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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

On the contrary: The most plausible option for Israeli military strike on Iran is if it continues with its nuclear weapons development. If Iran avoids developing nuclear weapons, Israel most probably would not attack it. So the best option is not to develop nuclear weapons.

The AQ Khan network was a clandestine operation, but it was known to US and other Western intelligence agencies almost since its inception. I would not count on it that this time no one will know. Eventually, it would be revealed and Pakistan would pay the heavy price.

The best option for Iran and the neighboring states of Izrael is to go nuclear, just to be certain that the Izraeli's don't even dare to consider surgical strikes. Not to mention that the sole purpose is to create Balance of Power in the region & the only road that leads to it, is the Nuclear way.
LOL are you kidding me? what was so clandestine about AQ Khans network, when Iranians and Libyans themselves admitted that AQ Khan is involved:sick:
As for us providing them assistance it's very much within our reach, How can the world blame Pakistan if a plane carrying nukes, disappears some where near the Iranian border? :angel:
The best option for Iran and the neighboring states of Izrael is to go nuclear, just to be certain that the Izraeli's don't even dare to consider surgical strikes. Not to mention that the sole purpose is to create Balance of Power in the region & the only road that leads to it, is the Nuclear way.
LOL are you kidding me? what was so clandestine about AQ Khans network, when Iranians and Libyans themselves admitted that AQ Khan is involved:sick:
As for us providing them assistance it's very much within our reach, How can the world blame Pakistan if a plane carrying nukes, disappears some where near the Iranian border? :angel:

Israel has no conflict with Iran. As long as Iran avoids developing nuclear weapons and assists proxies to attack Israel, it has nothing to be worried about Israeli retaliation, like other countries are not threatened by Israel.

AQ Khan's operation was not reported in the newspapers when it occurred, the Libyan and the Iranian knew about it because they worked with the network to develop clandestine nuclear programmes.

Again nuclear assistance from Pakistan to Iran will surface sooner or later, probably sooner. Both Pakistan and Iran are penetrated by foreign intelligence agencies and they will find out about it. I strongly suggest Pakistan to avoid any nuclear assistance to the most dangerous regime in our world - the Iranian regime. If Iran develops nukes with Pakistan's assistance, I assure you Pakistan would not stay dry.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ----------

Israel: an Impediment to Nuclear-Free Middle East

Kourosh Ziabari

You might have frequently heard of the Western mainstream media’s claims that Iran is pursuing a military nuclear program which is aimed at developing atomic weapons. Actually, spreading falsehood and untruth about the nature of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program has been a constant, unchanging and recurring theme of the Western corporate media’s coverage of Iran’s events.

Over the past years, the world mainstream media, funded and fueled by certain Western governments to derail Iran’s sublime position in the international community through their unyielding black propaganda have laboriously and persistently attempted to pretend that Iran’s nuclear program poses a serious threat to the global peace and security and that Tehran is taking steps to create atomic bombs to drop on Israel and European countries.

Unfortunately, the people who believe such claims are credulously unaware of the fact that those who accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons are themselves the largest possessors of the state-of-the-art nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction.

It should not be neglected that Iran has always been at the forefront of combating the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and also a victim of such weapons during the 8-year imposed war with the Ba’athist regime of Saddam Hussein which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranians, and it was the United States that equipped Saddam with such weapons to use against the Iranian people in an unequal and unjustifiable war in which the brutal Iraqi dictator was unconditionally supported by a strong coalition of the United States and its European allies.

Since the U.S.-manufactured controversy over Iran’s nuclear program was ignited in the early 2000s, the White House and its cronies successfully distracted the international attention from the illegal, underground nuclear activities of Israeli regime and helped Tel Aviv to secretively further its nuclear program and build atomic weapons.

According to the Federation of American Scientists, Israel now possesses up to 200 nuclear warheads and since it is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), it cannot be held accountable over its military nuclear program.

The US Congress Office of Technology Assessment has recorded Israel as a country generally reported as having undeclared chemical warfare capabilities, and an offensive biological warfare program.

