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IDF Doctor in Emotional Reunion With Parents of Palestinian Baby Whose Life He Saved


Aug 18, 2010
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IDF Doctor in Emotional Reunion With Parents of Palestinian Baby Whose Life He Saved

An emotional reunion has taken place at a Jerusalem hospital between a Palestinian family and the IDF medical officer who saved the life of their baby son as they crossed the Allenby Bridge from Jordan into Israel last weekend.

The baby was reported to have suffered a cardiac arrest at the crossing on Saturday morning. An IDF medical team led by 23-year-old Lt. Ronen Kessler quickly arrived at the scene and performed CPR before the baby was evacuated by helicopter to Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.

On Wednesday, Kessler and division medical officer Moran Gershoni visited the family at the hospital.

“They were really happy to see us,” Kessler said, according to a report from Israel’s Channel 2 News. “Most of the time, the father spoke English. He told of what had happened before they got to the crossing, and kept thanking us for what we did. The mother also thanked us and even hugged Gershoni. It was very exciting, but it’s not easy to see a boy of six months in such bad shape.”

“I appreciate everything that IDF soldiers did, and they were praying for my boy,” the baby’s father said. “They gave him first aid and took him by helicopter to Hadassah, even though he is not Israeli but Palestinian.”

Gershoni said the army’s medical treatment of Palestinians in such cases was unexceptional.

“Yesterday we performed CPR on a 16-month-old infant with a candy stuck in its throat. On Friday were were treating an injured Palestinian who was brought to the base gate in an unconscious state,” she said.

“Everyone who needs care is taken care of,” Gershoni emphasized.

Kessler added that the IDF does not differentiate between “blood and blood;” “that’s what we swore and what we do every day.

“The world probably will not see these images,” he reflected, stressing that “they represent the real army, and our values.”

IDF Doctor in Emotional Reunion With Parents of Palestinian Baby Whose Life He Saved | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Beyond the travesty of war, carnage, --- stories such as these restore my confidence in the human heart.

Thanks @500 . Stories such as these --- always hit me to the core. :)
If I had to make a video every time I had to do my job as a medical student and help someone...I would be Dr Oz by now.
@500 very nice thread. Thank you to the soldiers who helped the young boy.
This is what represent true and real values of IDF:

In just one example of the ongoing Israeli tactic of targeting civilian homes, 26 members of the Abu Jame’ family, including 18 children, were killed in a single strike.

PHOTOS: A Gaza funeral for 26 members of one family | +972 Magazine

If I had to make a video every time I had to do my job as a medical student and help someone...I would be Dr Oz by now.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians (not including the Israeli Arabs) are treated in Israeli hospitals every year. Thats why in 1960-es Palestine infant mortality was same as Uganda, today its more than 4 times lower and one of the lowest in 3rd world.

But not every day u call a helicopter for a foreigner.
This is what represent true and real values of IDF:

In just one example of the ongoing Israeli tactic of targeting civilian homes, 26 members of the Abu Jame’ family, including 18 children, were killed in a single strike.
You should tell Hamas stop firing rockets from dense populated areas. Very probably they were killed by misfired Hamas rocket or secondary explosion.


You can see that those Arabs who live in Israel are super fine.

Why is that?
Non oil Arab countries are very poor and undeveloped. And Palestinians were third class citizens even in poor Egypt.
You should tell Hamas stop firing rockets from dense populated areas. Very probably they were killed by misfired Hamas rocket or secondary explosion.

Stop lying, their whole home of several stories was targeted by Israeli Air Force. Everyone(especially Israeli's) know they target homes of any families that have any kind of affiliation with Gaza government,police, military, media institutions. This was just one example of the many cases of exact nature.

Non oil Arab countries are very poor and undeveloped. And Palestinians were third class citizens even in poor Egypt.

You did not answer my question. Nobody mentioned the Arab world. I asked why why do Palestinians get treated in Israeli hospitals?
Stop lying, their whole home of several stories was targeted by Israeli Air Force. Everyone(especially Israeli's) know they target homes of any families that have any kind of affiliation with Gaza government,police, military, media institutions. This was just one example of the many cases of exact nature.
Rockets are stored in civilian houses and even schools thats fact.

You did not answer my question. Nobody mentioned the Arab world. I asked why why do Palestinians get treated in Israeli hospitals?
Before 1967 the health care in West Bank and Gaza was at Uganda level.

