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IAF's Balakot Disaster Two Years On

Another youtube video.... Never knew they pajeets called their so called attack as Operation Bandar...

There is a huge fire ball from inside the building for a few seconds and then it dispates.

But here is the thing.. it is 3:30 at night.and it has been raining all night.

6 bombs did hit Balakot that night ..how many fires did you see even in the forest (as you claim.. all the bombs fell in the forest).

Still after two years trying to prove your failed strikes as a success clown?

Here is what neutral experts had to say:

However, publicly available imagery acquired by European Space Imaging the day after the strike suggests that buildings at the camp were not visibly damaged or destroyed (see image below). This imagery, which is of a higher resolution than that available previously, shows conspicuously undamaged roofs that are not consistent with either a SPICE 2000 strike or a strike with other munitions. We believe that even a weapon with reduced explosive fill would cause damage to buildings that would be identifiable in the satellite imagery.

It was raining all night

All the bodies turned into water vapor

The spike bombs drilled holes in the tin shed and then went inside and had a dua salam with everyone inside and then exploded itself

Keep these clownish excuses ad explanations to yourself. This is not your RSS shakha or BJP headquarter where such kind of dumb, low IQ, lack of intellect and logic would be tolerated and accepted

This what 7 into 500 lb bombs did to a militia base in syria yesterday blackened earth. No structure is standing... That's with total 3500 lb seen from satellite

Indians claimed to have dropped 4 into 1000 lb that's 4000 lb without collapsing a single roof no burn no blackening all structures standing with no signs of damage

Your country claims that India dropped 6 Bombs in Balakot and none of them fell on the Madarssa complex.

Hey clown

My country claims that 4 bombs were dropped in Pakistan and not 6

Check after 3:40

You are continuously making false claims on behalf of PAF and Pakistani government

Have some shame and accept the simple fact that your Gujarati bhagwan and his chamcha military made a fool out of you in 2019 just like those "surgical strikes" in 2016
I am very happy with the result of feb 26 and 27th. One thing Pakistan fails to acknowledge is The intelligence failure on feb 26. 6000 Indians against flying ( IAF) knew about the botched strike, yet Pakistan did not know in time. We need to evaluate and learn from this intelligence failure.
For the Indian internet warriors who claim that PAF was chased away before getting near any targets.

Regarding this we can also see this article

Outgunned By Pakistan F-16s, IAF Plans To Re-Arm Its Sukhois With Israeli Missiles (ndtv.com)

"Retaliating to the IAF strike on the Jaish-e-Mohammed training facility in Balakot on February 26, the Pakistan Air Force aggressively positioned a large formation of 24 fighters near the Line of Control (LoC). A handful of these jets managed to cross the LoC to fire precision-guided glide bombs towards Indian military positions in the Rajouri sector"

They will shamelessly continue to change their story, Today an Indian was saying to me on youtube that we killed F16 and along with it Pilot was killed, Son of Air Vice Marshal Waeem ud Din, and when I sent him the link of Sir Waseem ud din rebuting Indian claims he was no where to be seen. So all of them have different stories even gov, with no shame.
I am very happy with the result of feb 26 and 27th. One thing Pakistan fails to acknowledge is The intelligence failure on feb 26. 6000 Indians against flying ( IAF) knew about the botched strike, yet Pakistan did not know in time. We need to evaluate and learn from this intelligence failure.

+1. Also, as Haseeb Piracha mentioned, their packages were approaching from multiple sectors towards Pakistan. But they were able to intrude from Kashmir side, they crossed the international border. And came dropped the payload on the mainland Pakistan. Where was our SAM system or radar work. We were not able to chase them. On this, they have a point. They crossed our border. Period.
+1. Also, as Haseeb Piracha mentioned, their packages were approaching from multiple sectors towards Pakistan. But they were able to intrude from Kashmir side, they crossed the international border. And came dropped the payload on the mainland Pakistan. Where was our SAM system or radar work. We were not able to chase them. On this, they have a point. They crossed our border. Period.

War is slightly different than playing grand theft auto... They got the response after clear warning next day..

U cannot plant a Sam to cover every tree..... And crow
There is a saying, that when you jump in a Sty (pigs enclosure) to control the pig, you will get dirty and the pig will love it.
Unfortunately i have to bring this, that when u stoop down to some indians intellectual level, u will loose your stance, but they will love it.
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+1. Also, as Haseeb Piracha mentioned, their packages were approaching from multiple sectors towards Pakistan. But they were able to intrude from Kashmir side, they crossed the international border. And came dropped the payload on the mainland Pakistan. Where was our SAM system or radar work. We were not able to chase them. On this, they have a point. They crossed our border. Period.

i agree a review is needed but they were in our territory for 6-12 minutes and were challenged enough to jetson their payload. I think the response was appropriate. This speaks to the professionalism of the PAF. We did move mid level air defenses after the event.

I do disagree with a significant investment in air defenses missile systems as it was a failure as seen in Syria, Armenia, Libya ...... these fixed system give a false sense of security and longer running systems can be mapped , avoided and destroyed by very cheap drone like capability at a fraction of the cost. Harpy comes to mind.

I am sure our air forces is thinking about this but an anti aircraft drone maybe the thing to build. Even upgrading our f-7pg’s to a drone point air defense aircraft. I did provide some aspirations in another thread.

Perhaps India requested Google to not refresh map over Narian Ammunition Depot. There is still no impact area, where the missile made the hit.

Your country claims that India dropped 6 Bombs in Balakot and none of them fell on the Madarssa complex.
again Indian troll with his self invented argument .... I am sure he will never look for any Pakistani source but would plast his argument to us and would claim those as our claims.
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Operation Bandar was a resounding failure and the instance of fratricide is only an even uglier blemish on the IAF

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