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I oppose imran khan decision of giving citizenships to illegal aliens

listen mate, If this ever happened. It will have to be passed through many echelons of government. If people ever got nationality it will be a small number.

Now let me tell you something painful. You are supposedly hurt and have become nationalistic on this because you passionately hate imran.

I have seen afghans after 2001 coming to the UK on Pakistani passports! Many afghans gained Pakistani passports and came to the UK. How did they get those passports? Ill tell you someone helped them get those passports!!!

It wasn't imran I can tell you that much!! I would say diesel drum and achakzai played a role in that! selling Pakistani passports to afghans at a premium price. Thousands came to my town how many travelled across the world maybe you would know!

But most people were sleep then :lazy2:. If imran is talking about giving passports to afghans, I am pretty sure it will be done in a legal framework.

What is better? something done in a legal framework or selling Pakistani Passports illegally to afghans. who have taken Pakistani Passports and committed crimes I can tell you this in my town the afghans caused so much trouble that when it came to deport them it turned out they had Pakistani passports yes, but they were actually afghans thus at that time they couldn't be sent back to afghanistan.

What is your opinion on this?
The scums are giving pakistan a bad name on international level.
We have a 200 million population which is due to increase to 300 million by 2050. There are 1.5 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan, maybe the same number of Bengalis. We've deported a few hundred thousand? It's a drop in the ocean. As for the marriage option, that is an option that is available to anyone, even today. To prevent long term exodus as you seem to fear we can simply finish fencing our border and work towards stability in Afghanistan. This is Pakistan, not the EU we're talking about.

You don't understand. First the muhajir were the "threat". Then the Bengali was the "threat", then the Afghan refugee, who tomorrow? We need to stop playing ethnic politics and stop being fools for believing in ethnic politics.

I am a British born Pakistani. In Britain people accuse me of not being loyal to Britain. In Pakistan I am accused of not being loyal to Pakistan. Maybe i should just march into the ocean? What makes people think i am a double agent, instead of just another person who wants to live safely, have food in his stomache, money in his pocket, a roof over his head, and hear the laughter of his children? It is fear and a lack of trust which is the root of this.

The leadership class who fail people and hold them back, they install this fear and distrust in you of the other, to distract you and provide you with a target instead of them. I suggest instead of targeting the weak and poor, you have faith in Allah and expect our government to put the provisions in place to keep us safe from any for of criminal.

I suggest you travel to another country, one with a mixed society and instead of partying and looking at the building, watch the people instead. In each successful society in this world, a large number of immigrants successfully co-exist with the native population. Each person is galvonised by opportunity and the drive to succeed.

If the west has the same low mentality as you they would kick out the millions of Muslims in their country because every now and then 1 or 2 become terrorists. They don't because they are not ghatiya. They understand for every 1 who is a problem you have 100 who are a benefit to society.

The Pakistani state has a shared responsibility for all terrorism in Pakistan. They fail to control their borders, they fail to control the supply of illegal weapons, they fail to control the supply of bomb making materials, they fail to control even the supply of military uniforms and fake ID's. They fail to control the education system, they fail to effectively prosecute criminals, they fail to stop extremists getting into power. Right now we have at least 1 person in our parliament who was sentenced to prison for murder and for terrorism. The Pakistani state did a deal which saw this man free. There might be hundreds of similar examples in places of power.

None of these things are the fault of the Afghan children collecting kachra all day, or the Afghan selling dodgy pakoray in a cart. To blame a single ethnic group, religious group or a nationality for the extensive failures of the state is a strawman arguement.
Do no act like you know everything and you cannot be wrong.
I also lived in multicultural society and i exposed myself to several different cultures.An illegal alien is treated the same way everywhere regardless of how muliticultural a society is.Multicultural societies like UK,USA etc give citizenships to good loyal immigrants and at them same time kick out those who are like afghans living inside pakistan.Those who act like leeches ,harmful to society and contribute nothing.Pakistanis those who are doctors,lawyers and accountants etc are welcomed in USA and those who come illegally and commit crimes simply get deported. Afghanistan is not sending their best to pakistan,we live here so we know what type of people we are dealing with.A british born like you should not be commenting on this issue because you know nothing about this issue.Everywhere country has its failures and pakistan is no exception but that does not mean we should highlight our failure when it comes to deal with illegal aliens causing harm to our society.And if you got a british passport and rarely visit pakistan then i think you should not be commenting here as you have no stake inside pakistan.We are the ones suffering and we have a better knowledge of the problems we are facing.
Sometimes things are not like what you think. Let Talk practical, 2-3 millions New votes straight in PTI pocket after they get citizenship . :lol:
Actually PTI will lost most of its voters if this decision will be implemented.
Of course, go ahead. Btw do you know the level of corruption in your country?
Because you live in Islamabad, an alien city for normal Pakistanis.
Afghanis are still getting Pakistani ID cards on a wholesale rate in Balochistan. You can pay a fixed amount to your authorities and bring anything from border to any part of Pakistan.
So you are saying corruption is going to happen anyway ,the afghan scums will be getting citizenships anyway so surrender and legally give them citizenships.No need to control the corruption and kick out the afghans.Bravo just fucking bravo
Banglis may vote for PTI but Afghanis would support Manzur Pishteen.
Oh great so you think those who are going to support scums like manzoor pashteen should be made citizens of pakistan?
Give citizenships to pakistan haters so later they will pose as pakistani pashtuns who want independence from pakistan.What a great intellect you and @313ghazi got :lol:

