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IAF, Army engage in war drill along India-China border

Genius... Show us video of Chinese junk hitting target or accept all Chinese missiles are failure and you are retard of Grade 1:wave:

No video of Chinese missiles yet... accept you are retard of grade 1

Even in our recent exercises in Tibet, we reveal our missiles hitting their targets! We don't fake it like india does by declaring "success" whenever something goes up without blowing up.


WHERE is the video?
Be a man and based on your analogy accept that your are retard #1 and all Chinese missiles are dud and failure?
Indians are no different from Nigerians from living/social/educational perspective. Its always the few rare 'Indians" that like to hold themselves in high regard...Dw India will always and forever be a...third world african nation.

Yeah as much as chinese are similar to Japanese ? ;)
I think the greatest challenge that Chinese people on this forum fail to see is that the Indian posters on this forum only represent 5% of the real India. Most Indians are from low castes who only wish to purchase a bicycle someday and will never afford the privaledges of education/health or using an internet. So why should we perceive a few 'high' caste Indians to represent the majority of Indians? I wish to talk to real Indians about their real issues in life, what their wants/desires/worries are..not a bunch of higher caste Indians who treat their fellow Indians like slaves. Where is the understanding for us Chinese to learn Indian culture and understand from the majority point of view rather a slim minority which slanders us?

Well i come from a backward caste as designated by the govt....
Well now u talk to me.... I enjoy all the priviliges, even enjoy more than higher castes people.... And i have an internet connection with a laptop to talk with u.... And i am studying in a engineering collage.... So what do u expect from me?
I am never, eva gonna hate india? If a conflict ensumes china will get a bloody nose.... Heard a low caste talking? Now let me know how s ur interaction troll....
Indians are no different from Nigerians from living/social/educational perspective. Its always the few rare 'Indians" that like to hold themselves in high regard...Dw India will always and forever be a...third world african nation.

You seems to be from group self assumed elite (foreign based with very high IQ) Chinese who got enlighten after leaving home land and get on forums to feel elevated by talking bad about other.

Wake up, Please :angel:
Strange. No comment on stoping water and de-hydrating 40 million Indian. WOW. I guess my Map shown its effect.

Now u r crying, so stop building dam on your side and BD will support u aginst any chinese dam..if they ever decided to do so..
dude chk all posts before posting.. this dude were just sayin that chinese BOT stopped his CTRL + C and +V after we posted sm facts..

and yes we gonna build dams and dehydrate you bangladeshis for sure... :P

Sound like Indians are not thirsty enought...about time for China to tightern the water valve from Tibet
Thanks you for showing such explicite river map that I 've been looking for :lol: Take a look at the map, how about Ganges river...three main tributaries rivers (Lucknow, Gandak, Kosi) from Tibet that cross Nepal, if we ask Nepal to block and divert these for rivers unless if they want to receive water from us..then your famous sacre river Ganga will see the water drop by huge amount of level..that is good enought to set panick for +400 millions water lover indians..and shake the foundation of Indian civilisation...

..And mark my word...before anything could hapen to BD, +400 millions will suffers and your nation will face a chaotic disorder....LMAO

jab shakal achhi na ho tou baat hi achhi kar lia kar ... :rofl:
I mean the result of 62, we gained Aksai Chin from flawless victory but we didn't grab Arunachal Pradesh after marching into Tawang without resistance.
You got Aksai Chin, India got Arunachal Pradesh, enough said.

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

I think everytime those Indians say Comrade their government gives them one rupee so that they can perhaps share .1 rupee with the slum dwellers. If it saves lives let them post comrade all they want!

making a logic to defend 50 cent army huh?

---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

Indians are no different from Nigerians from living/social/educational perspective. Its always the few rare 'Indians" that like to hold themselves in high regard...Dw India will always and forever be a...third world african nation.
O ya? is PRC a first world nation?
This has become another "my D*** bigger than yours" thread.

Unless you are willing to do the fighting yourself, calling for war is a very cowardly thing to do.

I hope there are no more wars.

Diplomacy is a better option.

Anyone who disagrees should go to the front and fight as soon as a war breaks out, or they should grow up and stop talking out of their a$$.
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