the issue of Afghan people and they have to do it by themselves.

She said Pakistan had already announced its full support for a peaceful democratic transition in Afghanistan and extended all possible support for the efforts aimed at holding peaceful elections.

She said, "We took several measures to enhance vigilance and security along the border, during the first and second round of elections on 5 April and 14 June 2014, respectively."

"Pakistan has also consistently emphasized that it would respect the democratic choice of the Afghan people," she added.

She said a peaceful, stable, unified and prosperous Afghanistan was vital for regional peace and stability.

On the issue of Indian government's intimation to United Nations Military Observer Group for India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in New Delhi to vacate its office, the spokesperson said this move can not change Pakistan's stance that Kashmir was still a disputed territory.

She said under the United Nations Security Council resolution, the Jammu and Kashmir was a disputed territory and it will remain in such position until and unless, the UNSC resolution were implemented.

The spokesperson clarified that Pakistan had not accepted India's claims that Kashmir was its integral part adding "we do not accept accession of Kashmir to India".

She said asking UNMOGIP to change the premises, will not abolish the right of self-determination of the Kashmiris given to them through UNSC Resolutions and Pakistan's point of view on this vital issue.

Replying to a question on Pak-India ties, the spokesperson said as decided during the meeting of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi, so far the dates for the Foreign Secretary level talks have not been finalised.

She however said this meeting will take place very soon and it was not far away as it will discuss all issues between the two countries and decide the future course of interaction.

Replying to a question about Pakistani prisoners in China, the spokesperson said Pakistan has not received any report that Pakistani prisoners were not properly treated.

Referring to previous statements, she said there were 281 Pakistani prisoners in Chinese prisons and 90% of them are detained or convicted on drugs/narcotics smuggling and illegal trade charges.

She said one of these prisoners has been detained on murder charges and others in cases like illegal stay/over stay, illegal entry and fraud etc.

There are 33 prisoners in Beijing, 95 in Urumqi, 9 in Chengdu, 100 in Guangzhou, 22 in Shanghai and 22 in some other detention centers, she added.

On a question on recent escalation of violence in Gaza, the

spokesperson said Pakistan had condemned Israeli aggression and supported the international community's efforts in bringing about a cessation of unilateral Israeli strikes killing Palestinians, including women and children.

The spokesperson said, "Pakistan has consistently supported the Palestinian cause, specially the two-state solution which paves the way for a viable, geographically contiguous Palestinian state, created on the basis of pre-1967 borders, with Al Quds Al-Sharif as its capital."

Pakistan to meet expenditures on IDP through its own resources: FO

Pakistan to meet expenditures on IDP through its own resources: FO
KP was the first province to welcome IDP because its the first province next to it !

KP would be the first province to set up IDP camps because its the first province next to it hence why it was the first province to welcome them !

IK being the first or the last doesn't make an iota of differences because the rest contributed too; quoting this is as absurd as saying that because IK refused NS's invitation to visit - IK wasn't sincere to the IDP cause !

So far as the 'fact that Punjab stopped IDPs from entering Punjab' is concerned - That is not a fact....that was a misreporting because at that same time IDP camps were coming up in Rawalpindi & other parts of Punjab - I even posted some of these links from DAWN when this issue was raised - How the hell does one then raise up IDP camps while preventing them from coming in ? :crazy:

And if 'all the Media houses' were reporting is is evidence enough then perhaps whenever the media criticizes PTI they should take that as the gospel truth as well & not go ape-sh*t throwing accusations about that range from anything to 'the Media being with the Government'....'35 puncture' & the remaining sh*t that PTI throws whenever they're criticized - But no....when the Media is saying something in PTI's favor than the same Media becomes the beacon of truth but when it says something against PTI it becomes everything from 'sell-outs' to 'traitors' & what not !

So far as IK's statements are concerned - His statements are not mere 'refutations' they are provocative to the point of being libel hence why other's respond in a similar manner !

But the one Pakistani hero in 40 years (such arrogance) can say No wrong....can he ?

1) So you mean to say that all KP govt is doing for IDPs is JUST because KPK happens to be the first province next to FATA? Yeah right. :crazy:

2) I wasn't quoting IK's visit to IDP camp just as a visit, IK raised a fund for IDPs and mobilized entire PTI body in KPK for helping IDPs. Take Tabdeeli Dastarkhwan as an example, though a lot more needs to be done in that too..

3) I also saw your posts about that Pindi IDP camp. That camp was established by army not civilian govt.

4) Rest of your post is all, off-topic
All the political leaders of pakistan should keep their differences aside.This is a time of national unity.We should not allow the terrorists to gain anything from IDP`s sufferings(by brain-washing them against pakistan).IDP`s are our responsibility.they have left their homes for pakistan.So all of us should do our level best to support them.
@Armstrong you can keep arguing on an on with this guy...... there is no end to it....... Now that's what I call a "Jiyala"..... we've seen it with PPP and now we're seeing it with PTI.....
Those were other provinces who refused to keep IDPs. KP was the first province that welcomed IDPs, more than 85% IDPs still living in KP camps, KP holds biggest IDP camp. What IK is saying is different. Federal govt wants KP govt to deal with it alone, as if its KP's internal matter and federal govt has nothing to do with this crisis.

No funds so far have been provided to KP for IDPs, if there are some funds, those are not sufficient. You are talking about 18 amendment. Was KP informed about this operation to do funds allocation for IDPs, genius?

Not correct, most of them are living in rented houses or in the homes of their relatives in KPK.
What idiocy? So id it happened in last govt time, does it automatically get fixed when govt changes? Yes IK was against operation, but was the decision making in the hands of IK? Last I checked, all political parties opted for peace talks, and army gave them go ahead for that.

But as per your heavenly logic, only IK gets the entire blame, that too for everything, genius sir?

Fata is under direct control of Prime Minister, there is a war going on in Fata right now. Yet PM is on a trip to KSA, will spend his Eid there. While IK, will spend his Eid among IDPs in KPK.

Enough said.

lol bro, for operation, you need to have public opinion in the favor as well and this idiot IK from the day first tried to brain wash people that this is USA war blah blah blah, Its due to aid, its due to drones, blah blah .. and in start majority was listening to him, but than time changed and no one cared what he was saying ... this is when he said PTI will stand with army in operation ...

IK gets the entire blame due to the facts i stated above ... simple
the IDP's have left their homes, jobs & are facing so much hardships in this scorching heat in the month of Ramzan ,& instead of helping & raising funds for them, Mr.Imran khan is busy collecting funds for his university & political rallies along with attending parties in London ! & if that was not enough, now Mr.Imran khan selfishly shuns them by saying its not his responsibility !
truly a Shameful behaviour by Mr. Imran khan
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Nawaz Sharif is playing his cards perfectly........ it was states responsibility to ask for International Donors Aid, which America would have loved to fulfill, as it is truly something they would have supported and backed (zarb-e-azb + help in IDP relocation)

How NS and PMLN's Punjabi dogs played the game:

1. Refused all international aid at the behest of god knows who...... well I know but that's a debate for another day...
2. Barred Pakistani nationals (boxed IDP's within KPK) and refused the freedom of movement enshrined in our constitution..........
3. Army did all the dirty work, and he scored points on all fronts......

Imran Khan is correct in his assertion. IDP's care is the responsibility of the Federal Government. KPK should do what they can for the IDP's without over-stretching their Budget.
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