look, we have same issue in my country here; no way a right for an illegal is to pave path to citizenship. it is obsurd.
Yes thats bloody non sense.They think those who are committing one crime after another for the past 30 years will become good citizens of the state.
Well, other options Zardari & Nawaz also have royally screwed the country and I simply don't want to see mullah brigade anywhere near corridors of powers. So, he was better option among all.
yes agree he is still a better option overall much better thats why i voted for him but i do not support this decision
I support and welcome PM Imran Khan decision which is a bitter pill to swallow for me also but very brave decision.
Bangalee and Burmese Pakistanis have suffered long enough and they should be brought into the mainstream.
They can't be sent back to the killing fields of Burma. The ones opposing also can't sent them back so its best they are allowed to integrate into the society.
Afghans first should be completely repatriated and then a naturalization process for Afghans should be started.
The opposition is merely concerned about their vote bank and its morally corrupt. PPP has done nothing but destroy and fill-in ghost employees, they can cry but they can't do more than that if Centre goes along with it.
We have a 200 million population which is due to increase to 300 million by 2050. There are 1.5 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan, maybe the same number of Bengalis.
The number of Afghans in Pakistan is about 5 million+,that 1.5 figure is of registered refugees.
Number Bengalis is very low as compared to Afghans.
The scums are giving pakistan a bad name on international level.

Do no act like you know everything and you cannot be wrong.
I also lived in multicultural society and i exposed myself to several different cultures.An illegal alien is treated the same way everywhere regardless of how muliticultural a society is.Multicultural societies like UK,USA etc give citizenships to good loyal immigrants and at them same time kick out those who are like afghans living inside pakistan.Those who act like leeches ,harmful to society and contribute nothing.Pakistanis those who are doctors,lawyers and accountants etc are welcomed in USA and those who come illegally and commit crimes simply get deported. Afghanistan is not sending their best to pakistan,we live here so we know what type of people we are dealing with.A british born like you should not be commenting on this issue because you know nothing about this issue.Everywhere country has its failures and pakistan is no exception but that does not mean we should highlight our failure when it comes to deal with illegal aliens causing harm to our society.And if you got a british passport and rarely visit pakistan then i think you should not be commenting here as you have no stake inside pakistan.We are the ones suffering and we have a better knowledge of the problems we are facing.

Actually PTI will lost most of its voters if this decision will be implemented.

So you are saying corruption is going to happen anyway ,the afghan scums will be getting citizenships anyway so surrender and legally give them citizenships.No need to control the corruption and kick out the afghans.Bravo just fucking bravo

Oh great so you think those who are going to support scums like manzoor pashteen should be made citizens of pakistan?
Give citizenships to pakistan haters so later they will pose as pakistani pashtuns who want independence from pakistan.What a great intellect you and @313ghazi got :lol:

Yes thats bloody non sense.They think those who are committing one crime after another for the past 30 years will become good citizens of the state.

Many EU countries have in the past had amnesties for illegal immigrants and assimilated them into society by providing them citizenship. There are political parties in the UK who have advocated for this too.

Illegal immigrants, or otherwise undocumented migrants are abused by the criminal element and the shadow economy. In western countries none of these people are entitled to any benefits, they all work and none of them pay taxes. Once you legalise them they all are forced to pay taxes, but in return they can earn higher wages, instead of being exploited.

Your entire argument is bigoted and racists. You casually accuse all Afghans of hatred towards Pakistan and of commiting acts of terrorism and criminality. It is the same as saying all Pakistani's are corrupt and thieves. Our parliament is full of them, we vote for them, so surely we must also all be corrupt thieves? Just as that is nonsense, the absurd generalisations you make about Afghans are nonsense.

In AJK half of the bazaar in some towns is run by Afghan immigrants. When we need cheap labour we hire Afghan immigrants. Since the AJK government pushed out all the illegals, many shops were empty and the cost of Labour went through the roof.

Of course there will be a proptionately higher number of illegals involved in criminal activity. Due to their immigration status they cannot get proper jobs or qualifications. Under such circumstances crime will be an option for people, but this is not something they do exclusively because they are Afghan, but rather due to economic conditions.

Wise decisions like the one to normalise fringe communities, will help reduce crime, increase assimilation of these people into society and have an overall positive impact.

I am not some ABCD babu who was born yesterday. I have taken a daily interest in Pakistani politics and society for the best part of 20 years. I visit Pakistan regularly, I have family in Pakistan and I have aspirations to migrate to Pakistan. I was discussing Pakistan on many forums and boards from the days of dial up internet!
Guys as far as the burden on economy is concerned, I think it won't affect negatively since they are already in the country and participating in the economic activity. Since Pakistan is not a welfare state so definitely they are earning their living themselves...govt is not paying them anything from our taxes.

However, there are other aspects which need to be taken into account and thus a think thank or a committee should be formed which thinks through all the pros and cons and submit it report within 90 days. There are a few suggestion which I can't discuss here. However, overall I'm in favour of granting the citizenship to the people born in Pakistan.
Now i seriously begin to question his ethnic ideology.Imran khan is pashtun from his mother side and may be he has a soft corner for all pashtuns including the ones living inside Afghanistan. Silly decision............

In your wet dreams gupta :)
Punjabis have Punjab
Sindhis has Sindh
Baloch have Balochistan
Kashmiris have kashmir
What is KPK?
Pashtuns should get pashtunistan

Yes, soon successors of Ahmad Shah Abdali and Mehmood Ghaznavi will be marauding your Gangadesh.
I'm not a big history buff but seems like these are some Mughal invaders. Cavemen with ak-47 are a real big threat
A demographic time bomb will destroy Pakistan if terrorism has failed.....
we have KPK which is a province of Pakistan
i think before spreading verbal diarrhoea you really need to work on your GK and geography
Pashtuns don't want to share land with Tajiks Hazaras and Mongols. Need own exclusive territory
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