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Ideas- New Weapons and Technology for India

Imagine if missile Dr. S. Pillai linked up with Baba Dr Pillai the possibilities would be endless :woot:
They can use my shed its big enough for them to share :azn:

Ok, nows lets get into another defense idea.

I've been thinking about quite sometimes. how about directed EMP waves?
Is there any research going on this field? :what:
massive current of EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) could be unleashed with catastrophic effect on the United States if a nuclear weapon is detonated high above the earth's atmosphere. The energy of this pulse would interact with the Earth's magnetic field, affecting - and possibly destroying - every piece of unshielded electronic gear and power grids in line-of-sight of the detonation, all at the speed of light.

What is more, the higher the altitude of the weapon's detonation, the larger the affected area would be. At a height of 300 miles, the entire continental United States would be exposed to EMP attack, along with parts of Canada and Mexico.

SATC | Education | Article Content
massive current of EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) could be unleashed with catastrophic effect on the United States if a nuclear weapon is detonated high above the earth's atmosphere. The energy of this pulse would interact with the Earth's magnetic field, affecting - and possibly destroying - every piece of unshielded electronic gear and power grids in line-of-sight of the detonation, all at the speed of light.

What is more, the higher the altitude of the weapon's detonation, the larger the affected area would be. At a height of 300 miles, the entire continental United States would be exposed to EMP attack, along with parts of Canada and Mexico.

SATC | Education | Article Content

I know that, but how about making this wave propagating in a definite direction just like laser? I'm intrigued by this from my childhood
Hypersonic missile whether would intercepted or not? If foot ball - Soccer player hit foot ball what is probabloty golkeeper will save it. Its depend on both golkeeper as as as player who kicked and skill. the missiles are player and golkeeper and software programme-manuverability could be skill and power. Missiles may have Arjun's eye which just see eye(missile) and not other. Rapid the process umderstand manuver and reaction better chance of interceptio. Even two player having same caliber one only wins. I could not give name of respected defence scientist.
Someone give Idea in future does we want UAV Vs UAV with weapons in different category of range and power to destroy enemy UAVs like DAKSH ronotics?
Someone give Idea in future does we want UAV Vs UAV with weapons in different category of range and power to destroy enemy UAVs like DAKSH ronotics?

A to A fight is still in development phase in UCAV, as of now UCAVs are good for A to G roles only.
Here'sthe reason why
1.Fighter or loiterng bomber?:If the Uav is designed for extended range it wont make a good dog fighter. if its a good figher it wont have alot of endurance. manned or not the laws of physics still apply. whats the Use of having a Uav if you still have to refuel it by air with a manned platform.

2.Bandwith: This last thing that that you want is the UAV making decisions about pop up targets without a man in the loop. imagine you tasked a Uav for air defence and a air liner passes through your grid un-aware, which bring me to my point, if your going to have a man in the loop with multiple Uavs taking in multiple amounts video realtime data your going to need a Unimagineable amount of bandwith and evenif the signal drops for just a second your Uav could become toast.
Imagine fighting Gulf war 1 with 500+ plus Uavs instead of convential fighter aircraft. Now imagine how each one needs real time dadta streaming to not only hit the target but to keep down friendly fire and collisions.

3.Over reliance on satellite guided systems: this is become a huge vunerability for the U.S. and as dews come on line we will be in a situation where its almost impossible to defend some com infrastructure. Not to mention future advancements in EMp weapons.
Heck what if china just said screw it and detonated a low yield nuke over the pacific? there would be a total shut down making most Uavs useless. we have to remember they are robots and they are very vulnerable when it comes to ECM.

4.Cost:If the Uav is half the cost of the manned fighter but you need 2 of them then why bother? and contrary to popular opinion they are not a cheap as some say.
A to A fight is still in development phase in UCAV, as of now UCAVs are good for A to G roles only.
Here'sthe reason why


1 If instead of using heavy wepons choose lower weight like gun etc.
2 after getting target and on permission and self desision by identify enemy plane (only UAV) it reach near it and fire small bullet on it. however weight of small weapons may also concern.
3 There should be not imagination of startreck like war. we have first generation UAV fighter with small weapons which distroy same weight category weapon and after permission by command reach aitomatically their and fire on it.
4 Why cost of UAV are high? However small may be cheper one.
We just talk about first generation killer. pakistan had destroyed Indian UAV. In war time this type time would not available.
tnx for bring attention I was taking it lightly but more senious than I was thinking!
If instead of using heavy wepons choose lower weight like gun etc.
UCAVs lacks the maneuverability and agility of any fighter jet, so dogfighting is not an option. And light weight gun can't inflict any damage to UCAVs. And the price of any UCAVs is determined by the integrated avionics, targeting equipments,Radars, operational range (engine & fuel load), weapons payload and all.
Though small range recon UAVs comes cheap. Hope this satisfies your query. :tup:
I give some load to my mind if some weapon type strike as new for weapon. If some one have give Idea to destroy UAV with less costliar weapon. Well like old planes firsr generation UAVs not Fifth gen Highly Manuverable. We cant give up! Problems can be raised! but in this thread as per subject needs solution. However Skull has light on many limitations, needs to come out from the same.
how about a nuclear cannon it is there but what if we can make i more powerful
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