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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

As I said the israeli nukes are nothing but terror weapons to terrorise israel's neighbours and therefore, before everything else this threat must be addressed by those who scream about the proliferation of the WMDs day and night.
As I said the israeli nukes are nothing but terror weapons to terrorise israel's neighbours and therefore, before everything else this threat must be addressed by those who scream about the proliferation of the WMDs day and night.

There is not even one word of truth in what you wrote:

As a degenerate Anti-Semite You constantly ignoring reality: Israel never used or threatened to use WMD against any of its neighbours, in spite they tried to destroy it in several armed conflicts some of them are still committed to this goal until today.

As was proven in Wikileaks cables, most of the Arab countries have more concern about Iran's nuclear programme than about Israel's. If you are so attentive to the security of the Arabs, press for Iran's nuclear disarmament. Israel has no aspirations to control the ME like Iran which actively meddle with the internal affairs of countries in this region (Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, etc.).
Israel has more morality than an anti-Semite like yourself who is by definition a degenerate and a degraded scum.

Calling someone whose views you don't like an Anti-Semite is an easy way out.

Jew has actually proved in every society they live they manage to become the most disliked people of all, using your terminology the scumbags.

Remember Bernie Maddoff who committed the biggest fraud ever to steal $50+ billion from many many people?

Recently a congressman from New York was involved in a big scandal, sending lewd photos to a college student over internet. After being caught, he denied vehemently for a while, claiming that hackers hacked his twitter account and he is innocent! Later he had to confess what he has done. It was found out that he was online-messaging with a 17 year old (meanwhile his less than a year old wife was pregnant by the way). It turns out that he had similarly interacted with many females. Among those a former **** actress said in a press conference “When the scandal broke and people started emailing me, I did not know what to do. So I emailed Anthony Weiner. He asked me to lie about our communication.". He not only lied many times over national TV, but also urged others to lie for him too. Finally succumbing to pressure, he resigned from his post. Lies, dishonesty, deceit, immorality, lack of remorse, whatever you can think of....

These are who a real "fully-Semite" is :) And there are so many of them.... In your nomenclature a fully degenerate, degraded scum, immoral in every sense ....
Enough with Anti Semite BS ! - this thread ain't about jews and their fairy tales but about Israeli nuclear program.
There is not even one word of truth in what you wrote:

As a degenerate Anti-Semite You constantly ignoring reality: Israel never used or threatened to use WMD against any of its neighbours, in spite they tried to destroy it in several armed conflicts some of them are still committed to this goal until today.

As was proven in Wikileaks cables, most of the Arab countries have more concern about Iran's nuclear programme than about Israel's. If you are so attentive to the security of the Arabs, press for Iran's nuclear disarmament. Israel has no aspirations to control the ME like Iran which actively meddle with the internal affairs of countries in this region (Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, etc.).

I fail to understand one thing in these cables there was nothing at all about the pure , peace loving and wonderful Israel.
Do i take it as propoganda or sumthing else.

What is this wikicable stuff ..... do they even have proof.
There is not even one word of truth in what you wrote:

As a degenerate Anti-Semite You constantly ignoring reality: Israel never used or threatened to use WMD against any of its neighbours, in spite they tried to destroy it in several armed conflicts some of them are still committed to this goal until today.

As was proven in Wikileaks cables, most of the Arab countries have more concern about Iran's nuclear programme than about Israel's. If you are so attentive to the security of the Arabs, press for Iran's nuclear disarmament. Israel has no aspirations to control the ME like Iran which actively meddle with the internal affairs of countries in this region (Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, etc.).

Israelis can't lie their way out of this. That isreali nukes are not terror weapons is the greatest lie of all. Israel is a terror entity and its nukes are nothing but terror weapons!

Israelis can't lie their way out of this. That isreali nukes are not terror weapons is the greatest lie of all. Israel is a terror entity and its nukes are nothing but terror weapons!

As usual for an anti-Semite: all you can do is scream but never ever prove your lies. In this thread I have already gave sufficient evidence that you lie without even blink and all your above arguments are absolutely false. Repeating them again and again will not make them something else.
we have to wait until america goes bust. When america goes bust and its on its way Israel will be finished cos they rely on american charity
Enough with Anti Semite BS ! - this thread ain't about jews and their fairy tales but about Israeli nuclear program.

Look back in this thread and you will find out that the outcome of this discussion was that there the answer is negative - IAEA and the international community should deal with much more urgent nuclear problems: Iran, Pakistan, North Korea.

After the end of the discussion, I asked the administrator to close this thread for moderation, and he chose not to do it. So, now we are just enjoying wasting our time and I am enjoying thrashing a specific anti-Semite troll in this thread who is clot like a clotted cream.

But thank you for your interest and for opening this amusing thread. Unless you have something new to contribute to this thread, it can be closed for moderation.
we have to wait until america goes bust. When america goes bust and its on its way Israel will be finished cos they rely on american charity

Good luck with the waiting business, the Muslims are very good with waiting, that is one of the main reasons for the greatness of Muslim countries in the international community.

In the meantime, Israel will continue to flourish and advance to the first row of world countries.
There's nothing more urgent than the threat emanating from the israeli nukes.

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ----------

There's nothing more urgent than the threat emanating from the israeli nukes.

Oh, yes there is: Iran followed by North Korea and Pakistan. Apparently, as was exposed in Wikileaks, even the Arab's countries think that Iran is a the biggest threat to the stability of the ME.
Oh, yes there is: Iran followed by North Korea and Pakistan. Apparently, as was exposed in Wikileaks, even the Arab's countries think that Iran is a the biggest threat to the stability of the ME.

No, there isn't a greater threat than the israeli nukes and I represent the view of at least 175 countries while you represent the view of barely 15 countries in total. One of your friends tell me to use bold letters for you, you don't mind, do you?
Of course not or else how would you sell your indo-american-israeli 'logic'.

Bravo, you excel yourself with unintelligent replies which has no contribution to the discussion, which only emphasise my point that this thread should be closed for moderation.
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