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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

The thing is, IAEA is not going to check Israeli nukes simply because whether they have it or not itself is not out in the open. Call it double standard or whatever, but they are smarter than either us or Pakistan in keeping their programme under wraps and keep the world guessing.

The IAEA only has jurisdiction over the nuclear activities of UN member states who sign the UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Israel is not a signatory of the NPT so the IAEA has no jurisdiction. It's that simple. Iran is an NPT signatory. North Korea abrogated it's NPT signature, I believe.


On January 10th 2003 North Korea announced its intent to become the first country ever to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Though North Korean officials argued that its withdrawal was official immediately, according to Article X of the treaty the withdrawal was not official until today, three months after the notification was issued. This unfortunate event highlights the severe implications of the Bush administration’s refusal to engage North Korea diplomatically. It also draws attention to concerns about the uncertain future of the NPT regime.

Under the NPT North Korea and other countries not possessing nuclear weapons at the time agreed not to develop or obtain nuclear weapons and the nuclear powers agreed to disarm and not to spread nuclear weapons to other states. Now that North Korea is officially not a party to the NPT, there are few legal obstacles preventing it from developing nuclear weapons and selling such weapons, technology and materials to other countries.

North Korea had announced its intent to withdraw from the NPT regime once before in 1993. At that time the United States engaged in bilateral negotiations leading the DPRK to retract its withdrawal days before it officially went into effect.

When North Korea again announced its withdrawal in January its statement of intent clearly called for further negotiation initiatives with the United States. These requests did not, however, result in the skillful diplomatic maneuvering that was employed during the 1993 crisis. Instead, the Bush administration has refused all requests for bilateral talks, urging a multilateral approach that has, thus far, proved entirely unfruitful.

North Korea now joins India, Pakistan, Israel, as the only countries not currently within the NPT regime. Few of these countries have faced serious consequences for such remaining outside of the regime.

North Korea’s Withdrawal from Nonproliferation Treaty Official, by Devon Chaffee, April 10, 2003
Erm.. what do you mean by "we" here? It is not as if having no ties with Bangladesh is actually costing them any serious losses. :what: Just a question. The thing is, IAEA is not going to check Israeli nukes simply because whether they have it or not itself is not out in the open. Call it double standard or whatever, but they are smarter than either us or Pakistan in keeping their programme under wraps and keep the world guessing. If anyone has any idea about them having the nukes it is because of that Samson Option of theirs.

Israel's nuclear ambiguity policy is indeed aimed to divert any international attention on its strategic capabilities, including by the IAEA. Israel is not part of the NPT, thus is not committed to allow IAEA to have inspections. IAEA is can only access Israel's Sorek nuclear centre which was constructed by the US in 1959 as part of the "Atom for Peace" initiative. Pakistan's KANUPP is operating under a similar framework.

As I mentioned earlier, similar to India, Israel is a responsible country which will avoid any use of its allegedly WMD in order to destabilise its region or the international community. Hence, it should not worry sensible people and countries.
Israel's nuclear ambiguity policy is indeed aimed to divert any international attention on its strategic capabilities, including by the IAEA. Israel is not part of the NPT, thus is not committed to allow IAEA to have inspections. IAEA is can only access Israel's Sorek nuclear centre which was constructed by the US in 1959 as part of the "Atom for Peace" initiative. Pakistan's KANUPP is operating under a similar framework.

As I mentioned earlier, similar to India, Israel is a responsible country which will avoid any use of its allegedly WMD in order to destabilise its region or the international community. Hence, it should not worry sensible people and countries.

Israel's so-called nuclear ambiguity is a drama to divert attention away from israel's WMDs. So what if israel has not officially declared, everybody knows that israel has WMDs, it is not a question of if, the question is how many. I know shylock, you're going to ask your stupid 'Does the earth revolve around the sun' question.
Israel's so-called nuclear ambiguity is a drama to divert attention away from israel's WMDs. So what if israel has not officially declared, everybody knows that israel has WMDs, it is not a question of if, the question is how many. I know shylock, you're going to ask your stupid 'Does the earth revolve around the sun' question.

OK lets say for one moment that the allegation that Israel has nuclear weapons is true. why is it a threat to world peace?

Is Israel threatening to nuke Dhaka?

She will not use nukes against palestinians because that will also affect them.

It does not need to use nukes to attack the Arab states first because it has the backing of the US.

Arabs wont attack israel because of the second strike capability. In this case I will say that the nukes are actually preventing a war.

So the nukes are for world peace
OK lets say for one moment that the allegation that Israel has nuclear weapons is true. why is it a threat to world peace?

Is Israel threatening to nuke Dhaka?

She will not use nukes against palestinians because that will also affect them.

It does not need to use nukes to attack the Arab states first because it has the backing of the US.

Arabs wont attack israel because of the second strike capability. In this case I will say that the nukes are actually preventing a war.

So the nukes are for world peace

If that's the case why does israel worry about Iran possessing nukes? Iran knows that if it uses nukes on israel, israel will nuke Iran, you see, the same logic.
OK lets say for one moment that the allegation that Israel has nuclear weapons is true. why is it a threat to world peace?

Is Israel threatening to nuke Dhaka?

She will not use nukes against palestinians because that will also affect them.

It does not need to use nukes to attack the Arab states first because it has the backing of the US.

Arabs wont attack israel because of the second strike capability. In this case I will say that the nukes are actually preventing a war.

So the nukes are for world peace

You presented good arguments, but they are a waste of time. I strongly advise you to ignore the buster(ed) troll, he never answer or explain anything, only persist with his slogans like a scratch record. He does not listen to reason or logic.

do yourself a favour and refrain from replying to his stupidity.
You presented good arguments, but they are a waste of time. I strongly advise you to ignore the buster(ed) troll, he never answer or explain anything, only persist with his slogans like a scratch record. He does not listen to reason or logic.

do yourself a favour and refrain from replying to his stupidity.

Shylock, your evilness is the worst kind of stupidity for it creates wars in the world.
Israel nukes are absolutely unneeded, because if they bomb someone, that'll affect them too. There is not even evidence, that they possess nuclear weapons.
Israel nukes are absolutely unneeded, because if they bomb someone, that'll affect them too. There is not even evidence, that they possess nuclear weapons.

Your statement is the official US stand which has been proven false by Mordechai Vanunu. This name should ring the bell for those who pretend to be in the dark about the israeli WMDs. Here's the link for you:

Mordechai Vanunu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have it on good authority that the US has long term military operations placed against both Iran and North Korea.
Israel nukes are absolutely unneeded, because if they bomb someone, that'll affect them too. There is not even evidence, that they possess nuclear weapons.

What is unjust is the american/zionism stand that its ok and "safe" for Israel to have nukes but not for anyone else. What planet are they from? Why one rule for one and another for the muslims? I think the Israelis have on numerous occasions shown they are liars and cant be trusted. Take the nukes off them (if they have them) just in case they get gun ho. Never trust a nation with such nasty views on race.
Israel nukes are absolutely unneeded, because if they bomb someone, that'll affect them too. There is not even evidence, that they possess nuclear weapons.

If Israel has nukes then it’s for a good reason, why do we have nukes? (Exactly)
To ward off power hungry Arabs who want to grab more land and attack them
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