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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

Yeah, you're right IAEA has jurisdiction only over states the US considers as hostile. Israel's nuclear threat is a defensive one and Iraq's WMDs were an offensive threat. You're writing your own satanic verses. No wonder people call you the great satan.

If you are going to comment, at least have the intelligence to know the rules under which the IAEA functions. When you have done the necessary research you will find that the IAEA has no jurisdiction to investigate the nuclear activities of Israel. You are obviously a Muslim bigot. Only idiots call the US "the great satan". So, we can clearly see your mental capacities, nil.
Shylock, you're avoiding my question. So, don't try to turn the table now, answer my question or accept that you're full of lies. Here's another proof of israeli crimes against humanity:

Last month, a report published in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, accused Israeli soldiers of kidnapping Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip for their organs, indicating a possible link between the Israeli military and the mafia of human organs detected in the US.

What question I did not answer? I ask you questions and you continue to avoid any answer over the last 10 pages!!!

This ridiculous story you brought with no connection to the topic was already denied by all concerns. I challenge you to discuss your lies about Israel in another thread, but you cowardly avoid, like you cowardly avoids any answers or explanations about your position in this thread.

You know, although it is hard for an anti-Semite, you can still at least pretend that you are here for debate and not for trolling.

With not any discussion by your side on the topic, it is possible to conclude that Israel is a peaceful country which does not pose a threat to anyone. The moderator should close this thread.
What question I did not answer? I ask you questions and you continue to avoid any answer over the last 10 pages!!!

This ridiculous story you brought with no connection to the topic was already denied by all concerns. I challenge you to discuss your lies about Israel in another thread, but you cowardly avoid, like you cowardly avoids any answers or explanations about your position in this thread.

You know, although it is hard for an anti-Semite, you can still at least pretend that you are here for debate and not for trolling.

With not any discussion by your side on the topic, it is possible to conclude that Israel is a peaceful country which does not pose a threat to anyone. The moderator should close this thread.

Open your f******* eyes and see what question. I know shylock you don't want to answer the question. BTW what shylock calls ridiculous is not ridiculous at all. Shylock calls it ridiculous because it exposes the devilish nature of the characters like shylock.

Open your f******* eyes and see what question. I know shylock you don't want to answer the question. BTW what shylock calls ridiculous is not ridiculous at all. Shylock calls it ridiculous because it exposes the devilish nature of the characters like shylock.

Unlike myself, you are the most honest living person alive, right? So why you evade any reply to my questions??? Do I need to post them for the 100 time?!

Now, What is the question I did not answer? I have no idea, post it again and unlike you, I will refer to it, what ever it is.
If you are going to comment, at least have the intelligence to know the rules under which the IAEA functions. When you have done the necessary research you will find that the IAEA has no jurisdiction to investigate the nuclear activities of Israel. You are obviously a Muslim bigot. Only idiots call the US "the great satan". So, we can clearly see your mental capacities, nil.

Who calls the israeli nukes acceptable is the biggest bigot of all. Your mental faculty matches that of the satan, hence you have this title 'the great satan'. Satan is very clever so you should be proud.
Unlike myself, you are the most honest living person alive, right? So why you evade any reply to my questions???

Now, What is the question I did not answer? I have no idea, post it again and unlike you, I will refer to it, what ever it is.

Me evading, not at all, I've explained a number of times why the israeli WMD is the greatest threat to peace. It is you who is evading my question.

Who calls the israeli nukes acceptable is the biggest bigot of all. Your mental faculty matches that of the satan, hence you have this title 'the great satan'. Satan is very clever so you should be proud.

Your comments to direct and sensible enquiries are an insult to intelligence. I am coming to the conclusion that you do not know what IAEA is.

Me evading, not at all, I've explained a number of times why the israeli WMD is the greatest threat to peace. It is you who is evading my question.

Answer the questions I asked you and stop to be a coward. I see you mysteriously forgot you own question...
Your comments to direct and sensible enquiries are an insult to intelligence. I am coming to the conclusion that you do not know what IAEA is.

Your conclusion is of zero value, the issue remains as it is and that is israel's WMDs pose the greatest threat to peace in the world.

Your conclusion is of zero value, the issue remains as it is and that is israel's WMDs pose the greatest threat to peace in the world.

Another cowardly attempt to evade any answers:

You did not explain how Israel is a terrorist state and why it is a terrorist state while other nuclear weapons countries are not - like Pakistan, China, and North Korea. And if they are also terrorist states, why you only against Israel.

You did not explain why you support Iran's nuclear ambitions although it is a human rights violator.

And you did not explain what is the threat of WMD in the hands of Israel.
bht afssos ke baat hai k ager koi musalman hakoomut atomic dhamakey kerey tu deshutgerd kehelway aur ager koi yahoodi aur nisaar kerey tu koi masla nahe...yeh kahan ka insaaf hai...

khud kererein tu taraqe passand aur koi aur kerey tu "museebut"

You're right, there's no hope for the israeli double-standard. If israel stops terrorism we'll think about being nice.

Erm.. what do you mean by "we" here? It is not as if having no ties with Bangladesh is actually costing them any serious losses. :what: Just a question. The thing is, IAEA is not going to check Israeli nukes simply because whether they have it or not itself is not out in the open. Call it double standard or whatever, but they are smarter than either us or Pakistan in keeping their programme under wraps and keep the world guessing. If anyone has any idea about them having the nukes it is because of that Samson Option of theirs.
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