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Evil IDF -

Well, thank you for telling me that. I am aware of the crimes against humanity that the Japanese did which has led to a big animosity between Chinese and Japanese people. Can you tell me if such an animosity existed before Imperial Japan became all militaristic in the late 1920's?

I am less informed by the role of the West. What did they do in China? I know about the civil war but also not in detail. Have to read more about those two topics.

Well, you are already doing a great job to be able to do just that. In fact I would say that you are second to none after the USA.

What were the old national anthems about then?:D

I think we're going to anger Solomon with the off-topic posts. I'll answer this one, and let Solomon have his thread back afterwards. :P

Imperial China was extremely weak towards the end of the Qing Dynasty. We invented things like guns, firearms, artillery, explosives, rockets, etc. but the West took these Chinese inventions and used them to kill us, plunder our country, steal everything of value and poison us with Opium (you may have heard of the Opium wars).

Then Japan came along and did even worse. Apart from the millions killed, there were also human experiments like Unit 731. Even though it was 70 years ago, a lot of people are still angry, especially in China and South Korea.

But in the end, I don't blame either one. We brought in on ourselves by being weak, and fighting against ourselves rather than the invaders. But that will never happen again.
I think we're going to anger Solomon with the off-topic posts. I'll answer this one, and let Solomon have his thread back afterwards.
Actually, you didn't, even though it's OT, since you're discussing history and gave al-Hasani a valid (if short) pocket history of China's relations with the West - a bit biased, I think since it only scratches the surface of the role of China's decision-makers and bureaucracy in bringing about China's political and military weakness and ignores the great economic benefits China gained by its relations with the West. (One newbie Chinese student even told me that China's growth since 1980 has all been without the West's help! Two weeks later I caught her asleep in science lab with a borrowed economics textbook in front of her, open to its last pages. She never said such a silly thing again.)

My point is - as al-Hasani kindly confirmed - that he rather desperately does not want the subject matter of the post to grow "interesting". However, he can't let it become common and accepted, either. So we see him try to divert attention away from the facts and their implications. For example, in the latest U.N. General Assembly session most of the Resolutions condemned Israel exclusively, citing all sorts of dreadful things, yet a story like this strongly suggests that it's all rubbish - rubbish supported by al-Hasani's government and by extension, al-Hasani himself.
Actually, you didn't, even though it's OT, since you're discussing history and gave al-Hasani a valid (if short) pocket history of China's relations with the West - a bit biased, I think since it only scratches the surface of the role of China's decision-makers and bureaucracy in bringing about China's political and military weakness and ignores the great economic benefits China gained by its relations with the West. (One newbie Chinese student even told me that China's growth since 1980 has all been without the West's help! Two weeks later I caught her asleep in science lab with a borrowed economics textbook in front of her, open to its last pages. She never said such a silly thing again.)

I admit my bias on any issue to do with Chinese nationalism. :P Though if you strip away the hyperbole there are a good few nuggets of historical fact as well.

It would make you happy to know Solomon, that the Chinese Jews (Kaifeng Jews) were considered one of the most loyal minority groups in China during our dark times.

This quote from Yue Fei was attributed to them "尽忠报国" - which means "Boundless loyalty to the country".
It would make you happy to know Solomon, that the Chinese Jews (Kaifeng Jews) were considered one of the most loyal minority groups in China during our dark times.
Here I am, going OT on my own thread...but I've always wondered -

Many Chinese cite the Kaifeng Jews to me. Yet they were such a tiny portion of China's population and to my knowledge made no impact upon Chinese history. So why do Chinese learn about the Jews of Kaifeng at all?

Though if you strip away the hyperbole there are a good few nuggets of historical fact as well.
Agreed. It's tough to think of a greater crime committed by a Western nation against China that the Opium Wars. (You can't count fast food since hamburgers were invented by the Mongols.)
Here I am, going OT on my own thread...but I've always wondered -

Many Chinese cite the Kaifeng Jews to me. Yet they were such a tiny portion of China's population and to my knowledge made no impact upon Chinese history. So why do Chinese learn about the Jews of Kaifeng at all?

Here's the thought process for a lot of Chinese people:

1) Jews are rich and successful.
2) Oh, I want to be rich and successful too.
3) The Jews must be doing something right if they are successful. I should emulate them.
4) Hey, we have our own Jews!

Also some people sympathize with Jews because they were also massacred by the Axis powers, just like we were.
Here's the thought process for a lot of Chinese people:

1) Jews are rich and successful.
2) Oh, I want to be rich and successful too.
3) The Jews must be doing something right if they are successful. I should emulate them.
4) Hey, we have our own Jews!

Also some people sympathize with Jews because they were also massacred by the Axis powers, just like we were.

No one is talking about the Jews, they are just normal good people. People have a problem with a criminal apparatus called Zionism.
No one is talking about the Jews, they are just normal good people. People have a problem with a criminal apparatus called Zionism.

That's the political argument, I hear the word "Zionism" all the time but as far as I know, that just means support for the existence of the state of Israel.

I hear the word associated with a lot of conspiracy theories, and to be honest that puts me off a bit. I tend to keep as far away from conspiracy theories as I can.

I don't comment on Zionism because I don't know enough about it, and from what I know it doesn't seem to be my business.
The terrorist Israeli snipper just killed a 13 year old Palestinian the other day, and the moron zionist is telling us how good terrorist israelis are ! what a pity life of chosen ones *(hell ofcourse) !
That's the political argument, I hear the word "Zionism" all the time but as far as I know, that just means support for the existence of the state of Israel.

I hear the word associated with a lot of conspiracy theories, and to be honest that puts me off a bit. I tend to keep as far away from conspiracy theories as I can.

I don't comment on Zionism because I don't know enough about it, and from what I know it doesn't seem to be my business.

Even i support the existence of the state of Israel, does that make me a Zionist?
I just say that they need to stop brutalizing Palestinian people and allow for a peace settlement leading to an independent, sovereign, self sustaining Palestinian state based on pre 1967 lines.

Zionists are the equivalents of Muslim Salafists !

@Solomon2 please go peddle your propaganda elsewhere, no one with half a brain has a problem with Israel or the Jewish people. What people do object to is the highhandedness of the Israeli government and it's functionaries:

Here is your friendly Israeli Police in Action:

Keep trying to convenience the world that basically these chaps are not bullies in uniform, but i don't think anyone is buying it.
Israel guilty of 'bleak' and 'severe' human rights abuses, local NGO asserts | The Times of Israel

Once again, be informed that I like many on this forum am not anti Israeli or Anti Jew. That is how you wish to see us and it only goes to highlight your narrow mindedness and blatant prejudice.

Mazel tov
No one is talking about the Jews, they are just normal good people. People have a problem with a criminal apparatus called Zionism.
As people noted here Zionism is nothing but support of state of Israel.

Open post proven to be false.

Journalist joined a violent demonstration and stun grenade exploded near them. Wow, just wow.
You were exposed as a liar.

Unproven claim of terrorist supporter family member.

Completely baseless rubbish.

Again rubbish. Palestinians are one of the fastest growing nations in the world. They multiply each 20 years.

Conclusion: you are a false flagger spammer and lying propagandist.
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