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I oppose imran khan decision of giving citizenships to illegal aliens

You do realise, these people are already here, have been for decades and aren't being provided for out of a special fund, they're working and earning. The thing is today they're working as labourers or staff in shops etc, with ID their kids could get a proper education, perhaps then work better jobs, or own their businesses legally.

We did this whole deporting en-mass thing in AJK, it's not suddenly eutopia. We deported people who were born and raised locally, spoke mirpuri more fluently than pushto and had never even seen their "homeland".
Repatriation is not a nice thing.
But it is in the benefit of Pakistan.
Pakistan does not owe the refugees anything but repatriation.
Pakistan made a MISTAKE by letting refugees basically go about as citizens. Pakistan should look toward Iran in this matter.

Why do you think that someone speaking a language or being born in land suddenly will love that nation the live on that land?

If I was born in Japan, would I be Japanese. If spoke Japanese like them would I be Japanese....

It is not about land really but blood and more importantly دل!
How many Afghan refugees born in Pakistan would fight and die for Pakistan against Afghanistan?
Have you met the Afghans in the UK? The venom they hold against Pakistan?

Oh by the way I am not blaming Afghan refugees for staying in Pakistan..I understand they want a better life ...but that does not mean Pakistan hurt her own interests...

I am more hurt at Imran Khan and those Pakistani who agree with them...
the damage this could do is equal to what Nawaz and Zardari did....
Repatriation is not a nice thing.
But it is in the benefit of Pakistan.
Pakistan does not owe the refugees anything but repatriation.
Pakistan made a MISTAKE by letting refugees basically go about as citizens. Pakistan should look toward Iran in this matter.

Why do you think that someone speaking a language or being born in land suddenly will love that nation the live on that land?

If I was born in Japan, would I be Japanese. If spoke Japanese like them would I be Japanese....

It is not about land really but blood and more importantly دل!
How many Afghan refugees born in Pakistan would fight and die for Pakistan against Afghanistan?
Have you met the Afghans in the UK? The venom they hold against Pakistan?

Oh by the way I am not blaming Afghan refugees for staying in Pakistan..I understand they want a better life ...but that does not mean Pakistan hurt her own interests...

I am more hurt at Imran Khan and those Pakistani who agree with them...
the damage this could do is equal to what Nawaz and Zardari did....

thats nonsense. You live in the UK. At some point Britain might decide they don't want people like us to be British anymore. Should they have the right to just deport us? Afterall our passports are just bits of paper. We're not ethnically from this part of the world.
Yes. You are correct. If they pass a law then we would have to suck it up. We will not like it...but if this is in their interests then so be it....

I would like to add that we are not refugees and neither were our parents....also if I were an (ethnic) leader of Britain, then I would be severely limiting immigration and being very selective...and should citizens of exotic extraction commit crimes, repatriation would be a punishment.....

thats nonsense. You live in the UK. At some point Britain might decide they don't want people like us to be British anymore. Should they have the right to just deport us? Afterall our passports are just bits of paper. We're not ethnically from this part of the world.
Also it is not just ethnically...afterall Pakistan is the largest Afghan(Pukhtoon) nation in the world.
It is more about can Pakistan afford this....she cannot afford refugees...but mainly about DIL. Why accept people from a nation that does not accept your right to exist.?????
As far as I know the UK and Pakistan accept each other.
@TMA I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I just think there are far too many generalisations in this thread and others like it, a lot of it is bigotry (not aimed at you), and I don't want to make my decisions on that.
^^^ See outright racism. Millions of Afghans have no hostility to Pakistan, yet because a few do, you people want to use it as an excuse to discriminate against poor weak people.
@TMA I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I just think there are far too many generalisations in this thread and others like it, a lot of it is bigotry (not aimed at you), and I don't want to make my decisions on that.
Yeah we can agree to disagree but ask yourself how this will be of tangible help to Pakistan?
They own businesses...so what? They go to school and get education...so what...
Why does accepting people from a nation that does not accept your right to exist help Pakistan?...it is not like they fled Afghanistan because they disagree with their State and in love for Pakistan came to Pakistan...is it??

The biggest bigotry is the fact that Afghanistan does not accept Pakistan right to exist....why do you forget this??

One could say Pakistan needs to have strict vetting...oh but is this feasible for Pakistan....it would be easier for Pakistan to repatriate the refugees and from their country of origin they could apply and then give military service to Pakistan for a number of years or something like this....to prove their loyalty. Just willy nilly giving them citizenship because of their presence does not prove loyalty.

As they say money cannot buy love.....passports cannot but loyalty ....
I posted this in the other thread. Here it is again:

This is a wise and brave decision that will have mid- to long-term benefits for Pakistan. People who are opposing this move fail to realize that these "undocumented" immigrants are a greater burden on the system and the country as they are now.

Regularizing their citizenship status will give the government a more complete picture when planning and providing services. As it stands, these people are an "unknown entity". Imagine planning transportation, water supply, electricity and housing with little to no knowledge of several hundred thousand (possibly millions) residents.

Lets face it, it is impossible to deport these people. Many of them have completely assimilated. And even if the government were to try and round them all up, put them in internment camps and deport them, it will be an expensive operation, will cause upheaval within the country, and will have significant negative repercussions at an international level.

So by regularizing their status, we are solving our own problems, and in the process earning their goodwill, and gaining the moral high ground.
For everyone one of those flag burners there are also hundreds of these...


^^^ See outright racism. Millions of Afghans have no hostility to Pakistan, yet because a few do, you people want to use it as an excuse to discriminate against poor weak people.
Millions of Afghans despise the existence of Pakistan.
Millions do not. But they hold no love either.
The State of Afghanistan despises Pakistan pretty much since 1947 except for a few short years.
Pakistan does not have the means to discriminate between those Afghans who LOVE Pakistan and would be willing to fight for Pakistan against Afghanistan if needs be, from those Afghans who despise Pakistan...

Refugees being repatriated is not discrimination....this is what is meant to happen with refugees,...do you not get that....

If a refugee wants to acquire Pakistani citizenship, him merely not holding negative views and being born on Pakistan ought not be the criteria....he must PROVE his LOVE....
I posted this in the other thread. Here it is again:

This is a wise and brave decision that will have mid- to long-term benefits for Pakistan. People who are opposing this move fail to realize that these "undocumented" immigrants are a greater burden on the system and the country as they are now.

Regularizing their citizenship status will give the government a more complete picture when planning and providing services. As it stands, these people are an "unknown entity". Imagine planning transportation, water supply, electricity and housing with little to no knowledge of several hundred thousand (possibly millions) residents.

Lets face it, it is impossible to deport these people. Many of them have completely assimilated. And even if the government were to try and round them all up, put them in internment camps and deport them, it will be an expensive operation, will cause upheaval within the country, and will have significant negative repercussions at an international level.

So by regularizing their status, we are solving our own problems, and in the process earning their goodwill, and gaining the moral high ground.
One can never earn their good will as a nation (individuals maybe)...I am willing to accept an Afghan refugee if he fights for Pakistan...that I can accept...

Creating Pakistan was impossible....fencing the border with Afghanistan is impossible..

Dont insult Khomeini by Comparing him with a comodity like Imran.

Honest advice.
Sheikh Imran Hosein greatly respects Imam Khomeini...if you listen to his lectures....
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