Since Israel started the development of nuclear weapons in early 1950s, it adopted a so-called policy of “deliberate ambiguity” and concealed its nuclear activities under this counterfeit label to enjoy immunity and avoid responsibility over its nuclear program, meaning that it neither confirms nor denies the possession of nuclear weapons, while even the U.S.-based scientific and research organizations have admitted that it has a perilous nuclear arsenal which is potentially able to evaporate the whole Middle East in a matter of seconds.

On June 19, 1981, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution which urgently called upon Israel to put its nuclear facilities under the comprehensive safeguards of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); however, Israel never heeded the calls of the UNSC and following that resolution, no significant decision was ever made to domesticate Israel and bring its dangerous nuclear facilities under control.

According to Nuclear Weapons Archive website, “the most specific and detailed information to be made public about Israel’s nuclear program came from a former mid-level nuclear technician named Mordechai Vanunu. Vanunu had worked at the Machon 2 facility, where plutonium is produced and bomb components fabricated, for 9 years before his increasing involvement in left wing pro-Palestinian politics led to his dismissal in 1986. Due to lax internal security, prior to his departure he managed to take about 60 photographs covering nearly every part of Machon 2.”

He made contact with the London Sunday Times and began to write an exclusive story about the details of Israel’s nuclear program. Unfortunately for Vanunu, “the Israeli government had found out about his activities and the Mossad arranged to kidnap him and bring him back to Israel for trial,” the report added.

Now, Iran has hosted dozens of representatives and experts from over 40 countries in the Second International Nuclear Disarmament Conference in Tehran to discuss the most important nuclear threats which jeopardize the international peace and security.

Last year, Iran had hosted the first Nuclear Disarmament Conference under the title of “Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapon for None.”

According to the scholars and experts who took part in this years conference, the possession of nuclear weapons by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council along with Israel which is the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East are among the main concerns of international community which not only thwart the creation of a nuclear-free Middle East but also portray an unquestionable exercise of double standards by the Western powers.

The Tehran conference on nuclear disarmament has concluded that all of the non-NPT members should ratify this treaty and allow the inspection of their nuclear facilities. It has also proposed that Israel should be disarmed as soon as possible, because it’s the only owner of nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

Even as even the U.S. intelligence services have confirmed that Iran does not intend to produce nuclear weapons, Tehran is lethally under the pressure of the United States and its European friends over its civilian nuclear program. This is while 9 countries in the world own more than 20,000 nuclear warheads and this leaves us with a basic question: who poses the real threat to international peace and security?

---------- Post added at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----------

Iran: Israel nuclear threat to Mideast - Israel News, Ynetnews


I strongly believe that Iran wants nuclear weapons and to destroy Israel. If Iran has no intention to develop nuclear weapons and its nuclear programme is a peaceful one, it should fully cooperate with the IAEA and abide UNSC resolutions. The international community suggested other options for Iran to develop nuclear energy without uranium enrichment. If Iran accept these proposals, I am ready to admit my mistake and believe that Iran is not interested in nuclear weapons.

If Iran is so concern about the NPT, it should stop to violate its commitments to the treaty. I personally believe that Iran talk about to importance of all countries to join the NPT only to disarm Israel. First, let see Iran pressuring its friends who are not NPT members, Pakistan and North Korea, to disarm from their nuclear capabilities, and then I would be convinced that the Iranian are truly interesting in a world without nuclear weapons.

Otherwise, the Iranian regime is just hypocrite and spreading lies, and some people want to be deceived. good luck with that.
Israel has no conflict with Iran. As long as Iran avoids developing nuclear weapons and assists proxies to attack Israel, it has nothing to be worried about Israeli retaliation, like other countries are not threatened by Israel.

AQ Khan's operation was not reported in the newspapers when it occurred, the Libyan and the Iranian knew about it because they worked with the network to develop clandestine nuclear programmes.

Again nuclear assistance from Pakistan to Iran will surface sooner or later, probably sooner. Both Pakistan and Iran are penetrated by foreign intelligence agencies and they will find out about it. I strongly suggest Pakistan to avoid any nuclear assistance to the most dangerous regime in our world - the Iranian regime. If Iran develops nukes with Pakistan's assistance, I assure you Pakistan would not stay dry.