In past 45 years WB and Gaza hospitals made a huge progress but they still lag behind the Israeli hospitals which are one of the best in the world.
Rockets are stored in civilian houses and even schools thats fact.

We are not talking about rockets. We are talking about Israeli policy of targeting families. Because a member of their family may be connected to armed wings, media institutions, government and police as well. A large number of Israeli attacks in the last assault were of this nature.

Israeli forces displayed ‘callous indifference’ in deadly attacks on family homes in Gaza | Amnesty International

Israeli forces have killed scores of Palestinian civilians in attacks targeting houses full of families which in some cases have amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International has disclosed in a new report on the latest Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip.

Families under the Rubble: Israeli attacks on inhabited homes details eight cases where residential family homes in Gaza were attacked by Israeli forces without warning during Operation Protective Edge in July and August 2014, causing the deaths of at least 104 civilians including 62 children. The report reveals a pattern of frequent Israeli attacks using large aerial bombs to level civilian homes, sometimes killing entire families.

“Israeli forces have brazenly flouted the laws of war by carrying out a series of attacks on civilian homes, displaying callous indifference to the carnage caused,” said Philip Luther, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International.

“The report exposes a pattern of attacks on civilian homes by Israeli forces which have shown a shocking disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians, who were given no warning and had no chance to flee.”

Israeli officials have failed to give any justification for carrying out these attacks. In some of the cases in this report Amnesty International has not been able to identify any possible military target. In those cases it appears that the attacks directly and deliberately targeted civilians or civilian objects, which would constitute war crimes.

In all of the cases researched by Amnesty International no prior warning was given to residents of the homes which were attacked. If it had been given, excessive loss of civilian lives could clearly have been avoided.

“It is tragic to think that these civilian deaths could have been prevented. The onus is on Israeli officials to explain why they chose to deliberately flatten entire homes full of civilians, when they had a clear legal obligation to minimize harm to civilians and the means of doing so,” said Philip Luther.

The report highlights the catastrophic consequences of Israel’s attacks on homes, which have shattered the lives of entire families. Some of the homes attacked were overflowing with relatives who had fled other areas of Gaza in search of safety.

Survivors of an attack on the al-Hallaq family home described horrifying scenes of strewn body parts amid the dust and chaos after three missiles struck the house.

Khalil Abed Hassan Ammar, a doctor with the Palestinian Medical Council and a resident in the building said: “It was terrifying we couldn’t save anyone…. All of the kids were burnt, I couldn’t tell which were mine and which were the neighbours’…We carried whoever we were able to the ambulance… I only recognized Ibrahim my eldest child, when I saw the shoes he was wearing…I had bought them for him two days before.”

Ayman Haniyeh, one of the neighbours, described the trauma of trying to search for survivors:

“All I can remember are the bits and pieces I saw of bodies, teeth, head, arms, insides, everything scattered and spread,” he said. One survivor of the same attack described hugging a bag full of the “shreds” of her son’s body.

Israel has so far failed to even acknowledge any of the attacks detailed in the report and has not responded to Amnesty International’s requests for explanations of why each of these attacks took place.


Before 1967 the health care in West Bank and Gaza was at Uganda level.

In past 45 years WB and Gaza hospitals made a huge progress but they still lag behind the Israeli hospitals which are one of the best in the world.

I'm sure all health care around has greatly improved over the past 50 years. That's not the point. I asked why Palestinians need treatment in Israel? What is preventing them from building more hospitals and having access to necessary technology?


New Israeli restrictions target Palestinian hospitals in Jerusalem | The Electronic Intifada

Not only does this new regulation disrupt the schedules of these medical personnel, it delays them and makes them late for work, and it also disrupts the orderly operation of the hospitals in which they are employed, rather than making it easier for this segment of the work force that needs accessible, fast and unrestricted passage through the checkpoints.

This restriction is a part of the ongoing Israeli policy intended to weaken the connection between Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem and the population of the West Bank, in an attempt to harm their special status as Palestinian institutions operating in Jerusalem. Using bureaucratic methods and/or “security” arguments for political purposes is an attempt to deceive everyone involved as well as the international community, and in fact represents a change in the status quo in Jerusalem that Israel has committed itself to preserve.



