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Indo-French air exercise 'Garuda-5' kicks off today......

Are you referring to the hotpants worn by the French ground crew or the planes? :lol: :rolleyes:


Is chutiyapanti ka saza milega, barobar milega.
It will be nice to watch an encounter between mighty MKI and rafale.
Crossposting from the MP forum (credits to Olybrius)

Rafale crews at indian time

Since June 2, 2014, 4 Rafale fighter of squadron 3/30 "Lorraine" are deployed to Jodhpur air base, India, to participate in the exercise 'Garuda'. This fifth edition of the Indo-French exercise will end on June 13
After a first week of familiarization flights with WVR combat, one against one, two against one or two against two, LFE (Large Employement Force) combined missions began. Air defense, escort, ground attack, Air interdiction ... The many scenarios lead French and Indian crews to prepare all their missions together and to use their aircraft in realistic complex tactical situations. A training that enhances interoperability between the two air forces in a non-NATO standards governed by the environment that allows airmen to add a string to their bow.

Young pilots and Rafale from UAE (no tranche 4) ..it looks like training is the primary purpose of Garuda V

Press Information Bureau English Releases

Air Exercise Between Indian Air Force and French Air Force (Exercise Garuda V) Commences at Jodhpur
With the aim of enhancing Operational Co-operation and to validate capabilities, the Indian Air Force & French Air Force commenced the bilateral exercise “Ex Garuda V” at Jodhpur Air Base today. During this fortnight long exercise both the Air Forces would engage in Operations based on their Operational Philosophy and methodology of operations practicing various challenging air situation scenarios. The Exercise would help both Air Forces in appreciating the intricacies of planning and conduct of combat missions in an Operational Environment.

Frontline fighter aircraft of the IAF including the SU 30, Mig-27 (UPG), Mig 21 Bison and force multipliers such as the AWACS and Flight Refueller Aircraft IL 78 would be participating from the Indian Air Force while the French AF has fielded their frontline Rafale Fighter aircraft along with their KC 135 Refueller.

The Fifth Indo-French bilateral Air Exercise “Garuda-V” is scheduled from 2-13 June at Air Force Station Jodhpur. The previous edition of the exercise was held at Istres, France during 2010. The exercise will involve the assets of IAF’s main operational formations including the Gandhinagar based South Western Air Command and Allahabad based Central Air Command.

During the war game, both the Air Forces will practice aerial warfare which would include maneuvers to carry out surgical strikes.

IAF Gets Close-Up Look At Rafale's Capabilities At Garuda V

Since June 2, four Rafale fighters of the French air force’s 3/30 “Lorraine” squadron have deployed at Jodhpur air base, in India, to take part in the bilateral “Garuda” exercise. This is the fifth time the two countries hold this exercise, which will end on June 13.“Strong friendship”: That is how Gen. Denis Mercier, the French air force chief of staff, described the relations between the French and Indian air forces during his June 9 visit to Jodhpur. “I was impressed to see such close teamwork after the first week of the exercise,” he said. “We want to mix our crews to facilitate exchanges; and I am happy see it is working out so well.” The French pilots came up against Sukhoi 20s, MiG-21s and MiG-27s; in all, 12 Indian fighters took part. “The Indian Air Force deployed a lot of assets, which it used extensively, thereby demonstrating the importance it assigns to Garuda,” says Lt Col Nicolas Lyautey, 3/30 commander and French director of the exercise.

After the first week of familiarization flights, with visual-range air combat from one-on-one configuration through to 2-on-1 and 2-on-2, Large Force Employment (LFE) operations began in the second week. These included air-defense, escort, ground attack, air interdiction, etc. Many scenarios brought French and Indian crews to prepare together their missions, and to deploy their aircraft in complex and realistic combat scenarios. This training reinforces interoperability between the two air forces, in an environment that is not subject to NATO operating standards, so providing French pilots with additional experience.
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