Israel drew blood by developing nukes. It's only fair if the neighboring states of Israel do the same, Its doesn't matter what Israeli intentions are, all the neighboring states of Izraeel & Iran need to be vigilant & wary of Izraeel. Izrael is an aggressor state and doesn't respect others territorial sovereignty, all these states need to gear up to make Izraeel abide by the International norms & the best option to create such a leverage is only if they go NUCLEAR:flame:
Pakistan can provide substantial assistance to these states and it's a piece of cake, for all we know, Pakistani nuclear scientists might already be working on Iranian nukes. Secondly even the Americans are clueless about the locations of our nuclear stock piles............... get the drift?:smokin:
Israel drew blood by developing nukes. It's only fair if the neighboring states of Israel do the same, Its doesn't matter what Israeli intentions are, all the neighboring states of Izraeel & Iran need to be vigilant & wary of Izraeel. Izrael is an aggressor state and doesn't respect others territorial sovereignty, all these states need to gear up to make Izraeel abide by the International norms & the best option to create such a leverage is only if they go NUCLEAR:flame:
Pakistan can provide substantial assistance to these states and it's a piece of cake, for all we know, Pakistani nuclear scientists might already be working on Iranian nukes. Secondly even the Americans are clueless about the locations of our nuclear stock piles............... get the drift?:smokin:

According to media and academic reports, Israel has nuclear weapons since 1967! If it was a real aggressor it could have annihilate all ME countries several times in the last 40 years. This cannot be accepted as a rationale reason for Iran to develop nuclear weapons, while unlike Arab countries Israel does not even have any conflict with Iran - no disputed territories, no refugees, nothing! If you choose to be deceived by Iranian propaganda that is your problem.

It is like Armenia or Ethiopia or Cyprus would say they need nuclear weapons because they fear that Israel has nuclear weapons. It makes no sense.

Israel respects the territorial sovereignty of all its neighbours, except when their territory is being used for attacks against Israel. Sorry, Israel cannot accept attacks on its territory and let her civilians and soldiers to be killed just to satisfy someone from Islamabad who does not experience this reality.

Again, Your nuclear weapons programme is pretty much penetrated by foreign intelligence services, like Iran's nuclear programme. Hiding a stockpile is one thing (although I have reasons to believe that this is no secret either), transferring nuclear weapons to other countries is different thing - too many people are involved from both countries and it would be revealed. Drop this immoral and crazy idea if you do not want to inflict pain on your country.
According to media and academic reports, Israel has nuclear weapons since 1967! If it was a real aggressor it could have annihilate all ME countries several times in the last 40 years. This cannot be accepted as a rationale reason for Iran to develop nuclear weapons, while unlike Arab countries Israel does not even have any conflict with Iran - no disputed territories, no refugees, nothing! If you choose to be deceived by Iranian propaganda that is your problem.

It is like Armenia or Ethiopia or Cyprus would say they need nuclear weapons because they fear that Israel has nuclear weapons. It makes no sense.

Israel respects the territorial sovereignty of all its neighbours, except when their territory is being used for attacks against Israel. Sorry, Israel cannot accept attacks on its territory and let her civilians and soldiers to be killed just to satisfy someone from Islamabad who does not experience this reality.

Again, Your nuclear weapons programme is pretty much penetrated by foreign intelligence services, like Iran's nuclear programme. Hiding a stockpile is one thing (although I have reasons to believe that this is no secret either), transferring nuclear weapons to other countries is different thing - too many people are involved from both countries and it would be revealed. Drop this immoral and crazy idea if you do not want to inflict pain on your country.

Israel can have WMDs but it's neighbours can't, sell your hypocrisy somewhere else!

Israel can have WMDs but it's neighbours can't, sell your hypocrisy somewhere else!

Concentrate on the rights of the Lamas in Nepal, leave the important issues to others, it is beyond your intellectual capacity.

You support that every country in the world could have nukes, beside Israel. Isn't that hypocrisy, my dear anti-Semite?
Concentrate on the rights of the Lamas in Nepal, leave the important issues to others, it is beyond your intellectual capacity.