Gaza's hospitals struggle to save lives amid Israeli siege | The Electronic Intifada

Over the past two weeks, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have faced a sharply deteriorating humanitarian situation as Israel further tightened its closure of the border crossings. Virtually no food, medicine or other vital supplies have been allowed in to the territory that is home to 1.5 million people. The impact of the siege is most directly observed in Gaza’s health sector. Despite desperately needed medication, equipment, supplies, and spare parts, doctors continue to try to save lives and look after their patients at the European Gaza Hospital, one of territory’s largest medical centers.

Dr. Zaki Azzaq Zouq, an oncologist, explained, “There is a widespread shortage of essential medicines which we used to give to patients prior to the blockade. Currently, there are no tools for physicians to treat patients who suffer from lung, stomach, colon or brain cancers.”

The situation is just as dire in Gaza’s other hospitals. Unable to get life-saving treatments close to home, Israel also prevents patients from Gaza leaving the tiny coastal territory to receive medical care. Nael Alfaqawi, 28, has kidney problems, but was denied entry to Israel so he could seek treatment abroad. Instead, he is now being treated at the Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza.

Mr. Alfaqawi said, “When I wanted to travel out of Gaza for treatment, the [Israeli] intelligence personnel asked me to collaborate with them, but I refused. They said, either you collaborate with us or you go back to Gaza. Of course, I refused to comply with them, saying I’m going to die sooner or later, so I returned home.”

An estimated 70 percent of the Gaza Strip has experienced lengthy power outages for the last two weeks as Israel has cut off fuel supplies to Gaza’s only power plant. Hospitals must rely on generators to keep life-saving equipment running.

We are not talking about rockets.
Hamas stores rockets in civilian houses and even schools. Thats clear war crime.

Amnesty is very biased source, plus "targeting" and "indifference" are very different things.

I'm sure all health care around has greatly improved over the past 50 years.
Progress was different. 50 years ago Palestinians were same as Uganda today they are much much better.
Hamas stores rockets in civilian houses and even schools. Thats clear war crime.

Amnesty is very biased source, plus "targeting" and "indifference" are very different things.

Progress was different. 50 years ago Palestinians were same as Uganda today they are much much better.

We are not talking about rockets. We are talking about Israeli policy of targeting families. Because a member of their family may be connected to armed wings, media institutions, government and police as well. A large number of Israeli attacks in the last assault were of this nature.

Israeli forces displayed ‘callous indifference’ in deadly attacks on family homes in Gaza | Amnesty International

Israeli forces have killed scores of Palestinian civilians in attacks targeting houses full of families which in some cases have amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International has disclosed in a new report on the latest Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip.

Families under the Rubble: Israeli attacks on inhabited homes details eight cases where residential family homes in Gaza were attacked by Israeli forces without warning during Operation Protective Edge in July and August 2014, causing the deaths of at least 104 civilians including 62 children. The report reveals a pattern of frequent Israeli attacks using large aerial bombs to level civilian homes, sometimes killing entire families.

“Israeli forces have brazenly flouted the laws of war by carrying out a series of attacks on civilian homes, displaying callous indifference to the carnage caused,” said Philip Luther, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International.

“The report exposes a pattern of attacks on civilian homes by Israeli forces which have shown a shocking disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians, who were given no warning and had no chance to flee.”


Israeli officials have failed to give any justification for carrying out these attacks. In some of the cases in this report Amnesty International has not been able to identify any possible military target. In those cases it appears that the attacks directly and deliberately targeted civilians or civilian objects, which would constitute war crimes.

In all of the cases researched by Amnesty International no prior warning was given to residents of the homes which were attacked. If it had been given, excessive loss of civilian lives could clearly have been avoided.

“It is tragic to think that these civilian deaths could have been prevented. The onus is on Israeli officials to explain why they chose to deliberately flatten entire homes full of civilians, when they had a clear legal obligation to minimize harm to civilians and the means of doing so,” said Philip Luther.

The report highlights the catastrophic consequences of Israel’s attacks on homes, which have shattered the lives of entire families. Some of the homes attacked were overflowing with relatives who had fled other areas of Gaza in search of safety.

Survivors of an attack on the al-Hallaq family home described horrifying scenes of strewn body parts amid the dust and chaos after three missiles struck the house.

Khalil Abed Hassan Ammar, a doctor with the Palestinian Medical Council and a resident in the building said: “It was terrifying we couldn’t save anyone…. All of the kids were burnt, I couldn’t tell which were mine and which were the neighbours’…We carried whoever we were able to the ambulance… I only recognized Ibrahim my eldest child, when I saw the shoes he was wearing…I had bought them for him two days before.”

