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Featured IAF Mi-17-V5 Helicopter carrying CDS Bipin Rawat with family crashes

No, Bipin was alive and in one piece after the crash. Indian special forces and medics carried him away on a makeshift stretcher (a cloth/sheet). It seems he died from his injuries at the hospital.
No that was the Group Captain.. One of the pilots I suspect.
no shit, Sherlock!
it was not the usual indian incompetence but an international may be even intergalactic conspiracy

Calm your ti** down boy.

Indian analyst and Chinese biggest media outlet are giving their opinion about this, which doesnt agree with mere accident theory, as simpletons like yourself like to believe in.
There is definitely more then meets the eye. Doesnt look like an accident. I suspect the sole survivor might meet his end soon, no evidence, no traces left behind.

We just have to look at home as to how Gen Zia was removed from the path. He partnered with yanks in Afghanistan, and once objectives were meet and his utility became liability for international establishment, he meet a similar end. India has been American/western b|tch for decades now, taking full advantage of the support from west with not much to show for in terms of regional goals for west. Lack of spine both against China and Pakistan, international establishment wanted the returns for their investment in India. And yet India, thinking of itself as smartypants, didnt realise that it has sold its soul to the devil long time ago. I suspect Putin visit was the last nail in the coffin, starting with pippin.
C130/L100 is also not the most reliable plane. It has bad crash statistics. Pakistan AF needs to buy something more modern than Lockheed rust buckets.

Calm your ti** down boy.

Indian analyst and Chinese biggest media outlet are giving their opinion about this, which doesnt agree with mere accident theory, as simpletons like yourself like to believe in.

How about I suggest something else, unless it has been suggested already.

After the screwup with the Chinese, ol' googly-eyes was a goner as decided by Indian deep state. It was just a question of when.

Too bad the family had to die with him.

I will actually miss making fun of him, the poor sod. Hope Bhagwan forgives all his faux pas and sins.

We must respect all soldiers - regardless of whichever side they are on.

That is a soldier's credo.

2/13 are sikhs. We must take the Sikh angle into consideration. Especially with the recent farmer protests against the modi regime.

It simply cannot be a coincidence. Few days ago they butchered 13 people in nagaland, today this happened while at the same time Pakistan tested MANPADS :D seems all fishy to me for some odd reason. Like what are the chances of the Indian CDS heli going down and Pakistan testing a MANPAD the same day?
2/13 are sikhs. We must take the Sikh angle into consideration. Especially with the recent farmer protests against the modi regime,

Do Indians allow their Lt. Colonels to fly? Really? The guy was piloting himself?
How about I suggest something else, unless it has been suggested already.

After the screwup with the Chinese, ol' googly-eyes was a goner as decided by Indian deep state. It was just a question of when.

Too bad the family had to die with him.

I will actually miss making fun of him, the poor sod. Hope Bhagwan forgives all his faux pas and sins.

We must respect all soldiers - regardless of whichever side they are on.

That is a soldier's credo.

Yes, thats another possibility, the inside job.

Pippin was getting bigger then his boots that's for sure.
C130/L100 is also not the most reliable plane. It has bad crash statistics. Pakistan AF needs to buy something more modern than Lockheed rust buckets.

Zia C130 crash was not accident though. Was a very high level assassination.
It was shot down with a MANPAD...ANZA...provided to the freedom fighters by Pakistan...in a nutshell, ISI did it.

The writer is a senior from CDS unit. He alleges......
It is no secret for those connected with defense circles that CDS Gen Rawat believed that misreading of the situation by two high-ranking General Officers caused the unnecessary loss of life in that episode.
In fact, he had recommended removal of both officers to the Defense Minister himself. While I am convinced that our officers have integrity to rise above personal vendettas, this angle must also be probed....

View attachment 799735
That's a fake letter.
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Very sad with family too got involved..... rest in peace SENAPATI.....

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