You support that every country in the world could have nukes, beside Israel. Isn't that hypocrisy, my dear anti-Semite?

Mr. shylock, I said if israel could have it so could its neighbours. Must you always twist what others say?

Mr. shylock, I said if israel could have it so could its neighbours. Must you always twist what others say?

So you do not care that Israel has nukes? Good for you! Please convince the other Anti-Semites.

So you want every country in the world to have nukes?
You are a Zionist waste of space. Sorry to say but you seem a bit dim as well. your posts are also aggresive and bully like. We would not be allowed on the idf webpage and do what this forum allows you to do.There is no point in arguing or rationally discussing anything with you. You pepper your posts and label people as racist calling them anti semites that do not agree with you.Yet the religion you follows is not egalitarian it does not welcome non jews and your rabbis teach that killing a non jew is the same as swatting a fly. Islam on the other hand welcomes anyone into its fold. In fact the more I think about it there is a strong case that hinduism and the jewish religion are racist,
According to media and academic reports, Israel has nuclear weapons since 1967! If it was a real aggressor it could have annihilate all ME countries several times in the last 40 years. This cannot be accepted as a rationale reason for Iran to develop nuclear weapons, while unlike Arab countries Israel does not even have any conflict with Iran - no disputed territories, no refugees, nothing! If you choose to be deceived by Iranian propaganda that is your problem.

It is like Armenia or Ethiopia or Cyprus would say they need nuclear weapons because they fear that Israel has nuclear weapons. It makes no sense.

Israel respects the territorial sovereignty of all its neighbours, except when their territory is being used for attacks against Israel. Sorry, Israel cannot accept attacks on its territory and let her civilians and soldiers to be killed just to satisfy someone from Islamabad who does not experience this reality.

Again, Your nuclear weapons programme is pretty much penetrated by foreign intelligence services, like Iran's nuclear programme. Hiding a stockpile is one thing (although I have reasons to believe that this is no secret either), transferring nuclear weapons to other countries is different thing - too many people are involved from both countries and it would be revealed. Drop this immoral and crazy idea if you do not want to inflict pain on your country.

So are you admitting that the world knew since ages that Israel had nukes, but continues to remain silent on this issue? It only exposes western hypocrisy, and all the more reason for these states to develop nukes to preserve their territorial integrity.
Did Israel ever violate airspace of Cyprus and Ethiopia? the answer is NO. So here goes you analogy right in the dustbin :tdown: .
Isarel and her territory? :lol: Biggest joke ever, we all know how territories become Israeli; By forceful evacuation of Palestinians. So lets not go there and stick to the topic at hand.
O waoo! our nuclear programme has not been penetrated by any means, you have no idea what you are blabbering about, so can you provide me the exact figures and locations of Pakistani nuclear stock pile?
Few months back some American descent terrorists were caught from the outskirts of sargodha, that was miles away from cantt area? and you are saying that they have been penetrated lol please keep your subjective judgments out of this arguement, we developed nukes in mid 80's but the world came to knew about them in late 90's, we smuggled nuclear technology from Canada, USA, Germany, Netherlands, so we can't send that to our neighboring country? :rolleyes: Think twice, you are living in a delusional world.
So you do not care that Israel has nukes? Good for you! Please convince the other Anti-Semites.

So you want every country in the world to have nukes?

Look at yourself here, any country who points a finger at izzraeel for illegally possessing nukes is antisemitic :disagree:. and the world says that we have extremists lol
So you do not care that Israel has nukes? Good for you! Please convince the other Anti-Semites.

So you want every country in the world to have nukes?

Shylock, calling people anti-semite won't stop them from calling israel what it is, a rogue state.
Look at yourself here, any country who points a finger at izzraeel for illegally possessing nukes is antisemitic :disagree:. and the world says that we have extremists lol

Not every country, of course, only this (secular)buster(ed).

You probably think that Israel should dismantle from WMD, but as long you can logically explain it with no prejudice against Israel, then your opinion should be respected (for example if you are in favour of dismantling all WMD of all countries). Someone who single out Israel and discriminate it and judge it with much more severe parameters than he would judge other countries is an anti-Semite.
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