Ayman Haniyeh, one of the neighbours, described the trauma of trying to search for survivors:

“All I can remember are the bits and pieces I saw of bodies, teeth, head, arms, insides, everything scattered and spread,” he said. One survivor of the same attack described hugging a bag full of the “shreds” of her son’s body.

Israel has so far failed to even acknowledge any of the attacks detailed in the report and has not responded to Amnesty International’s requests for explanations of why each of these attacks took place.




Amnesty is not biased. Regardless of your beliefs. Amnesty provided Israel which each case and requested explanations from Israeli military. Israeli military rejected their request. Which is admittance to guilt.

And supports my notion of what is the true and real face of the Israeli military.
We are not talking about rockets.
If you store rockets in civilian houses, the civilians will be hurt and responsibility is on Hamas.

We are talking about Israeli policy of targeting families.
Even biased Amnesty which you quote says indifference not targeting. Even according to fake and exaggerated Palestinian statistics the overwhelming majority of killed Palestinians are grown males, although grown males are only 20% of Gaza population.
We are not talking about rockets. We are talking about Israeli policy of targeting families. Because a member of their family may be connected to armed wings, media institutions, government and police as well. A large number of Israeli attacks in the last assault were of this nature. This is Israeli army policy.

And there are no such things as rockets in homes. Otherwise Israel would provide evidence to Amnesty International in all such cases. But it didn't.

Israeli forces displayed ‘callous indifference’ in deadly attacks on family homes in Gaza | Amnesty International

Israeli forces have killed scores of Palestinian civilians in attacks targeting houses full of families which in some cases have amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International has disclosed in a new report on the latest Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip.

Families under the Rubble: Israeli attacks on inhabited homes details eight cases where residential family homes in Gaza were attacked by Israeli forces without warning during Operation Protective Edge in July and August 2014, causing the deaths of at least 104 civilians including 62 children. The report reveals a pattern of frequent Israeli attacks using large aerial bombs to level civilian homes, sometimes killing entire families.

“Israeli forces have brazenly flouted the laws of war by carrying out a series of attacks on civilian homes, displaying callous indifference to the carnage caused,” said Philip Luther, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International.

“The report exposes a pattern of attacks on civilian homes by Israeli forces which have shown a shocking disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians, who were given no warning and had no chance to flee.”

Israeli officials have failed to give any justification for carrying out these attacks. In some of the cases in this report Amnesty International has not been able to identify any possible military target. In those cases it appears that the attacks directly and deliberately targeted civilians or civilian objects, which would constitute war crimes.

In all of the cases researched by Amnesty International no prior warning was given to residents of the homes which were attacked. If it had been given, excessive loss of civilian lives could clearly have been avoided.

“It is tragic to think that these civilian deaths could have been prevented. The onus is on Israeli officials to explain why they chose to deliberately flatten entire homes full of civilians, when they had a clear legal obligation to minimize harm to civilians and the means of doing so,” said Philip Luther.

The report highlights the catastrophic consequences of Israel’s attacks on homes, which have shattered the lives of entire families. Some of the homes attacked were overflowing with relatives who had fled other areas of Gaza in search of safety.

Survivors of an attack on the al-Hallaq family home described horrifying scenes of strewn body parts amid the dust and chaos after three missiles struck the house.

Khalil Abed Hassan Ammar, a doctor with the Palestinian Medical Council and a resident in the building said: “It was terrifying we couldn’t save anyone…. All of the kids were burnt, I couldn’t tell which were mine and which were the neighbours’…We carried whoever we were able to the ambulance… I only recognized Ibrahim my eldest child, when I saw the shoes he was wearing…I had bought them for him two days before.”

Ayman Haniyeh, one of the neighbours, described the trauma of trying to search for survivors:

“All I can remember are the bits and pieces I saw of bodies, teeth, head, arms, insides, everything scattered and spread,” he said. One survivor of the same attack described hugging a bag full of the “shreds” of her son’s body.

Israel has so far failed to even acknowledge any of the attacks detailed in the report and has not responded to Amnesty International’s requests for explanations of why each of these attacks took place.




Amnesty is not biased. Regardless of your beliefs. Amnesty provided Israel which each case and requested explanations from Israeli military. Israeli military rejected their request. Which is admittance to guilt.

And supports my notion of what is the true and real face of the Israeli military.
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