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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

The fact that Israel is an aggressor and continues to occupy many territories illegally, it should be under global scrutiny for the better sake of every one.

Israel is not the one which threatens to eliminate Iran and refuse to recognise the legitimacy of the existence of that country, so who is the real aggressor?

BTW, what about Pakistan and its aggressiveness? Pakistan launched three wars against India and terror attacks. Let us start by dismantling Pakistan from nuclear weapons and then move along to discuss other countries.
Israel is not the one which threatens to eliminate Iran and refuse to recognise the legitimacy of the existence of that country, so who is the real aggressor?

BTW, what about Pakistan and its aggressiveness? Pakistan launched three wars against India and terror attacks. Let us start by dismantling Pakistan from nuclear weapons and then move along to discuss other countries.
Israel threatens Countries with pre-emptive strikes and carried out surgical strikes as well, which are clear violation of International laws, while it continues to occupies territories illegally and threat other countries, any sane person would see that Iranian threats are justified.
The thread is not about Pakistan so your troll attempt wont be entertained.
Israel threatens Countries with pre-emptive strikes and carried out surgical strikes as well, which are clear violation of International laws, while it continues to occupies territories illegally and threat other countries, any sane person would see that Iranian threats are justified.
The thread is not about Pakistan so your troll attempt wont be entertained.

Where is it said that pre-emptive strikes are a violation of international law? Or surgical strikes? As for the latter they usually meant to minimise the civilian casualties, so how can they be against international law?

As for the subject of this thread, I suggest you read the title carefully: "Time for IAEA to deal with Israeli Nukes? Well, I just replied that Pakistan should be first in line before any deliberation about Israel is taking place.

As for the occupied territories, please indicate to which country they belong and were taken from- Jordan? Egypt? No one (including Muslim countries) ever recognised their control on Gaza and the West Bank, so this territories are under dispute and are not occupied. BTW, Israel offered several times to withdraw from more than 90% of this territories but only with one small condition - that the Palestinians will finally recognise Israel as a Jewish nation state and stop any effort to undermine it. Unfortunately, the Palestinian did not give up their ambitions to destroy Israel and I guess even you can understand why Israel is somewhat reluctant to give its enemies a better platform to destroy it.

As for Iran, you protect its policy to destroy Israel although it has and never had any conflict with Israel, Israel had good relations with Iran until the end of the 1970's. So if Israel has no conflict with Iran how Iran's threats to eliminate Israel are justified?

I strongly recommend that you open your eyes and stop feeding yourself with anti-Israeli propaganda.
Learn to read first before you start to scream and lie - Israel is said to have nukes since the 1960's, not that Israel said...

I do not know what Israel has.

You don't know what israel has and that is another lie spawned by your zionist twisted mind.

Where is it said that pre-emptive strikes are a violation of international law?

In that case Iran should not wait to strike the Demona WMD factory pre-emptively, after all, it's legal.
You don't know what israel has and that is another lie spawned by your zionist twisted mind.

In that case Iran should not wait to strike the Demona WMD factory pre-emptively, after all, it's legal.

Like you cannot distinguish between your right and left you cannot comprehend the difference between what is legal and what is advisable. Well after all you are an anti-Semite, you are not that smart.
Like you cannot distinguish between your right and left you cannot comprehend the difference between what is legal and what is advisable. Well after all you are an anti-Semite, you are not that smart.

You said that pre-emptive strikes were legal, did you not? You better start your twisting trick because that's the only thing a zionazi is good at!

You said that pre-emptive strikes were legal, did you not? You better start your twisting trick because that's the only thing a zionazi is good at!

Please elaborate: why pre-emptive strikes are illegal? I am fascinating to see what your reply will be
Please elaborate: why pre-emptive strikes are illegal? I am fascinating to see what your reply will be

If pre-emptive strike is legal for israel it is legal for Iran too and if it is illegal for Iran it is illegal for israel too. Now you decide which to choose.

If pre-emptive strike is legal for israel it is legal for Iran too and if it is illegal for Iran it is illegal for israel too. Now you decide which to choose.

You are the one who decided that pre-emptive strike is illegal, not me.

It is not a question of legality, Israel has every right to prevent Iran (a rogue regime which aspire to eliminate Israel) from developing nuclear weapons. Iran can hardly point to any Israeli threat against it - if Iran refrain from calling for the destruction of Israel, stop its nuclear development, and supporting terror organisations attacking Israel it will have nothing to afraid of Israel.

But if Iran pick a fight with Israel, then Israel will indeed retaliate, including by pre-emptive strikes.

Even an anti-Semite like yourself can understand this.
You are the one who decided that pre-emptive strike is illegal, not me.

It is not a question of legality, Israel has every right to prevent Iran .

Yes, for israel and its zionazis legality is not a question because they are the mother and father of illegal business like terrorism, assassinations, land grabbing, robbery, you name it. And for the second part Iran has the same right to destroy the zionazi WMD factory

Yes, for israel and its zionazis legality is not a question because they are the mother and father of illegal business like terrorism, assassinations, land grabbing, robbery, you name it. And for the second part Iran has the same right to destroy the zionazi WMD factory

According to your twisted standards a country can just attack any other country without any good reason. Iran has no cause to attack Israel. Israel has no conflict with Iran.
According to your twisted standards a country can just attack any other country without any good reason. Iran has no cause to attack Israel. Israel has no conflict with Iran.

According to a zionazi like you Iran has no reason to strike israel but israel has every reason to strike Iran, right? Your despicable ways are the reason you and your likes are seen as the satan himself disguised as humans.

According to a zionazi like you Iran has no reason to strike israel but israel has every reason to strike Iran, right? Your despicable ways are the reason you and your likes are seen as the satan himself disguised as humans.

Of course Israel has every right to attack Iran - only a blind anti-Semite like you cannot see the obvious (and please try to disprove it, I can use a few laughs):

- Iran's regime is publicly dedicated to the elimination of Israel.

- Iran funds and assist terror organisations to attack Israel and kill as many as innocent Israeli civilians.

- Iran develops nuclear weapons which will enable it to threaten Israel with complete destruction.

What would you do if you in the situation of Israel? Commit suicide?

On the other hand, Israel never threatened Iran, had no conflict with Iran and did not help any third party to hurt Iran - of course with the exception of retaliations to Iran's constant efforts to hurt Israel.

That is why Israel has full prerogative for pre-emptive strike to destroy Iran's nuclear programme while Iran is a terror state which already attack Israel with not a single good reason.
- Iran's regime is publicly dedicated to the elimination of Israel.

- Iran funds and assist terror organisations to attack Israel and kill as many as innocent Israeli civilians.

- Iran develops nuclear weapons which will enable it to threaten Israel with complete destruction.

- These sorts of things are not casus belli / act of war, Einstein.

- "Terror organisations"?? Is that BS refers to Hezbollah (which is considered only by US and its dog as "terrorist")? :lol:


Good to see some Zionist-ish logic again :wave:
- These sorts of things are not casus belli / act of war, Einstein.

- "Terror organisations"?? Is that BS refers to Hezbollah (which is considered only by US and its dog as "terrorist")? :lol:


Good to see some Zionist-ish logic again :wave:

Please specify what is an act of war if not a country constantly calling for your destruction and doing whatever it can to implement its declarations. Israel has all the right the defend itself including by launching a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear programme.
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